字段名称 | 字段意义 |
id | id主键 |
comic_name | 本子名称 |
starttime | 开始下载的时间 |
endtime | 下载结束的时间 |
status | 当前下载状态 |
checktimes | 遇错重试次数 |
raw_address | e-hentai页面地址 |
failed_links | 记录由于网络波动暂时访问失败的页面地址 |
failed_paths | 记录失败页面地址对应的图片本地路径 |
inserttime | 记录地址进入到数据库的时间 |
oldpage | 存放Aria2条目的gid |
filepath | bt下载路径 |
需要安装pymysql, requests, filetype, zipfile, wget等Python包
pip install pymysql requests filetype zipfile wget
整个爬虫服务的工作流程如下:用户将待抓取的E站链接(形式如 https://e-hentai.org/g/xxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyyy/ )放入数据表的raw_address字段,设置状态字段为待爬取;爬取服务可以在后台轮询或回调触发,提取出数据库中待爬取的链接后访问页面,判断页面里是否提供了bt种子下载,如有则下载种子并传给Aria2下载,如无则直接下载图片(图片优先下载高清版)。
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 """ 4 filename: sql_module.py 5 6 Created on Sun Sep 22 23:24:39 2019 7 8 @author: qjfoidnh 9 """ 10 11 import pymysql 12 from pymysql.err import IntegrityError 13 14 class MySQLconn_url(object): 15 def __init__(self): 16 17 self.conn = pymysql.connect( 18 host='', 19 port=3306, 20 user='username', 21 passwd='password', 22 db='comics_local' 23 ) 24 self.conn.autocommit(True) #开启自动提交,生产环境不建议数据库DBA这样做 25 self.cursor = self.conn.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) 26 #让MySQL以字典形式返回数据 27 28 29 def __del__(self): 30 31 self.conn.close() 32 33 #功能:取指定状态的一条数据 34 def fetchoneurl(self, mode="pending", tabname='comic_urls'): 35 36 sql = "SELECT * FROM %s \ 37 WHERE status = '%s'" %(tabname, mode) 38 self.conn.ping(True) #mysql长连接防止timeut自动断开 39 try: 40 self.cursor.execute(sql) 41 except Exception as e: 42 return e 43 else: 44 item = self.cursor.fetchone() 45 if not item: 46 return None 47 if mode=="pending" or mode=='aria2': 48 if item['checktimes']<3: 49 sql = "UPDATE %s SET starttime = now(), status = 'ongoing' \ 50 WHERE id = %d" %(tabname, item['id']) 51 else: 52 sql = "UPDATE %s SET status = 'error' \ 53 WHERE id = %d" %(tabname, item['id']) 54 if mode=='aria2': 55 sql = "UPDATE %s SET status = 'pending', checktimes = 0, raw_address=CONCAT('chmode',raw_address) \ 56 WHERE id = %d" %(tabname, item['id']) 57 self.cursor.execute(sql) 58 return 'toomany' 59 elif mode=="except": 60 sql = "UPDATE %s SET status = 'ongoing' \ 61 WHERE id = %d" %(tabname, item['id']) 62 try: 63 self.cursor.execute(sql) 64 except Exception as e: 65 self.conn.rollback() 66 return e 67 else: 68 return item 69 70 #功能:更新指定id条目的状态字段 71 def updateurl(self, itemid, status='finished', tabname='comic_urls'): 72 sql = "UPDATE %s SET endtime = now(),status = '%s' WHERE id = %d" %(tabname, status, itemid) 73 self.conn.ping(True) 74 try: 75 self.cursor.execute(sql) 76 except Exception as e: 77 self.conn.rollback() 78 return e 79 else: 80 return itemid 81 82 #功能:更新指定id条目状态及重试次数字段 83 def reseturl(self, itemid, mode, count=0, tabname='comic_urls'): 84 85 sql = "UPDATE %s SET status = '%s', checktimes=checktimes+%d WHERE id = %d" %(tabname, mode, count, itemid) 86 self.conn.ping(True) 87 try: 88 self.cursor.execute(sql) 89 except Exception as e: 90 print(e) 91 self.conn.rollback() 92 return e 93 else: 94 return itemid 95 96 #功能:将未下载完成图片的网址列表写入数据库, 97 def fixunfinish(self, itemid, img_urls, filepaths, tabname='comic_urls'): 98 99 img_urls = "Š".join(img_urls) #用不常见拉丁字母做分隔符,避免真实地址中有分隔符导致错误分割 100 filepaths = "Š".join(filepaths) 101 sql = "UPDATE %s SET failed_links = '%s', failed_paths = '%s', status='except' WHERE id = %d" %(tabname, img_urls, filepaths, itemid) 102 self.conn.ping(True) 103 try: 104 self.cursor.execute(sql) 105 except Exception as e: 106 self.conn.rollback() 107 return e 108 else: 109 return 0 110 111 #功能:在尝试完一次未完成补全后,更新未完成列表 112 def