

代码小而全的一个实现: http://blog.csdn.net/dx2880/article/details/7315761

创建共享内存  和 使用共享内存中的数据  两部分分离成为了两个程序,更符合一般的使用场景(但其实类定义应该引用一个文件):

注意:经测试,在创建共享内存的程序中修改Item类定义,比如在最后新加一个int tmp; 变量,  使用共享内存的程序在不该把Item类定义的情况下仍然可以正常运行(但是估计只适用于map,vector作为容器时不行)

  • 第一次运行创建共享内存的程序,可以正常创建;
  • 第二次运行创建共享内存的程序,因为已经存在该名字的共享内存,所以抛出异常
  • 第一次运行使用共享内存的程序,可以正常使用,并删除该共享内存
  • 第一次运行使用共享内存的程序,因为已经删除了该共享内存,所以抛出异常



#注意, -lrt必须放到最后!!! 因为managed_shared_mem_use_map.cpp 要用到该库,,这个书写顺序会改变链接顺序!!! 
#参见 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43052020/undefined-reference-to-shm-open-even-while-compiling-with-pthread-lrt
#It makes a difference where in the command you write this option; the linker searches and processes libraries and object files in the order they are specified. Thus, ‘foo.o -lz bar.o’ searches library ‘z’ after file foo.o but before bar.o. If bar.o refers to functions in ‘z’, those functions may not be loaded.
g++ -std=c++0x -L/lib   -I $boost_path managed_shared_mem_use_map.cpp -o exe_managed_shared_mem_use_map -pthread -lrt

g++ -std=c++0x -L/lib   -I $boost_path managed_shared_mem_use_map__read_existing.cpp -o exe_managed_shared_mem_use_map__read_existing -pthread -lrt

创建共享内存  managed_shared_mem_use_map.cpp:
/**  在共享内存中使用 boost 的map,  ---创建共享内存
 原始代码有个致命的错误——存储的Value中用来std::string!! 会导致segment fault
 * 代码来自: http://blog.csdn.net/nellson/article/details/50681103
 * 官方文档: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_65_1/doc/html/interprocess.html
 更复杂的例子,比如 map中嵌套vector, 以及 boost::unordered_map 的使用 等
 请参见 http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_65_1/doc/html/interprocess/allocators_containers.html#interprocess.allocators_containers.containers_explained.containers_of_containers

 * 需要添加的库:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7985236/c-boost-libraries-shared-memory-object-undefined-reference-to-shm-open
 * 		链接时需要添加 rt 库,方法为  g++ -L /lib -lrt



using namespace boost::interprocess;
//Typedefs of allocators and containers
typedef managed_shared_memory::segment_manager segment_manager_t;
typedef allocator void_allocator;
typedef allocator int_allocator;
typedef vector int_vector;
typedef allocator int_vector_allocator;
typedef vector int_vector_vector;
typedef allocator char_allocator;
typedef basic_string, char_allocator> char_string;

using std::string;

class Item {
	Item(const void_allocator& alloc, const char* name = "", int id = 0, int size = 0) :
			id(id), size(size), name(name, alloc) {
	~Item() {

	int id;
	int size;
	char_string name; //注意所有需要动态分配内存的变量,都只能用boost 的allocator进行内存分配

typedef char_string KeyType;
typedef Item MappedType;
typedef std::pair ValueType;

typedef allocator ShmemAllocator;

typedef map, ShmemAllocator> MyMap;

int main() {
	try {
		// init
		managed_shared_memory segment(create_only, "SharedMemory", 65536); //注意这里必须指定共享内存的大小

		const void_allocator alloc_inst(segment.get_segment_manager());

		MyMap * mymap = segment.construct < MyMap > ("MyMap")(std::less(), alloc_inst);
		MyMap * mymap2 = segment.construct < MyMap > ("MyMap2")(std::less(), alloc_inst); //可以构建两个,但名称不能一样,否则会产生异常boost::interprocess_exception::library_error

		KeyType key(alloc_inst);
		Item v(alloc_inst);
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
			key = (std::string("n") + std::to_string(i)).c_str();
			v.id = i * 10;
			v.size = -i;
			v.name = (std::string("n") + std::to_string(i)).c_str();

			mymap->insert(ValueType(key, v));

		MyMap* mymap_for_use = segment.find < MyMap > ("MyMap").first;
		long int r = segment.find < MyMap > ("MyMap").second;
		printf("result of find map in shared-memory: %ld\n", r);

		printf("key-values in shared memory: \n");
		for (MyMap::iterator it = mymap_for_use->begin(); it != mymap_for_use->end(); it++) {
			const auto& item = it->second;
			printf("\tkey: %s, item.id: %d, item.size: %d, item.name: %s\n", it->first.c_str(), item.id, item.size,

	} catch (const std::exception & e) {
		printf("Exception:%s\n", e.what());

	return 0;


使用共享内存 managed_shared_mem_use_map__read_existing.cpp:
/**  在共享内存中使用 boost 的map,  ----使用已经存在的共享内存
 原始代码有个致命的错误——存储的Value中用来std::string!! 会导致segment fault
 * 代码来自: http://blog.csdn.net/nellson/article/details/50681103
 * 官方文档: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_65_1/doc/html/interprocess.html
 中的“Containers of containers”一节

 * 需要添加的库:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7985236/c-boost-libraries-shared-memory-object-undefined-reference-to-shm-open
 * 		链接时需要添加 rt 库,方法为  g++ -L /lib -lrt


using namespace boost::interprocess;
//Typedefs of allocators and containers
typedef managed_shared_memory::segment_manager segment_manager_t;
typedef allocator void_allocator;
typedef allocator int_allocator;
typedef vector int_vector;
typedef allocator int_vector_allocator;
typedef vector int_vector_vector;
typedef allocator char_allocator;
typedef basic_string, char_allocator> char_string;

using std::string;

class Item {
	Item(const void_allocator& alloc, const char* name = "", int id = 0, int size = 0) :
			id(id), size(size), name(name, alloc) {
	~Item() {

	int id;
	int size;
	char_string name; //注意所有需要动态分配内存的变量,都只能用boost 的allocator进行内存分配

typedef char_string KeyType;
typedef Item MappedType;
typedef std::pair ValueType;

typedef allocator ShmemAllocator;

typedef map, ShmemAllocator> MyMap;

int main() {
	try {
		// init
		managed_shared_memory segment(open_only, "SharedMemory");

		MyMap* mymap_for_use = segment.find < MyMap > ("MyMap").first;
		long int r = segment.find < MyMap > ("MyMap").second;
		printf("result of find map in shared-memory: %ld\n", r);

		printf("key-values in shared memory: \n");
		for (MyMap::iterator it = mymap_for_use->begin(); it != mymap_for_use->end(); it++) {
			const auto& item = it->second;
			printf("\tkey: %s, item.id: %d, item.size: %d, item.name: %s\n", it->first.c_str(), item.id, item.size,

	} catch (const std::exception & e) {
		printf("Exception:%s\n", e.what());

	return 0;


  • c++中使用boost库在共享内存中存储map_第2张图片
  • 大小: 91 KB
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