41个 谷歌 最难的面试题中英 开放性脑洞题目 2/2

翻译: Cvanzy

来源: Glassdoor

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22. Tell me what you think about Google charging users $1 per month to use Gmail.

-- BOLD candidate, October 2015

22. 告诉我你的想法 如果Google像用户征收每月一刀的费用


23. How many haircuts do you think happen in America every year?

--Business associate, May 2014

23. 你认为美国每年总共剪头发多少次?


PS: 这一句有点拗口 哈哈


24. List six things that make you nervous.

--Android support level III, July 2014

24. 列举6件使你紧张的事情


25. Tell me something about you that isn't on your résumé.

--Associate account strategist, March 2014



26. What is the market for driverless cars in the year 2020?

--Product manager, November 2015

26. 谈谈你觉得的 2020年的无人驾驶市场


27. Model raindrops falling on a sidewalk (sidewalk is 1m and raindrops are 1cm). How could we know when the sidewalk is completely wet?

--Software engineer, January 2016

27. 模拟一个 雨滴落在人行道上的场景 (雨滴1厘米 人行道一米)



28. How would I explain the importance of HTML 5 to Larry Page and then to my grandma?

--Creative specialist, January 2016

28. 你将如何 向 Larry Page和你的奶奶 解释HTML 5的重要性?

PS: Larry Page 谷歌联合创始人 现在为Alphabet公司董事长


29. Tell me a joke.

--Executive assistant, March 2014

29. 讲一个笑话

PS: 服了


30. Do you prefer earning or learning?

--Software engineer, January 2016

30. 你更愿意挣钱 还是 学习?


31. If I gave you $10 million right now, what would you do?

--Associate account strategist, May 2014

31.  如果我给你1000万, 你要做什么?


32. Define a service that would allow you to travel to the future.

--Interaction designer, December 2015

32. 定义一项允许你前往未来的服务

PS: 定义在这里 更倾向于 讲述


33. Would you remove the link to an extremist piece of writing?

--Legal assistant, December 2015

33. 你会删除一个极端主义文章的链接吗?

PS: (不法之徒, 恐怖分子, 政治倾向极端)


34. How could you solve humankind's biggest crisis given $1 billion and a spacecraft?--Database administrator, December 2015

34. 给你10亿和一艘航天飞船, 你该如何解决人类最大的危机?

PS: 要自我扩展并定义什么是 人类最大的危机

35. You have a colony on Mars that you want to communicate with. How do you build a system to communicate with them?

--Associate product manager, November 2014

35. 你有一个克隆在火星上并且你想与他交流, 因此你该建造一个什么样的系统去与他们沟通?


36. How many cars travel across a bridge each day?

--Advertising interview, September 2014

36. 有多少车子穿过一座大桥每天?


37. If you had access to a bank's database, how would you use that information to design an ATM for elderly people?

--Associate product manager, February 2015

37. 你现在有权利进入银行数据库, 你将如何运用他们为老年人创造一个ATM?


38. How would you improve a shoe factory?

--Field operations specialist, November 2014



39. Design a mobile social app for a chain of local orthodontist offices.

--Product manager, November 2015

39.  为当地的一批牙医诊所 设计一个 手机社交软件

PS: 这些牙医诊所应该是合作关系的


40. What is the number of new book titles published in the U.S. each year?

--Product manager, November 2015



41. How would you solve homelessness in downtown San Francisco?

--Product manager, November 2015

41. 你该如何解决在旧金山市中心无家可归之人?


翻译: Cvanzy

来源: Glassdoor

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