sStr1 = 'strcpy'
sStr2 = sStr1
sStr1 = 'strcpy2'
print sStr2
sStr1 = 'strcat'
sStr2 = 'append'
sStr1 += sStr2
print sStr1
# < 0 为未找到
sStr1 = 'strchr'
sStr2 = 's'
nPos = sStr1.index(sStr2)
print nPos
sStr1 = 'strchr'
sStr2 = 'strch'
print cmp(sStr1,sStr2)
sStr1 = '12345678'
sStr2 = '456'
#sStr1 and chars both in sStr1 and sStr2
print len(sStr1 and sStr2)
sStr1 = 'strlen'
print len(sStr1)
sStr1 = 'JCstrlwr'
sStr1 = sStr1.upper()
#sStr1 = sStr1.lower()
print sStr1
sStr1 = '12345'
sStr2 = 'abcdef'
n = 3
sStr1 += sStr2[0:n]
print sStr1
sStr1 = '12345'
sStr2 = '123bc'
n = 3
print cmp(sStr1[0:n],sStr2[0:n])
sStr1 = ''
sStr2 = '12345'
n = 3
sStr1 = sStr2[0:n]
print sStr1
sStr1 = '12345'
ch = 'r'
n = 3
sStr1 = n * ch + sStr1[3:]
print sStr1
sStr1 = 'cekjgdklab'
sStr2 = 'gka'
nPos = -1
for c in sStr1:
if c in sStr2:
nPos = sStr1.index(c)
print nPos
sStr1 = 'abcdefg'
sStr1 = sStr1[::-1]
print sStr1
sStr1 = 'abcdefg'
sStr2 = 'cde'
print sStr1.find(sStr2)
sStr1 = 'ab,cde,fgh,ijk'
sStr2 = ','
sStr1 = sStr1[sStr1.find(sStr2) + 1:]
print sStr1
s = 'ab,cde,fgh,ijk'
delimiter = ','
mylist = ['Brazil', 'Russia', 'India', 'China']
print delimiter.join(mylist)
def addslashes(s):
d = {'"':'\\"', "'":"\\'", "\0":"\\\0", "\\":"\\\\"}
return ''.join(d.get(c, c) for c in s)
s = "John 'Johny' Doe (a.k.a. \"Super Joe\")\\\0"
print s
print addslashes(s)
def OnlyCharNum(s,oth=''):
s2 = s.lower();
fomart = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
for c in s2:
if not c in fomart:
s = s.replace(c,'');
return s;
print(OnlyStr("a000 aa-b"))
str = ’0123456789′
print str[0:3] #截取第一位到第三位的字符
print str[:] #截取字符串的全部字符
print str[6:] #截取第七个字符到结尾
print str[:-3] #截取从头开始到倒数第三个字符之前
print str[2] #截取第三个字符
print str[-1] #截取倒数第一个字符
print str[::-1] #创造一个与原字符串顺序相反的字符串
print str[-3:-1] #截取倒数第三位与倒数第一位之前的字符
print str[-3:] #截取倒数第三位到结尾
print str[:-5:-3] #逆序截取,具体啥意思没搞明白?