The Gay Genius 复盘笔记 12. 24

The Gay Genius 复盘笔记 12. 24_第1张图片
The Gay Genius by Lin Yutang

PART 1 Thoughts

昨天和一个外教聊天,提起了这本书。外教说这本书的名字起的很好,外教的原话是这么说的:" A happy genius, sounds interesting !” (Gay的本意里有快乐的意思。)说到快乐,大多数人可能都会想到的是生活的富足,事业上的成功,家庭的美满,总之就是做一个人生赢家。然而读着这本苏东坡传,我觉得苏东坡的人生太苦了,乌台诗案里差点“断送老皮头”,人到中年依旧背井离乡,当个芝麻小官,满腹才华却穷困潦倒、捉襟见肘。然而这时期的苏东坡依旧是快乐的,这种快乐与他年轻时游历山川、金榜题名时的快乐不同,这种快乐是经历历练后沉淀下来的快乐,是丰厚的、有深度的快乐。天地山川使他快乐,九死一生使他快乐,与友人酌酒言欢使他快乐,甚至下田根种也使他快乐。这种快乐只有经历过大风大浪的人才能真正体会得到吧。

获得某一种成功、得到一句别人的赞美固然是令人快乐的,但这种快乐是转瞬即逝的。高三的时候我以为只要考上了好大学以后就会一直快乐,但真正考完高考后,那种感觉持续了一个暑假不到就烟消云散了。能否获得内心长久的快乐,取决于处世的心态,而非外在的事物本身。我很喜欢林语堂在这本书里写的一句话:“Half of the beauty of a landscape depends on the region and the other half on the man looking at it.”人生的风景也是如此,是美景还是深渊,是顺境还是逆境,一半取决于现实本身,一般取决于身处其中的人。西班牙语里有这样一句话,"La vida no es esperar a que pase la tormenta, pero aprender a bailar bajo la lluvia." 直译过来是,“生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中翩翩起舞”。人生不如意之事十之八九,在起伏多变的人生里葆有一颗不在困境中沉沦、永远积极向上的心,是一种人生的大智慧。

PART 2 Summary

The Hangzhou period was one of the gaieties in Su Tungpo's life. He feasted upon the natural beauties there and enjoyed hanging out with the poets, courtesans and monks. He wrote numerous famous poems in that period, some gay with laughter, others bitter with tears. He made so many contributions to the city that the common people of the city set up altars to pray for his release when he was arrested.

The Suchow period was a time when Su Tungpo proved himself as an able administrator. The Yellow Tower bore testimony to Su's successful fight against the flood. He also took a personal interest in the health and welfare of the prisoners, and hence earned the deep gratitude of their relatives. 

The Case of Poetry at the Black Terrace happened during Su's tenure in Huchow. Accused of casting a slur on the government and being disloyal to the Emperor, Su was arrested and brought to the capital for trial. He was put in the prison named Black Terrace. Wang Anshis's protégés who were then in power took up sentences from Su's poems, verses and letters and made up preposterous accusations, seeking to sentence Su to death. The Emperor never intended to kill Su and was finally convinced of Su´s loyalty. Su was released after detention for more than 4 months.

Su was banished to Hangchow in consequence of the Black Terrace Case. He turned to religion and found true peace of mind through Buddhism. Nevertheless, he never got rid of the realist Confucian sense of duty towards his fellow men. He was indigent and lived on a tight budget until he was given a  grant of land and began to live as a farmer. The land was on the Eastern Slope and Su called himself "the Recluse of the Eastern Slope". The vicissitude of life gave the poet a new lease on life. In that period, he gave to the world four of his best pieces that had far-reaching influence. 

PS: 今天是平安夜,很感谢四个月以来一路相伴的Eric和的这一路上遇到的所有可爱的小伙伴们。祝所有人圣诞快乐!Merry Christmas! Wish you all the best! 预祝新年快乐!

The Gay Genius 复盘笔记 12. 24_第2张图片
Merry Christmas

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