resetunfinish(self, itemid, img_urls, filepaths, tabname='comic_urls'): 113 failed_num = len(img_urls) 114 if failed_num==0: 115 sql = "UPDATE %s SET failed_links = null, failed_paths = null, status = 'finished', endtime = now() WHERE id = %d" %(tabname, itemid) 116 else: 117 img_urls = "Š".join(img_urls) #用拉丁字母做分隔符,避免真实地址中有分隔符导致错误分割 118 filepaths = "Š".join(filepaths) 119 sql = "UPDATE %s SET failed_links = '%s', failed_paths = '%s', status = 'except' WHERE id = %d" %(tabname, img_urls, filepaths, itemid) 120 self.conn.ping(True) 121 try: 122 self.cursor.execute(sql) 123 except Exception as e: 124 self.conn.rollback() 125 return e 126 else: 127 return failed_num 128 129 #功能:为条目补上资源名称 130 def addcomicname(self, address, title, tabname='comic_urls'): 131 sql = "UPDATE %s SET comic_name = '%s' WHERE raw_address = '%s'" %(tabname, title, address) #由于调用地点处没有id值,所以这里用address定位。也是本项目中唯二处用address定位的 132 self.conn.ping(True) 133 try: 134 self.cursor.execute(sql) 135 except IntegrityError: 136 self.conn.rollback() 137 sql_sk = "UPDATE %s SET status = 'skipped' \ 138 WHERE raw_address = '%s'" %(tabname, address) 139 self.cursor.execute(sql_sk) 140 return Exception(title+" Already downloaded!") 141 except Exception as e: 142 self.conn.rollback() 143 return e 144 else: 145 return 0 146 147 #功能:通过网址查询标识Aria2里对应的gid 148 def fetchonegid(self, address, tabname='comic_urls'): 149 sql = "SELECT * FROM %s \ 150 WHERE raw_address = '%s'" %(tabname, address) 151 self.conn.ping(True) 152 try: 153 self.cursor.execute(sql) 154 except Exception as e: 155 return e 156 else: 157 item = self.cursor.fetchone() 158 if not item: 159 return None 160 else: 161 return item.get('oldpage') 162 163 mq = MySQLconn_url()
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 """ 4 filename: init_process.py 5 6 Created on Sun Sep 22 21:20:54 2019 7 8 @author: qjfoidnh 9 """ 10 11 from settings import * 12 from tools import Get_page, Download_img 13 from second_process import Ehentai 14 from checkdalive import removetask 15 from sql_module import mq 16 import time 17 import os 18 19 20 #功能:尝试下载未完成列表里的图片到指定路径 21 def fixexcepts(itemid, img_urls, filepaths): 22 img_urls_new = list() 23 filepaths_new = list() 24 img_urls = img_urls.split("Š") #从字符串还原回列表 25 filepaths = filepaths.split("Š") 26 for (imglink,path) in zip(img_urls,filepaths): 27 try: 28 content = Get_page(imglink, cookie=cookie_ehentai(imglink)) 29 if not content: 30 img_urls_new.append(imglink) 31 filepaths_new.append(path) 32 continue 33 time.sleep(10) 34 try: 35 img_src = content.select_one("#i7 > a").get('href') #高质量图 36 except AttributeError: #如果高质量图没提供资源 37 img_src = content.select_one("img[id='img']").get("src") #一般质量图 38 src_name = content.select_one("#i2 > div:nth-of-type(2)").text.split("::")[0].strip() #图文件名 39 raw_path = path 40 if os.path.exists(raw_path+'/'+src_name): 41 continue 42 http_code = Download_img(img_src, raw_path+'/'+src_name, cookie=cookie_ehentai(imglink)) 43 if http_code!=200: 44 raise Exception("Network error!") 45 except Exception: 46 img_urls_new.append(imglink) 47 filepaths_new.append(path) 48 result = mq.resetunfinish(itemid, img_urls_new, filepaths_new) 49 return result 50 51 52 class DownEngine: 53 def __init__(self): 54 pass 55 56 #功能:根据传入地址,选择优先下载模式。