
今天我担任的是TMA, IE,入会仪式主持

  1. TMA复盘需要改进的地方
    a. 今天开场直接请Kris介绍GE
    b. 中间在做transition的地方
    c. 提前的沟通
  2. 待人接物的复盘
    a. 进场与会员和guest 打招呼
    b. 对待欧阳菀茹的接待,先要抽零碎的时间与她交流一下,这样不至于冷落他人
    c. 人未到声音先到,笑声先到
  3. TT的复盘
    a. quote 故事 qutoe (中间的故事部分过于啰嗦和重复)
    Imagine there is a rose in my hand ,I give you and the fragrance in my hand. if I had 1 million yuan , what would I do ? This remind me of the vedio I have watched , there are still more than 60 million people in Africa are short of clean water ,they have no clean water to drink. I would invest half of the money into how to develop more water sources for them. The other half I will invest in remote place education which is related to my near future plan, I plan to work as a volunteer teacher in xinjiang or Tibeatan. Better education for them just like a seed in their heart , I believe this seed will come out very beautiful flower one day . I will use the money to recruit many many teachers like me to do something for those stduents in remote area. I definitely believe it deserves our efforts. just like what I have said , rose giving ,frangrance left.
    b. 如果我是今天的TTE
    点评speaker ,每个提出特别的亮点点评2句话,然后提出做的好的示范,进行分析,好的即兴演讲也有完整的结构,开头,中间,结尾 等,每部分功能都需要。

看到大家的复盘,真的好赞,我也很受大家感染,我也来做点补充,昨天高效的会议也离不开默默付出的小蜜蜂们,她们虽然没有take role ,但她们也在为会议用心地付出,Dingding在会议开始之前就用微信提醒了各位角色的注意事项,与各位Speaker确认使用PPT事宜,真的是为贴心的小公举,Arwen也有意识地坐在新来的guest 旁边,为guest提供一些帮助和引导,会后有位guest,还特别强调让我向Arwen转达谢谢,还要我们的VPE Lily 会议全程的总监,她在默默关注会议的方方面面,经常会提醒我会议的进度,时间的把控,昨天的高效的会议离不开Lily的安排和把控。Shawn也是翘了班来参加会议,来完成财务大人的工作,认真又用心的好财神。
