上篇博文介绍了Android Studio的基础入门配置
而要了解学习一个新的IDE,更需要了解其对项目的管理以及对项目的构建配置等,本博文就基于此目的做一个简要介绍。PS. Android Studio偶尔简称AS
Android Studio则有对应的层级:Project以及其包含的Module;这里Project管理所有Module一些通用的构建配置,而一个module则对应于具体的Application/library。
androidTest/ & test/
res/ & assets/
build.gradle (module)
app.iml (module)
本地构建环境的配置文件,指定了如SDK/NDK的路径等,由AS IDE自动生成。
the gradle.settings file, located in the root project directory, tells Gradle which modules it should include when building your app.
该文件用于指定Project工程下的哪些module需要最终加入构建编译,多module project可能需要使用该文件配置需要最终构建打包生成应用的module。
位于Project根目录下的build.gradle构建文件为顶层构建文件,定义了应用于所有需要构建的module的构建配置。通常情况该文件使用 buildscript {}
* The buildscript {} block 是Gradle用于配置自身的仓库和依赖的地方,你不应该将应用的
* 依赖配置写在此处。
buildscript {
* The repositories {} block 配置Gradle用于搜索和下载依赖的仓库;
* Gradle预制的配置支持JCenter, Maven Central, and Ivy等远程仓库,默认定义JCenter
* 作为Gradle搜索下载依赖的仓库。
repositories {
*The dependencies {} block configures the dependencies Gradle needs to use
* to build your project. The following line adds Android Plugin for Gradle
* version 2.0.0 as a classpath dependency.
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.0.0'
* The allprojects {} block 是用于给所有的module配置仓库和依赖
* Dependencies that are not required by all the modules in the
* project should be configured in module-level build.gradle files. For new
* projects, Android Studio configures JCenter as the default repository, but it
* does not configure any dependencies.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url 'http://mvnrepo.xxx.com/mvn/repository'
* 告诉Gradle使用Android plugin进行构建,并且使得android {}能应用于android的具体构建选项。
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
* The android {} block is where you configure all your Android-specific
* build options.
android {
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion "23.0.3"
* The defaultConfig {} block encapsulates default settings and entries for all
* build variants, and can override some attributes in main/AndroidManifest.xml
* dynamically from the build system. You can configure product flavors to override
* these values for different versions of your app.
defaultConfig {
* applicationId uniquely identifies the package for publishing.
* However, your source code should still reference the package name
* defined by the package attribute in the main/AndroidManifest.xml file.
applicationId 'com.example.myapp'
// Defines the minimum API level required to run the app.
minSdkVersion 14
// Specifies the API level used to test the app.
targetSdkVersion 23
// Defines the version number of your app.
versionCode 1
// Defines a user-friendly version name for your app.
versionName "1.0"
* The buildTypes {} block is where you can configure multiple build types.
* By default, the build system defines two build types: debug and release. The
* debug build type is not explicitly shown in the default build configuration,
* but it includes debugging tools and is signed with the debug key. The release
* build type applies Proguard settings and is not signed by default.
buildTypes {
* By default, Android Studio configures the release build type to enable code
* shrinking, using minifyEnabled, and specifies the Proguard settings file.
release {
minifyEnabled true // Enables code shrinking for the release build type.
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
* The productFlavors {} block is where you can configure multiple product
* flavors. This allows you to create different versions of your app that can
* override defaultConfig {} with their own settings. Product flavors are
* optional, and the build system does not create them by default. This example
* creates a free and paid product flavor. Each product flavor then specifies
* its own application ID, so that they can exist on the Google Play Store, or
* an Android device, simultaneously.
productFlavors {
free {
applicationId 'com.example.myapp.free'
paid {
applicationId 'com.example.myapp.paid'
* The dependencies {} block in the module-level build configuration file
* only specifies dependencies required to build the module itself.
dependencies {
compile project(":lib")
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.0.1'
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])