获取资源标题,写入数据库,并调用次级处理模块 57 def engineEhentai(self, address): 58 if 'chmode' in address: 59 mode='normal' 60 removetask(address=address) 61 else: 62 mode='bt' 63 address = address.replace('chmode', '') 64 content = Get_page(address, cookie=cookie_ehentai(address)) 65 if not content: 66 return 2 67 warning = content.find('h1', text="Content Warning") 68 #e站对部分敏感内容有二次确认 69 if warning: 70 address += '?nw=session' 71 content = Get_page(address, cookie=cookie_ehentai(address)) 72 if not content: 73 return 2 74 title = content.select_one("h1[id='gj']").text 75 if not len(title): #有些资源没有日文名,则取英文名 76 title = content.select_one("h1[id='gn']").text 77 if not len(title): 78 return 2 79 80 title = title.replace("'",'''"''') #含有单引号的标题会令sql语句中断 81 title_st = mq.addcomicname(address, title) 82 if type(title_st)==Exception: 83 return title_st 84 85 ehentai = Ehentai(address, title, mode=mode) 86 result = ehentai.getOthers() 87 return result
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 """ 4 filename: second_process.py 5 6 Created on Mon Sep 23 20:35:48 2019 7 8 @author: qjfoidnh 9 """ 10 11 import time 12 import datetime 13 import requests 14 from tools import Get_page, Download_img, postorrent 15 from checkdalive import getinfos 16 from settings import proxies 17 from settings import * 18 import re 19 import os 20 from logger_module import logger 21 22 formatted_today=lambda:datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+'/' #返回当前日期的字符串,建立文件夹用 23 24 25 #功能:处理资源标题里一些可能引起转义问题的特殊字符 26 def legalpath(path): 27 path = list(path) 28 path_raw = path[:] 29 for i in range(len(path_raw)): 30 if path_raw[i] in [' ','[',']','(',')','/','\\']: 31 path[i] = '\\'+ path[i] 32 elif path_raw[i]==":": 33 path[i] = '-' 34 return ''.join(path) 35 36 class Ehentai(object): 37 def __init__(self, address, comic_name, mode='normal'): 38 self.head = {'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 39 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 40 'accept-language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 41 'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1', 42 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36' 43 } 44 self.address = address 45 self.mode = mode 46 self.gid = address.split('/')[4] 47 self.tid = address.split('/')[5] 48 self.content = Get_page(address, cookie=cookie_ehentai(address)) 49 self.comic_name = legalpath(comic_name) 50 self.raw_name = comic_name.replace("/"," ") 51 self.raw_name = self.raw_name.replace(":","-") 52 self.src_list = [] 53 self.path_list = [] 54 55 #功能:下载的主功能函数 56 def getOthers(self): 57 if not self.content: 58 return 2 59 today = formatted_today() 60 logger.info("E-hentai: %s start!" %self.raw_name) 61 complete_flag = True 62 pre_addr = re.search(r'(e.+org)', self.address).group(1) 63 if self.mode=='bt': #bt种子模式 64 content = Get_page("https://%s/gallerytorrents.php?gid=%s&t=%s"%(pre_addr,self.gid,self.tid), cookie=cookie_ehentai(self.address)) 65 torrents = content.find_all(text="Seeds:") 66 if not torrents: 67 self.mode = 'normal' #图片下载模式 68 else: 69 torrents_num = [int(tag.next_element) for tag in torrents] 70 target_index = torrents_num.index(max(torrents_num)) 71 torrent_link = content.select('a')[target_index].get('href') 72 torrent_name = content.select('a')[target_index].text.replace('/',' ') 73 74 #e-hentai与exhentai有细微差别 75 if 'ehtracker' in torrent_link: 76 req = requests.get(torrent_link, proxy=proxies) 77 if req.status_code==200: 78 with open(abs_path+'bttemp/'+torrent_name+'.torrent', 'wb') as ft: 79 ft.write(req.content) 80 id = postorrent(abs_path+'bttemp/'+torrent_name+'.torrent', dir=abs_path+today) 81 if id: 82 filepath = getinfos().get(id).get('filepath') 83 return {'taskid':id, 'filepath':filepath} 84 else: self.mode = 'normal' 85 86 #e-hentai与exhentai有细微差别 87 elif 'exhentai' in torrent_link: 88 89 req = requests.get(torrent_link, headers={'Host': 'exhentai.org', 90 