Michio Kaku on The Future of Humanity (Google I/O'19)
1. 美国之所以没有建离子碰撞机是因为科学家没说人话。
Circular Collider 环形碰撞机 Dallas Texas was canceled is because a congressman asked the physicist: Will we find God with your machine? if so I will change my vote.
wrong answer:
we're gonna find the Higgs boson.
Michio Kaku's answer:
God, but whatever signs or symbols you ascribe to the deity. this machine, the super collider, will take us as close as humanly possible to his greatest creation. Genesis, this is a Genesis machine. it will recreate on a small scale, the most incredible event, in the history of the universe —— its birth.
Use the language other people can understand.
2. 小男孩
The little boy says, Professor, you're wrong. You're wrong. There's Type 4.
And so I told him, look, kid. There are planets, stars, and galaxies. That's it, folks.
Therefore, we have Type 1, Type 2, Type 3.(基于能量来区分文明)
基于能量的产生量来衡量文明,卡尔达肖夫指数Kardashev Scale是根据一个文明所能够利用的能源量级,来量度文明层次及技术先进程度的一种假说。I型文明:他们可以驾驭行星级别的能量,因此可以控制天气,甚至可以控制地震等自然力量。II型文明:这是恒星级别的能量,如果能够达到这一级别,你就能够掌握恒星的能量。有些类似于“星际迷航”的联邦星球。III型文明:这一级别的文明能够掌握整个星系的能量,他们可以在星系之间任意穿梭,最终发展成为星系帝国,这就像“星球大战”中描绘的一样。
And he said, Professor, you're wrong. There's Type 4.
I said what energy is beyond galactic?
And he said the continuum.
Now who here is a Trekkie who understands what I just said?
What is the only Type 4 civilization on network television?
The Q-- if you did not understand
what just transpired, get with the program.
The Q is extragalactic.
And what is that energy--dark energy.
Dark energy is beyond galactic.
That is the energy of a Type 4.
3. 技术不是双刃剑
Most scientists would say that technology has no direction, no moral direction. Science is a sword, a double-edged sword.
I disagree.
I think technology does have a moral direction.
Because the internet spreads information.
Information gives you empowerment.
Empowerment gives you democracy.
And democracies do not war with other democracies.
Every war has been fought between kings, emperors, queens, dictators, but never between two major democracies.
And so I think we are entering a new moral dimension where technology is changing the way humans interact with other humans so that we don't tolerate dictatorships so much.