
Today, I saw a beautiful girl on the bus. Struck up a good conversation, walked with her all the way to my office. Forgot to ask her name and number. This is the second time I've done this. FML

一不小心就会错过一打妹子,   。今儿在公交车上遇到一妹子,好感顿生,于是搭讪,妹子也对我蛮有好感,两个人从公交站一直聊到我们办公楼,一进电梯反应过来,没要电话呢我去,活该单身狗。FML

Today, I went shopping for an important job interview. I went to several stores, but only managed to find slacks that are a size too big, a blazer that's a size too small, and a shirt that adds nothing but blandness to the ensemble. FML


Today, I had to take out the grease traps from our fryers. A very rude co-worker cut me off, so I had to abruptly stop and try to prevent as much spilling as possible. Luckily, it only spilled on me. I'm here for six more hours with burned, smelly, greasy spots all over my skin and clothes. FML


Today, a customer left their shopping cart behind their car and backed into it. She then came inside and threatened to sue me personally for not sending someone to collect it from where she left it. After 5 minutes of her yelling, I finally got a word in edgeways: I don't work there. FML


Today, my now-ex dumped me at a house party, which I then couldn't leave, as all my things were at his house, where I was meant to be staying. FML


Today, I was told by my boss that I can't telecommute because I needed to, "maintain my presence for my team." I'm in the office, but my team is all offline. FML

整个公司现在都在远程办公,除了我,早上我们老板通知我们今天开会,而且我们团队必须得有人在会议室,结果他们都不来,丫的老子自己在会议室撑场面   。FML

Today, I found out from a co worker that my fiance's grandparents hope we don't get married. We announced our engagement 3 months ago. Now, none of his family wants to be there. FML

谁能有我糗,三个月前跟我男朋友宣布订婚,结果到现在都没有听到过我男朋友他们家的表示,本来以为没啥的,结果今天我一个同时跟我讲,我男朋友的爷爷奶奶不希望我跟他结婚,所以连带的他爸妈也从来都不待见我。   FML

