第十三章 动名词
第十四章 动词不定词
第十三章 动名词
- 动名词(Ving),形状看起来和现在分词完全一样。差别在于:现在分词当形容词使用、动名词则要当名词使用。
- 动名词,就是在动词 后面加上-ing 当作名词使用。这个动词后面可能还有宾语、补语、修饰语之类,但是在动词 加上-ing 之后,整个都随着动名词转变成动名词词组使用。
1.1 单纯的动名词与减化名词从句比较
John’s smoking three packs of cigarettes a day ruined his lungs. (名词词组做主语)
That John smoked three packs of cigarettes a day ruined his health.(主语从句)
John's smoking = That John smoked
1.2 动名词与普通名词比较
- Rising costs have finally forced the company to fold.
主语 rising costs 是个名词词组:rising 是现在分词,当形容词使用,意思是「不断上涨 的」,后面的 costs 是复数名词,所以 rising costs 这个名词词组前面采用了零冠词。因为 rising costs 是个复数的名词词组,所以后面要用复数动词 have。- Raising prices is the only way to make ends meet.
(调涨价格,是想要收支平衡的唯一办法。)(调涨价格这一个动作)- The rise in costs has caught the company off guard.
主语是 the rise,表示「上涨」这件「事情」。当中 rise 直接当名词使用,前面加上定 冠词 the 当限定符。后面用介词词组 in costs 来修饰名词 the rise。因为主语 the rise 是单数 名词,所以动词采用单数的 has。- The raising of prices is going to scare off some customers.
1.3 动名词与现在分词比较
- 动名词当名词使用、现在分词当形容词使用
- 现在分词的-ing 字尾具有「进行」的暗示,通常要解释为「正在」或「一直」。动名词则缺乏这种暗示。
1.3.1 补语位置
- The most important industry in Macao is gambling.
(澳门首要的工业是赌博业。)(赌博业,动名词)- Many customers were gambling in the casino at the time.
1.3.2 名词词组中
- Those swimming swans came from Siberia.
(那些在游泳的天鹅来自西伯利亚。)(现在分词)- That swimming pool is always crowded. (那座游泳池一直是人满为患。)(动名词)
除了判断是不是有「进行」的意思,还可以用 those swans were swimming = Those swimming swans (现在分词), That swimming pool = a pool for swimming (动名词)
1.4 复合字
Mountain-climbing is primarily a winter sport. (登山主要是冬季的运动。)(复合字)
Climbing mountains is primarily a winter sport. (直接用动名词词组)
1.5 动名词与动词不定词的选择
动名词,指的是一种动作或习惯,这种动作或习惯往往具有持续性。动名词和普通名词 非常接近,可以代表一件「事情」,而且甚至可以有限定符。
1.5.1 介词的宾语
He gave up without trying. (他试也不试一下就放弃了。)
He gave up without a try. (他试也不试一下就放弃了。)
介词 without 后面可以放 动名词,也可以放普通名词,但不能放不定词。
1.5.2 几个经常使用动名词为宾语的例子
- 代表一件事情,而且这件事情是可持续的
I enjoy eating ice cream. (我很喜欢吃冰淇淋。)
He practiced playing the violin every afternoon. (他每天下午练习拉小提琴。)
I dislike having to carry a lot of books with me.
You should avoid making the same mistake twice.
第十四章 动词不定词
所谓「动词不定词」,指的是不定词(infinitive)加原形动词而构成的词组,就是 to +V 的构造。
1.1 不定词和语气助动词
must→have to
should→ought to
will/would→be going to/be willing to
can/could→be able to
may/might→be likely to/be allowed to
- 不定词就是语气助动词减化的结果。亦即,将语气助动词改写为 to,就可以把限定动词词组(语气助动词 + 原形动词)改为非限定(to + V),也就是把动词词组转变为其他词类使用。
1.2 简单的动词不定词与较复杂的减化从句
I want to go.
to go 作want 的宾语是名词的性质。
His girlfriend asked him to buy her a diamond ring as soon as possible.
"to buy her a diamond ring as soon as possible" 修饰him,宾语补足语,有形容词的性质。
His girlfriend asked that he should buy her a diamond ring as soon as possible. (还原成名词从句)
1.2.1 名词词组
To be accurate is very important.