'Referer': "https://%s/gallerytorrents.php?gid=%s&t=%s"%(pre_addr,self.gid,self.tid), 91 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36'}, 92 cookies=cookie_ehentai(self.address), proxies=proxies) 93 if req.status_code==200: 94 with open(abs_path+'bttemp/'+torrent_name+'.torrent', 'wb') as ft: 95 ft.write(req.content) 96 id = postorrent(abs_path+'bttemp/'+torrent_name+'.torrent', dir=abs_path+today) 97 if id: 98 filepath = getinfos().get(id).get('filepath') 99 return {'taskid':id, 'filepath':filepath} 100 else: 101 self.mode = 'normal' 102 else: 103 self.mode = 'normal' 104 105 page_tag1 = self.content.select_one(".ptds") 106 page_tags = self.content.select("td[onclick='document.location=this.firstChild.href']") 107 indexslen = len(page_tags)//2-1 108 if indexslen <=0: 109 indexslen = 0 110 pagetags = page_tags[0:indexslen] 111 pagetags.insert(0, page_tag1) 112 113 #有些页面图片超过8页,页面直接链接可能获取不全,采用按规则生成链接方法 114 last_page = pagetags[-1] 115 last_link = last_page.a.get('href') 116 page_links = [pagetag.a.get('href') for pagetag in pagetags] 117 try: 118 last_number = int(re.findall(r'\?p=([0-9]+)',last_link)[0]) 119 except IndexError: 120 pass #说明本子较短,只有一页,不需做特别处理 121 else: 122 if last_number>=8: 123 templete_link = re.findall(r'(.+\?p=)[0-9]+',last_link)[0] 124 page_links = [templete_link+str(page+1) for page in range(last_number)] 125 page_links.insert(0, page_tag1.a.get('href')) 126 127 for page_link in page_links: 128 content = Get_page(page_link, cookie=cookie_ehentai(self.address)) 129 if not content: 130 return 2 131 imgpage_links = content.select("div[class='gdtm']") #一种定位标签 132 if not imgpage_links: 133 imgpage_links = content.select("div[class='gdtl']") #有时是另一种标签 134 for img_page in imgpage_links: 135 try: 136 imglink = img_page.div.a.get('href') #对应第一种 137 except: 138 imglink = img_page.a.get('href') #对应第二种 139 content = Get_page(imglink, cookie=cookie_ehentai(self.address)) 140 if not content: 141 complete_flag = False 142 self.src_list.append(imglink) 143 self.path_list.append(abs_path+today+self.raw_name) 144 continue 145 try: 146 img_src = content.select_one("#i7 > a").get('href') #高质量图 147 except AttributeError: 148 img_src = content.select_one("img[id='img']").get("src") #小图 149 src_name = content.select_one("#i2 > div:nth-of-type(2)").text.split("::")[0].strip() #图文件名 150 raw_path = abs_path+today+self.raw_name 151 try: 152 os.makedirs(raw_path) 153 except FileExistsError: 154 pass 155 if os.path.exists(raw_path+'/'+src_name): 156 continue 157 http_code = Download_img(img_src, raw_path+'/'+src_name, cookie=cookie_ehentai(self.address)) 158 if http_code!=200: 159 time.sleep(10) 160 complete_flag = False 161 self.src_list.append(imglink) 162 self.path_list.append(raw_path) 163 continue 164 else: 165 time.sleep(10) 166 if not complete_flag: 167 logger.warning("E-hentai: %s ONLY PARTLY finished downloading!" %self.raw_name) 168 return (self.src_list, self.path_list) 169 170 else: 171 logger.info("E-hentai: %s has COMPLETELY finished downloading!" %self.raw_name) 172 return 1
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 """ 4 filename: checkdalive.py 5 6 Created on Mon Sep 23 21:20:09 2019 7 8 @author: qjfoidnh 9 """ 10 11 import os 12 from settings import current_path 13 os.chdir(current_path) 14 from sql_module import mq 15 import requests 16 from settings import aria2url, aria2token 17 import time 18 import json 19 import base64 20 import zipfile 21 import filetype 22 23 # 功能:向Aria2发送查询请求 24 def getinfos(): 25 id_str = "AriaNg_%s_0.043716476479668254"%str(int(time.time())) #随机生成即可,不用遵循一定格式 26 id = str(base64.b64encode(id_str.encode('utf-8')), 