
On the server machine
Before config it ,you must install the samba components ,this article did not describe it.
Assume that samba had been install at /etc/samba

1、config the /etc/samba/smb.conf file for smb server
like this :

# smb.conf is the main samba configuration file. You find a full commented
# version at /usr/share/doc/packages/samba/examples/smb.conf.SuSE
# Date: 2002-10-21
        workgroup = workgroup
        NetBIOS name = smbserver
        os level = 2
        server string = test-9
        unix extensions = yes
        encrypt passwords = yes
        log level = 1
        syslog = 0
        printing = CUPS
        guest = test
        guest account = yes
        wins support = yes

        comment = Public Data
        path = /data
        writeable = yes
        public = yes
        comment = public data
        path = /ipedo
        public = yes
        writeable = yes

#[global] is the global parameter you must config
#NetBIOS name:the name you can used in Windows OS or other OS
#guest = test :guest user is test
#guest account = yes :permit guest use the smb resources.
#[data]:the name you want to be shared.
#path = /data:assigned the directory you want to be shared.
#writeable = yes:permit the user to write ,default is no.
#public = yes:all users can be used,default is no

2、Add the test user and password

you must add a linux user name as test,then:
execute command :
smbpasswd test

3、start the smb server use command:
smbd -D
or you can config it in init.d

3、start to use the shared on Windows
Explorer address bar //smbserver/data
if need verify,you can use test/passwd
That is all

If you need to know more about the nfs you can read the article linked by: 
