My 10 Smartphone Rules 使用智能电话的十条建议

My 10 Smartphone Rules 使用智能电话的十条建议_第1张图片

1. Make smart phone work for you, not other way around

2. Use its useful apps as tools, such as note taking to take note of your ideas

3. Keep contact with family, friends, other loved ones, and significant others

4.  Make the world a better place by sharing your thoughts, ideas, knowledge, experiences and insights  in creative ways with others, to reach more people and help more people

5. Construct positive social image of Chinese culture,  people and community. do your part to counterattack negative social construction of Chinese people, culture, history and nation

6. Don't read unworthy messages, posts and so on

7. Don't read unworthy articles and don't check social media aimlessly, be mindfulness of why, when and how to use it

8. Don't use it as entertaining device except listening to uplifting music or for meditation assistance

9. Don't use it to fill time gap, instead read valuable books to fill time gaps

10. leave the phone in a common central place at home, make it visible for whole family and avoid to use it in a personal space

1. 让你的手机为你服务,而不是相反

2. 充分利用智能手机的功能,譬如将你的稍瞬即逝的好的想法记录下来

3. 与家人,朋友,其他重要和相关的人保持联系和沟通

4. 尽自己的一份力量,让世界变得更美好。如果你有好的主意,思想,知识,经验,灵感等等充分利用智能手机的社交媒体功能,传播出去,帮助更多人,让更多人受益

5. 让你的智能手机成为为中华民族和中华文化创造美好形象的工具,传播正能量。不传播一切贬低,抹黑,和给中华民族和中华文化制造负面形象的信息,并且对其进行反击

6. 不阅读一切没有价值的信息

7. 不阅读没有价值的博客,帖子,文章等等, 不漫无目的的翻看社交媒体信息。清清楚楚地知道为什么用社交媒体,何时用,以及如何用

8. 除了用手机来听催人向上,激发美好心灵地音乐之外,不把手机当消遣和娱乐工具

9. 不用手机来填充时间的空挡。用阅读有益的书来取代时间的空挡

10. 在家中,把智能电话放在家里的公共空间,让全家人都能看到;不放在私人空间

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