按照Windows的ttf字体显示文字。。跑不起来 略 #include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "GameApp.h" GameApp::GameApp() { mTTFont1 = NULL; mTTFont2 = NULL; mTTFSmall = NULL; } GameApp::~GameApp() { } void GameApp::Create() { mTTFont1 = new JTTFont();//JTTFont类 包装ttf字体文件 提供对字体的访问 mTTFont1->Load("BorisBlackBloxx.ttf", 64);//加载ttf文件 64号字体 mTTFont2 = new JTTFont(); mTTFont2->Load(mTTFont1, 20); // Create the 2nd font using font info and data from the 1st one, but with a different size. mTTFSmall = new JTTFont(JTTFont::CACHE_IMAGE_512x512); // We want to cache all the ASCII characters so we specify a large cache image. mTTFSmall->Load("steelfib.ttf", 32, JTTFont::MODE_PRECACHE_ASCII); // Load font and cache all the ASCII characters at the same time. mTTFSmall->Unload(); // Since we have all the characters we need in the cache, we can delete the // font bitmap to save some memory. } void GameApp::Destroy() { SAFE_DELETE(mTTFont1); SAFE_DELETE(mTTFont2); SAFE_DELETE(mTTFSmall); } void GameApp::Update() { JGE* engine = JGE::GetInstance(); if (engine->GetButtonClick(PSP_CTRL_TRIANGLE)) // do a screen shot when TRIANGLE is pressed { char s[80]; sprintf(s, "ms0:/screenshot.png"); JRenderer::GetInstance()->ScreenShot(s); } if (engine->GetButtonClick(PSP_CTRL_CROSS)) // exit when the CROSS is pressed { engine->End(); return; } } void GameApp::Render() { JRenderer* renderer = JRenderer::GetInstance(); renderer->EnableTextureFilter(false); renderer->ClearScreen(ARGB(0,0,0,0)); mTTFont1->SetColor(ARGB(255,255,255,255)); mTTFont1->RenderString("Hello(Size 64)", 10, 10); mTTFont2->SetColor(ARGB(255,255,255,255)); mTTFont2->RenderString("G'day ! (Size 20)", 10, 96); mTTFont2->SetColor(ARGB(255,255,0,0)); mTTFont2->RenderString("I am HOT!", 310, 100); mTTFSmall->SetColor(ARGB(255,255,64,255)); mTTFSmall->RenderString("She sells sea shells on the seashore. (Size 32)", 10, 200); mTTFont1->SetColor(ARGB(192,0,0,255)); mTTFont1->RenderString("SO COOL!", 50, 120); mTTFont1->SetColor(ARGB(96,0,128,0)); mTTFont1->RenderString("SO COOL!", 55, 125); } void GameApp::Pause() { } void GameApp::Resume() { }