


FindBugs plugin is now more consistent to the rest of Eclipse:

  • FindBugs preferences can be configured now per workspace or per project.

  • For new projects FindBugs follows Eclipse standards and uses workspace preferences until user decides to set custom project settings

Per default FindBugs plugin generates now less noise:

  • FindBugs plugin now disables EXPERIMENTAL, I18N, MALICIOUS_CODE and SECURITY bug categories
    reporting for new projects (can be changed in workspace settings, existing projects are not affected by this change).

  • FindBugs detectors was also tuned to generate less warnings for specific Eclipse related code (warnings for fields in Activator/NLS based classes).

The old Bug Details view is now gone and is replaced by the standard EclipseProperties view:

  • If you've used FindBugs plugin before, Eclipse will report an error that the view can't be found anymore after installation of 1.3.8 plugin.
    This error is ok and will occur only once.

  • Standard Eclipse Properties view follows now selection in theBug Explorer view and shows properties for selected element(s).
    This also works for selection of bugs in Java editor.

  • Properties view shows also bug pattern descriptions for selected bug patterns and bug counts summary for selected elements inBug Explorer view.

Bug filtering is improved:

  • FindBugs plugin allows now filter files to be specified as absolute paths or relative to project/workspace.

  • Existing projects preferences are not affected by this change.

Bug navigation is improved:

  • Different cross-reference links are added to Java perspectives and views:
    Show In... -> Bug Explorer menu appears now in the context menu of Java elements,
    Show In... -> Package Explorer appears in the context menu of bugs.

  • Java perspectives has shortcuts to FindBugs perspective and vice-versa.

  • FindBugs warnings in the standard Problems view also have now additional context menus.

Analysis results presentation is improved:

  • Bug Explorer view received freely configurable grouping, ordering and filtering of bugs.

  • Last used grouping, ordering and filtering are remembered and restored after the Eclipse startup.


  • FindBugs -> Save XML and FindBugs -> Load XML actions are added to the Java project context menu.
    This allows user to export/import analysis results as xml file.

  • Reporting bugs during analysis was refactored, which improves FindBugs plugin performance, especially during multi-project build.

  • FindBugs Eclipse plugins has now JUnit tests, contributed by Tomas Pollak.
