help svmtrain
svmtrain Train a support vector machine classifier
SVMSTRUCT = svmtrain(TRAINING, Y) trains a support vector machine (SVM)
classifier on data taken from two groups. TRAINING is a numeric matrix
of predictor data. Rows of TRAINING correspond to observations; columns
correspond to features. Y is a column vector that contains the known
class labels for TRAINING. Y is a grouping variable, i.e., it can be a
categorical, numeric, or logical vector; a cell vector of strings; or a
character matrix with each row representing a class label (see help for
groupingvariable). Each element of Y specifies the group the
corresponding row of TRAINING belongs to. TRAINING and Y must have the
same number of rows. SVMSTRUCT contains information about the trained
classifier, including the support vectors, that is used by SVMCLASSIFY
for classification. svmtrain treats NaNs, empty strings or 'undefined'
values as missing values and ignores the corresponding rows in
SVMSTRUCT = svmtrain(TRAINING, Y, 'PARAM1',val1, 'PARAM2',val2, ...)
specifies one or more of the following name/value pairs:
Name Value
'kernel_function' A string or a function handle specifying the
kernel function used to represent the dot
product in a new space. The value can be one of
the following:
'linear' - Linear kernel or dot product
(default). In this case, svmtrain
finds the optimal separating plane
in the original space.
'quadratic' - Quadratic kernel
'polynomial' - Polynomial kernel with default
order 3. To specify another order,
use the 'polyorder' argument.
'rbf' - Gaussian Radial Basis Function
with default scaling factor 1. To
specify another scaling factor,
use the 'rbf_sigma' argument.
'mlp' - Multilayer Perceptron kernel (MLP)
with default weight 1 and default
bias -1. To specify another weight
or bias, use the 'mlp_params'
function - A kernel function specified using
@(for example @KFUN), or an
anonymous function. A kernel
function must be of the form
function K = KFUN(U, V)
The returned value, K, is a matrix
of size M-by-N, where M and N are
the number of rows in U and V
'rbf_sigma' A positive number specifying the scaling factor
in the Gaussian radial basis function kernel.
Default is 1.
'polyorder' A positive integer specifying the order of the
polynomial kernel. Default is 3.
'mlp_params' A vector [P1 P2] specifying the parameters of MLP
kernel. The MLP kernel takes the form:
K = tanh(P1*U*V' + P2),
where P1 > 0 and P2 < 0. Default is [1,-1].
'method' A string specifying the method used to find the
separating hyperplane. Choices are:
'SMO' - Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO)
method (default). It implements the L1
soft-margin SVM classifier.
'QP' - Quadratic programming (requires an
Optimization Toolbox license). It
implements the L2 soft-margin SVM
classifier. Method 'QP' doesn't scale
well for TRAINING with large number of
'LS' - Least-squares method. It implements the
L2 soft-margin SVM classifier.
'options' Options structure created using either STATSET or
* When you set 'method' to 'SMO' (default),
create the options structure using STATSET.
Applicable options:
'Display' Level of display output. Choices
are 'off' (the default), 'iter', and
'final'. Value 'iter' reports every
500 iterations.
'MaxIter' A positive integer specifying the
maximum number of iterations allowed.
Default is 15000 for method 'SMO'.
* When you set method to 'QP', create the
options structure using OPTIMSET. For details
of applicable options choices, see QUADPROG
options. SVM uses a convex quadratic program,
so you can choose the 'interior-point-convex'
algorithm in QUADPROG.
'tolkkt' A positive scalar that specifies the tolerance
with which the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions
are checked for method 'SMO'. Default is
'kktviolationlevel' A scalar specifying the fraction of observations
that are allowed to violate the KKT conditions for
method 'SMO'. Setting this value to be positive
helps the algorithm to converge faster if it is
fluctuating near a good solution. Default is 0.
'kernelcachelimit' A positive scalar S specifying the size of the
kernel matrix cache for method 'SMO'. The
algorithm keeps a matrix with up to S * S
double-precision numbers in memory. Default is
5000. When the number of points in TRAINING
exceeds S, the SMO method slows down. It's
recommended to set S as large as your system
'boxconstraint' The box constraint C for the soft margin. C can be
a positive numeric scalar or a vector of positive
numbers with the number of elements equal to the
number of rows in TRAINING.
Default is 1.
* If C is a scalar, it is automatically rescaled
by N/(2*N1) for the observations of group one,
and by N/(2*N2) for the observations of group
two, where N1 is the number of observations in
group one, N2 is the number of observations in
group two. The rescaling is done to take into
account unbalanced groups, i.e., when N1 and N2
are different.
* If C is a vector, then each element of C
specifies the box constraint for the
corresponding observation.
'autoscale' A logical value specifying whether or not to
shift and scale the data points before training.
When the value is true, the columns of TRAINING
are shifted and scaled to have zero mean unit
variance. Default is true.
'showplot' A logical value specifying whether or not to show
a plot. When the value is true, svmtrain creates a
plot of the grouped data and the separating line
for the classifier, when using data with 2
features (columns). Default is false.
SVMSTRUCT is a structure having the following properties:
SupportVectors Matrix of data points with each row corresponding
to a support vector.
Note: when 'autoscale' is false, this field
contains original support vectors in TRAINING.
When 'autoscale' is true, this field contains
shifted and scaled vectors from TRAINING.
Alpha Vector of Lagrange multipliers for the support
vectors. The sign is positive for support vectors
belonging to the first group and negative for
support vectors belonging to the second group.
Bias Intercept of the hyperplane that separates
the two groups.
Note: when 'autoscale' is false, this field
corresponds to the original data points in
TRAINING. When 'autoscale' is true, this field
corresponds to shifted and scaled data points.
KernelFunction The function handle of kernel function used.
KernelFunctionArgs Cell array containing the additional arguments
for the kernel function.
GroupNames A column vector that contains the known
class labels for TRAINING. Y is a grouping
variable (see help for groupingvariable).
SupportVectorIndices A column vector indicating the indices of support
ScaleData This field contains information about auto-scale.
When 'autoscale' is false, it is empty. When
'autoscale' is set to true, it is a structure
containing two fields:
shift - A row vector containing the negative
of the mean across all observations
scaleFactor - A row vector whose value is
FigureHandles A vector of figure handles created by svmtrain
when 'showplot' argument is TRUE.
% Load the data and select features for classification
load fisheriris
X = [meas(:,1), meas(:,2)];
% Extract the Setosa class
Y = nominal(ismember(species,'setosa'));
% Randomly partitions observations into a training set and a test
% set using stratified holdout
P = cvpartition(Y,'Holdout',0.20);
% Use a linear support vector machine classifier
svmStruct = svmtrain(X(,:),Y(,'showplot',true);
C = svmclassify(svmStruct,X(P.test,:),'showplot',true);
errRate = sum(Y(P.test)~= C)/P.TestSize %mis-classification rate
conMat = confusionmat(Y(P.test),C) % the confusion matrix
See also svmclassify, NaiveBayes, classregtree, classify, TreeBagger,
Reference page in Help browser
doc svmtrain
文档最佳观看效果:在MatLab中使用doc svmtrain命令
Find a line separating the Fisher iris data on versicolor and
virginica species, according to the petal length and petal width measurements.
These two species are in rows 51 and higher of the data set, and the
petal length and width are the third and fourth columns.
load fisheriris
xdata = meas(51:end,3:4);
group = species(51:end);
svmStruct = svmtrain(xdata,group,'showplot',true);