'utf-8') 27 id_str2 = "AriaNg_%s_0.053716476479668254"%str(int(time.time())) 28 id2 = str(base64.b64encode(id_str2.encode('utf-8')), 'utf-8') 29 data = json.dumps({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"aria2.tellActive","id":id,"params":["token:%s"%aria2token,["gid","totalLength","completedLength","uploadSpeed","downloadSpeed","connections","numSeeders","seeder","status","errorCode","verifiedLength","verifyIntegrityPending","files","bittorrent","infoHash"]]}) 30 data2 = json.dumps({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"aria2.tellWaiting","id":id2,"params":["token:%s"%aria2token,0,1000,["gid","totalLength","completedLength","uploadSpeed","downloadSpeed","connections","numSeeders","seeder","status","errorCode","verifiedLength","verifyIntegrityPending","files","bittorrent","infoHash"]]}) 31 req = requests.post(aria2url, data) 32 req2 = requests.post(aria2url, data2) 33 if req.status_code!=200: 34 return 35 else: 36 status_dict = dict() 37 results = req.json().get('result') 38 results2 = req2.json().get('result') 39 results.extend(results2) 40 for res in results: 41 status = res.get('status') 42 completelen = int(res.get('completedLength')) 43 totallen = int(res.get('totalLength')) 44 filepath = res.get('files')[0].get('path').replace('//','/').replace("'","\\'") 45 if completelen==totallen and completelen!=0: 46 status = 'finished' 47 status_dict[res.get('gid')] = {'status':status, 'completelen':completelen, 'filepath':filepath} 48 return status_dict 49 50 # 功能:也是向Aria2发送另一种查询请求 51 def getdownloadings(status_dict): 52 item = mq.fetchoneurl(mode='aria2') 53 checkingidlist = list() 54 while item: 55 if item=='toomany': 56 item = mq.fetchoneurl(mode='aria2') 57 continue 58 gid = item.get('oldpage') 59 gid = gid or 'default' 60 complete = status_dict.get(gid, {'status':'finished'}) 61 if complete.get('status')=='finished': 62 mq.updateurl(item['id']) 63 filepath = item['filepath'] 64 flag = unzipfile(filepath) 65 removetask(taskid=gid) 66 elif complete.get('completelen')==0 and complete.get('status')!='waiting': 67 mq.reseturl(item['id'], 'checking', count=1) 68 checkingidlist.append(item['id']) 69 else: 70 mq.reseturl(item['id'], 'checking') 71 checkingidlist.append(item['id']) 72 item = mq.fetchoneurl(mode='aria2') 73 for id in checkingidlist: 74 mq.reseturl(id, 'aria2') 75 76 # 功能:解压zip文件 77 def unzipfile(filepath): 78 kind = filetype.guess(filepath) 79 if kind.extension!='zip': 80 return None 81 f = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, 'r') 82 flist = f.namelist() 83 depstruct = [len(file.strip('/').split('/')) for file in flist] 84 if depstruct[0]==1 and depstruct[1]!=1: 85 try: 86 f.extractall(path=os.path.dirname(filepath)) 87 except: 88 return None 89 else: 90 return True 91 else: 92 try: 93 f.extractall(path=os.path.splitext(filepath)[0]) 94 except: 95 return None 96 else: 97 return True 98 99 #功能:把已完成的任务从队列里删除,以免后来的任务被阻塞 100 def removetask(taskid=None, address=None): 101 id_str = "AriaNg_%s_0.043116476479668254"%str(int(time.time())) 102 id = str(base64.b64encode(id_str.encode('utf-8')), 'utf-8') 103 if taskid: 104 data = json.dumps({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"aria2.forceRemove","id":id,"params":["token:%s"%aria2token,taskid]}) 105 if address: 106 taskid = mq.fetchonegid(address) 107 if taskid: 108 data = json.dumps({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"aria2.forceRemove","id":id,"params":["token:%s"%aria2token,taskid]}) 109 else: 110 data = json.dumps({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"aria2.forceRemove","id":id,"params":["token:%s"%aria2token,"default"]}) 