Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Yonge Street Mission

Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Yonge Street Mission_第1张图片

(An English version of this message follows)

说起多伦多地区内规模最大、历史最悠久的非盈利慈善机构,Yonge Street Mission一定是榜上有名的(。该组织成立于1896年,起初只是在Yonge街上给贫困人群发放免费的食物和衣服。Yonge Street Mission也因此得名。

Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Yonge Street Mission_第2张图片
最开始用来给贫困人群发放救济的Gospel Wagon

时至今日,经过近120年的发展,Yonge Street Mission已经不仅仅是给人们发放免费救济了。今天的Yonge Street Mission提供100多个不同的服务项目,涵盖教育、医疗、food bank、clothing bank、环境保护、family support等诸多领域。服务人群也不只限于贫困人士。儿童、新移民、妇女、残障人士、长者。。。都可以从Yonge Street Mission得到需要的帮助。Yonge Street Mission为所有人都敞开大门,帮助他们克服生活中的种种困难。

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Yonge Street Mission Clothing Bank
Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Yonge Street Mission_第4张图片
Yonge Street Mission Community Kitchen

如此大规模的综合性公益组织是离不开无私奉献的志愿者的。Yonge Street Mission有大量的长期义工职位可以申请,适合各个年龄段的人群。你的付出可以改变一个人的命运,帮助他重拾生活的希望。目前,Yonge Street Mission有3700余名志愿者。如果你想加入到这个非常有意义的组织中,请点击下面的链接浏览可申请的义工职位并根据指示提交申请表:


Yonge Street Mission (YSM) is one of the largest and oldest not-for-profit charity groups in Toronto. Established in 1896, YSM first distributed free food and clothing to people in need on Yonge Street (hence the name Yonge Street Mission).

Today, YSM is doing much more. With over 100 programs, YSM offers services in a large variety of areas, such as education, childcare, health care, family support, food bank, and so on. YSM's doors are open to everyone. If you face an obstacle in life and require assistance, you can always get it from YSM.

To maintain its services and reach out to even more people, YSM relies on the generous support and selfless contribution of volunteers. Currently, YSM has over 3700 volunteers who make positive differences in people's lives everyday. If you wish to become a part of this amazing family, you can click on the link below to view all available volunteer opportunities:

Many of YSM's volunteer opportunites are long-term positions so be prepared to make an ongoing commitment. However, some positions are occasional and short-term. Just read each role description carefully and apply as instructed.

Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Yonge Street Mission_第5张图片
Youth Support Hub义工推荐:Yonge Street Mission_第6张图片
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