

Yet there is much more to being human than the pursuit of such shallow forms of happiness. Flourishing human beings need some friction in their decision-making. Friction is resistance; it slows things down. And in our hyper-rich, fast-paced, attention-deprived world, we need opportunities to stop and think, to deliberate and even second-guess ourselves and others. This is how we develop the capacity for self-reflection; how we experiment, learn and develop our own beliefs, tastes and preferences; how we exercise self-determination. This is our free will in action.

We don’t want too much friction, either: it is, after all, costly. Paralysis by analysis is a frightening prospect. It’s easier to abandon such deliberations and accept defaults, often set by others. The insights from behavioural economics tell us we choose not to choose. This convenient “choice” is only made easier in our modern data-rich economy.


