
Guidelines for reporting an fMRI study

Talairach space: a potent source of confusion in neuroimaging. 

1. Describe both who the subjects were and who they were not

2. Describe both what the subjects were asked to do what they actually did

3. Know what "Talairach space" .

- reporting coordinates as being in "Talairach space" without more details is not enough. You should also give the specific details of the spatial normalization method, including the type of transformation used, and what kind of image is being transformed. 

4. Specify how regions of interest were determined

Regions of interest (ROIs) 

5. Provide enough detail to reproduce the analysis

6. Report statistical tests to support all claims

7. Always describe and account for the multiple testing problem

- Voxel- or cluster-wise control of family-wise error, voxel-wise control of the false discovery rate, or formal heuristics which have been shown to control false positives in some objective manner. 

8. Figures and tables should stand on their own

9. Quality control measures should be documented



“The Brain’s Default Mode Network” 

                                                  --  Marcus E. Raichle

Default Mode Network: DMN (PET 结果中,任务态下的默认网络始终会减少其活动;对大脑内在活动的研究,即通常所说的静息态下的研究,在ren)


1. Shulman 1997 、2001 Inaugural article: a default mode of brain function (Raiche et al. 2001)在需要集中注意力、目标导向的任务中所观察到的大脑区在静息状态下并没有被激活,这表明大脑内在活正在进行的活动中存在一个迄今尚未被识别的组织。这一组织的形式被命名为“默认神经网络”

    PET:耗氧量/供氧量=氧萃取分数(the oxygenextraction fraction, OEF)

2. 腹侧内侧前额叶皮层 VMPC(ventral medial prefrontal cortex) 是网络中的一个关键元素,它们通过眶额叶皮层接收来自外部世界和身体的感觉信息,并将这些信息传递给下丘脑、杏仁核和中脑导水管周围灰质等结构。默认网络作为一个与社会行为、情绪控制和动机驱动有关的感觉-内脏运动联系的潜在作用,这些都是个体星河行程的重要组成部分。




Mapping the self in the brain's default mode network

                                                                   --- Christopher G. Davey

Initially task negative network  --> External task related

1. It was initially assumed that the default mode network was most commonly active when a person is not focused on the outside world and the brain is at wakeful rest, such as during daydreaming and mind-wandering. 

2. However, it is now known that it can contribute to elements of experience that are related to external task performance (social working memory or autobiographical tasks). 

Study trends:

Finding the regions responsible for this constant background activity level.