111 req = requests.post(aria2url, data) 112 113 114 if __name__=="__main__": 115 res = getinfos() 116 if res: 117 getdownloadings(res)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 """ 4 filename: tools.py 5 6 Created on Mon Sep 23 20:57:31 2019 7 8 @author: qjfoidnh 9 """ 10 11 12 import requests 13 import time 14 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Bs 15 from settings import head, aria2url, aria2token 16 from settings import proxies 17 import json 18 import base64 19 20 # 功能:对requets.get方法的一个封装,返回Bs对象 21 def Get_page(page_address, headers={}, cookie=None): 22 pic_page = None 23 innerhead = head.copy() 24 innerhead.update(headers) 25 try: 26 pic_page = requests.get(page_address, headers=innerhead, proxies=proxies, cookies=cookie, verify=False) 27 except Exception as e: 28 return None 29 if not pic_page: 30 return None 31 pic_page.encoding = 'utf-8' 32 text_response = pic_page.text 33 content = Bs(text_response, 'lxml') 34 35 return content 36 37 #功能:把种子文件发给Aria2服务,文件以base64编码 38 def postorrent(path, dir): 39 with open(path, 'rb') as f: 40 b64str = str(base64.b64encode(f.read()), 'utf-8') 41 url = aria2url 42 id_str = "AriaNg_%s_0.043716476479668254"%str(int(time.time())) #这个字符串可以随便起,只要能保证每次调用生成时不重复就行 43 id = str(base64.b64encode(id_str.encode('utf-8')), 'utf-8').strip('=') 44 req = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps({"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"aria2.addTorrent","id":id,"params":["token:"+aria2token, b64str,[],{'dir':dir, 'allow-overwrite':"true"}]})) 45 if req.status_code==200: 46 return req.json().get('result') 47 else: 48 return False 49 50 # 功能:下载图片文件 51 def Download_img(page_address, filepath, cookie=None): 52 53 try: 54 pic_page = requests.get(page_address, headers=head, proxies=proxies, cookies=cookie, timeout=8, verify=False) 55 if pic_page.status_code==200: 56 pic_content = pic_page.content 57 with open(filepath, 'wb') as file: 58 file.write(pic_content) 59 return pic_page.status_code 60 except Exception as e: 61 return e
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 """ 4 filename: logger_module.py 5 6 Created on Mon Sep 23 21:18:37 2019 7 8 @author: qjfoidnh 9 """ 10 11 import logging 12 13 14 LOG_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s - %(filename)s -Line: %(lineno)d - %(levelname)s: %(message)s" 15 logging.basicConfig(filename='downloadsys.log', level=logging.INFO, format=LOG_FORMAT, filemode='a') 16 17 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 """ 4 filename: settings.py 5 6 Created on Mon Sep 23 21:06:33 2019 7 8 @author: qjfoidnh 9 """ 10 11 abs_path = "/home/user/e-hentai/" 12 #下载文件的目录,此处为Linux下目录格式,Windows需注意反斜杠转义问题。此目录必须事先建好,且最后一个‘/‘不能丢 13 14 current_path = "/home/user/e-hentai/" 15 #此目录代表项目代码的位置,不一定与上一个相同 16 17 #aria2配置 18 aria2url = "" 19 aria2token = "12345678" 20 21 #浏览器通用头部 22 head = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36'} 23 24 cookie_raw_ehentai = '''nw=1; __cfduid=xxxxxxxxxxxx; ipb_member_id=xxxxxx; ipb_pass_hash=xxxxx;xxxxxxxx''' 25 #从浏览器里复制来的cookies大概就是这样的格式,exhentai同理 26 27 cookie_raw_exhentai = '''xxxxxxxx''' 28 29 #代理地址,E站需要科kx学访问,此处仅支持http代理。