android 控制震动强度


android 控制手机震动的类为Vibrator 他所提供的方法只有四个

android 控制震动强度_第1张图片

想要控制手机的震动强度,无疑就只能使用vibrate(long[] parttern,int repeat)方法了,查看这个方法的详解:

Vibrate with a given pattern.

Pass in an array of ints that are the durations for which to turn on or off the vibrator in milliseconds. The first value indicates the number of milliseconds to wait before turning the vibrator on. The next value indicates the number of milliseconds for which to keep the vibrator on before turning it off. Subsequent values alternate between durations in milliseconds to turn the vibrator off or to turn the vibrator on.

To cause the pattern to repeat, pass the index into the pattern array at which to start the repeat, or -1 to disable repeating.

This method requires the caller to hold the permission VIBRATE.

pattern an array of longs of times for which to turn the vibrator on or off.
repeat the index into pattern at which to repeat, or -1 if you don't want to repeat.

也就是说根据所提供的数值参数进行震动,也就是数组pattern ,不过先谈一下repeat,这是个震动模式阐述,经过我的测试,-1为不循环震动,1为最高模式循环震动,2为所给参数的格式循环震动。





