

// Paging list
// Written so that it can be easily subclassed, with easy access to
// the parent constructor from the subclass.

function PagingList(id, topItem, visibleItems) {
  if (arguments.length > 0)
    this.init(id, topItem, visibleItems);

PagingList.prototype.init = function(id, topItem, visibleItems) {
  this.id = id;
  this.idElt = document.getElementById(id);
  if (this.idElt == undefined)  return;

  if (topItem != undefined)  this.topItem = topItem;
  if (visibleItems != undefined)  this.visibleItems = visibleItems;

  // We'll be showing/hiding this.listItemElt elements
  // By contract we can assume the list is the first UL element,
  // containing one LI element per list item.
  this.listElt = this.idElt.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];
  this.listItemElt = this.listElt.getElementsByTagName("li");
  this.listLength = this.listItemElt.length;


  // Contract between presentation and behaviour states that the
  // list items are initially hidden. The list itself, however, is
  // displayed. This method displays each list item individually.

// Inherited unless overridden.
PagingList.prototype.visibleItems = 9;
PagingList.prototype.topItem = 0;

// Add a pager to the list.
// A pager's purpose is to page a list in a particular direction
// by calling a list's function on receiving a focus event.
// It adds a div element to the document with the appropriate ID
// and class.
// It's up to presentation to display this element appropriately.
PagingList.prototype.addPagers = function() {
  var me = this;
  this.upPager = this.createPagerElt(function() { me.pageUp() },
				     this.id + "-pagerUp",
				     "pager up");
  this.downPager = this.createPagerElt(function() { me.pageDown() },
				       this.id + "-pagerDown",
				       "pager down");

  // Add to document before and after the list
  this.idElt.insertBefore(this.upPager, this.listElt);
  this.idElt.insertBefore(this.downPager, this.listElt.nextSibling);

PagingList.prototype.createPagerElt = function(fn, id, className) {
  var pagerElt = document.createElement("div");

  // Assume id is unique.
  pagerElt.id = id;
  pagerElt.className = className;

  pagerElt.addEventListener("focus", fn, false);

  return pagerElt;

PagingList.prototype.pageUp = function() {
  // No paging: just refocus first item.
  if (this.topItem == 0) {

  // Never go above the first list item
  var newTop = Math.max(this.topItem - this.visibleItems, 0);

  // Focus goes to the item above the last CURRENTLY visible item
  // however much is paged.
  var newFocus = this.topItem - 1;

  this.pageTo(newTop, newFocus);

PagingList.prototype.pageDown = function() {
  // No paging: just refocus last item.
  if (this.topItem == this.listLength - this.visibleItems) {
    this.moveFocusToItem(this.listLength - 1);

  // Mustn't show items past the end of the list.
  var newTop = Math.min(this.topItem + this.visibleItems,
			this.listLength - this.visibleItems);

  // Focus goes on the one below the last CURRENTLY visible item
  // however much is paged.
  var newFocus = this.topItem + this.visibleItems;

  this.pageTo(newTop, newFocus);

PagingList.prototype.pageTo = function(top, focus) {
  this.topItem = top;


PagingList.prototype.moveFocusToItem = function(pos) {

PagingList.prototype.showList = function() {
  for (var li = this.topItem; li < this.topItem + this.visibleItems; li++) {
    this.listItemElt[li].style.display = "block";

PagingList.prototype.hideList = function() {
  for (var li = this.topItem; li < this.topItem + this.visibleItems; li++) {
    this.listItemElt[li].style.display = "none";

// Initialise the page.
function initPage() {
  var stateList = new PagingList("state-list");
  //var stateList = new ScrollingList("state-list");

window.onload = initPage;


/* Style sheet for paging-list.html */

body { 
  margin: 0;
  background-color: #fc6;

#state-list { 
  position: absolute;
  top: 100px;
  left: 20%;

.list { 
  margin: 0;

.list h1 { 
  display: none;

.list ul { 
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
.list li { 
  display: none; /* changed to display: block; by behaviour code */
  background-color: #da4;
  border: 2px solid #b82;
  margin: 0.25em 0;
  padding: 0 0.5em;
  font: bold 16pt sans-serif;
  width: 10em;
  -ant-user-input: enabled;

.list li:focus { 
  border: 2px solid #369;
  background-color: #69c;
  -ant-highlight-color: transparent;

/* These are created by the behavioural code. */
.pager { 
  -ant-user-input: enabled;
  height: 1px;
  background-color: transparent;
.pager:focus { 
  -ant-highlight-color: transparent;

/* Nothing extra */
.pager.up { 
.pager.down { 







 this.idElt.insertBefore(this.downPager, this.listElt.nextSibling);








parentElement.insertBefore( newElement, referenceElement);





it's because Firefox considers the whitespace between element nodes to be text nodes (whereas IE does not) and therefore using .nextSibling on an element gets that text node in Firefox.





   Credit to John Resig for this function 
   taken from Pro JavaScript techniques 
function next(elem) {
    do {
        elem = elem.nextSibling;
    } while (elem && elem.nodeType != 1);
    return elem;                

var elem = document.getElementById('the_id');
var nextElem = next(elem); 



Object.prototype.nextObject = function() {
var n = this;
do n = n.nextSibling;
while (n && n.nodeType != 1);
return n;





  this.upPager = this.createPagerElt(function() { me.pageUp() },
				     this.id + "-pagerUp",
				     "pager up");

   这里的pager up 在css中是pager类下面的up类 .pager .up{} (不知道如果想要加以id为标示的css类该怎么加)