关于代理的获得及设置请自行学习 30 #听说现在不科学也可以了,如果属实,可令proxies = None 31 proxies = {"http": "http://localhost:10808", "https": "http://localhost:10808"} 32 # proxies = None 33 34 35 def cookieToDict(cookie): 36 ''' 37 将从浏览器上Copy来的cookie字符串转化为Dict格式 38 ''' 39 itemDict = {} 40 items = cookie.split(';') 41 for item in items: 42 key = item.split('=')[0].replace(' ', '') 43 value = item.split('=')[1] 44 itemDict[key] = value 45 return itemDict 46 47 def cookie_ehentai(address): 48 if "e-hentai" in address: 49 return cookieToDict(cookie_raw_ehentai) 50 elif "exhentai" in address: 51 return cookieToDict(cookie_raw_exhentai) 52 else: 53 return cookieToDict(cookie_raw_ehentai)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 """ 4 filename: access.py 5 6 Created on Mon Sep 23 20:18:01 2019 7 8 @author: qjfoidnh 9 """ 10 11 import time 12 from sql_module import mq 13 from init_process import DownEngine, fixexcepts 14 import os 15 from logger_module import logger 16 17 18 if __name__ =="__main__": 19 20 engine = DownEngine() 21 On = True 22 print("%d进程开始运行..." %os.getpid()) 23 while On: 24 25 #先处理下载未完全的异常条目 26 item = mq.fetchoneurl(mode="except") 27 if type(item)==Exception: 28 logger.error(item) 29 elif not item: 30 pass 31 else: 32 img_srcs = item['failed_links']; filepaths = item['failed_paths']; itemid = item['id']; raw_address = item['raw_address'] 33 34 res = fixexcepts(itemid, img_srcs, filepaths) 35 if type(res)!=int: 36 logger.error(res) 37 continue 38 elif res==0: 39 logger.info("%d进程,%d号页面修复完毕.\ 40 页面地址为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, raw_address)) 41 elif res>0: 42 logger.warning("%d进程,%d号页面修复未完,仍余%d.\ 43 页面地址为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, res, raw_address)) 44 45 46 item = mq.fetchoneurl() 47 if item=='toomany': #指取到的条目超过最大重试次数上限 48 continue 49 if type(item)==Exception: 50 logger.error(item) 51 continue 52 elif not item: 53 time.sleep(600) 54 continue 55 else: 56 raw_address = item['raw_address']; itemid = item['id'] 57 logger.info("%d进程,%d号页面开始下载.\ 58 页面地址为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, raw_address)) 59 res = engine.engineSwitch(raw_address) 60 if type(res)==Exception: 61 logger.warning("%d进程,%d号页面引擎出错.\ 62 出错信息为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, str(res))) 63 mq.reseturl(itemid, 'skipped') 64 continue 65 66 if type(res)==tuple and len(res)==2: 67 response = mq.fixunfinish(itemid, res[0], res[1]) 68 if response==0: 69 logger.warning("%d进程,%d号页面下载部分出错,已标志异常下载状态.\ 70 页面地址为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, raw_address)) 71 else: 72 logger.warning("%d进程,%d号页面下载部分出错且标志数据库状态字段时发生错误. 错误为%s, \ 73 页面地址为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, str(response), raw_address)) 74 75 elif type(res)==dict: 76 if 'taskid' in res: 77 response = mq.reseturl(itemid, 'aria2') 78 mq.replaceurl(itemid, res['taskid'], item['raw_address'], filepath=res['filepath']) 79 80 elif res==1: 81 response = mq.updateurl(itemid) 82 if type(response)==int: 83 logger.info("%d进程,%d号页面下载完毕.\ 84 页面地址为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, raw_address)) 85 else: 86 logger.warning("%d进程,%d号页面下载完毕但更新数据库状态字段时发生错误:%s.\ 87 页面地址为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, str(response), raw_address)) 88 elif res==2: 89 response = mq.reseturl(itemid, 'pending', count=1) 90 if type(response)==int: 91 logger.info("%d进程,%d号页面遭遇初始请求失败,已重置下载状态.\ 92 页面地址为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, raw_address)) 93 else: 94 logger.warning("%d进程,%d号页面遭遇初始请求失败,且重置数据库状态字段时发生错误.\ 95 页面地址为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, raw_address)) 96 elif res==9: 97 response = mq.reseturl(itemid, 'aria2') 98 if type(response)==int: 99 logger.info("%d进程,%d号页面送入aria2下载器.\ 100 页面地址为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, raw_address)) 101 else: 102 logger.warning("%d进程,%d号页面送入aria2下载器,但更新状态字段时发生错误.\ 103 页面地址为%s" %(os.getpid(), itemid, raw_address)) 104 105 time.sleep(10)