It is very important to be accurate.
动词不定词 to be accurate 当名词使用、作为主语,可以视为 should be accurate 或者 must be accurate 的减化看待:把限定动词 should be 或 must be 改写成 to be,整个词组的词类就转 变为动词不定词,可以当主语使用。动词不定词当主语时,如果嫌主语太长,可以选择先用 虚字 it 暂代主语位置、把动词不定词向后挪,这样句子会比较清楚。
The manager decided to carry out the plan.
动词不定词 to carry out the plan 当名词使用、作为动词 decided 的宾语,可以视为 would carry out the plan 的减看待:把助动词 would 改写为不定词,整个词组就转变为动词不定词、 可以当名词使用,作为宾语。
The best strategy is to stay put.(最佳策略就是按兵不动。)
动词不定词 to stay put 当名词使用、作为主语补语,可以视为 should stay put 的减化看 待:把助动词 should 改为表示不定词的 to,原来的动词词组 should stay put 词类就转变为不 定词、变成当名词使用。
1.2.2 形容词词组
动词不定词当作形容词词组,可以直接放在名词后面用来修饰名词、也可以当主语补语 或宾语补语,如下:
Tonight I have some important work to do. (must do 简化)
You are to report to the General immediately.(must report to the General, 作为You 补语)
Jane wanted her boyfriend to leave her alone. (should leave her alone 减化)
1.2.3 副词词组
The agent called the movie star to tell her about the new movie.(could tell her about the new movie 的减化,修饰called)
Your question is easy to answer.(can answer 的减化,修饰形容词 easy )
The boy is old enough to look after himself now.(can look after himself, 修饰前面的程度副词 enough)
1.3 不定词的判断
- 不定词(infinitive)这个名称很有意义。首先,动词不定词的词类「不定」,也就是当
名词、形容词、副词使用都可以。其次,它的语气「不定」,也就是它属于表达「不确定」 意味的「条件语气」。这种不确定语气和语气助动词的不确定语气完全相同,因为不定词片 语其实就是包含语气助动词的动词词组的减化结果。 - 分析句子中是否该使用不定词,也要从这个角度来判断:凡是该使用不定词的地方,都 属于「不确定」的「条件语气」,而且都可以还原成某一个语气助动词来作合理的诠释。
- 一般语法书中会列出规则,说在 the first, the last, the only…的后面要接不定词。例如:
Charles Lindberg was the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic. (林白是头一个单人驾机成功飞越大西洋的人。)(cloud fly)
Admitting your mistake openly is the only way to solve the problem. (can solve)
- 一般语法书也整理出来说在 easy, simple, likely, possible 等形容词后面要接不定词
Mistakes are likely to happen in the final stages. (错误很可能会发生在最后阶段。)(will happen)
It is possible to correct all the mistakes before the final deadline.(是有可能在最后期限之前把所有的错误都矫正过来。)(can correct)
1.4 动词不定词与动名词的比较
1.4.1 不定词与动名词皆可
The men began playing(or to play) bridge.
I like traveling(or to travel) to different places.
1.4.2 只能用不定词
I would like to take the afternoon off.
动词 would like 的意思是「想要」,这种说法强烈暗示「将要」(will 或 be going to)
The workers agreed to work overtime.
及物动词 agree「同意」强烈暗示「可以」(could)或「愿意」(would),所以后面 应该用动词不定词当宾语。
1.4.3 只能用动名词
The speaker finished talking at last.
动名词 talking 代表的就是「一件事情」,而且是一件「持续一段时间」的事情。
1.4.4 不定词与动名词皆可,但意思不同
Please remember to bring this book to class next week.(下周请记得带这本书来上课。)
Please remember that you must bring this book to class next week.
I remember bringing a friend to your party last week.
I remember that I brought a friend to your party last week.
Sorry, I forgot to call in advance.
Sorry, I forgot that I should call in advance.
I forgot having called the pizza shop, and called again.
I forgot that I had called the pizza shop, and called again.
1.5 表示不定词的 to 与介词 to 的区别
不定词拼成 to,介词也拼成 to,有时会造成混淆。要区分的话还是得回到原点:表示不定词的 to 来自某一个语气助动词、带有不确定语气,后面要接原形动词;介词 to 类 似 toward,表示「对、向」,后面要接名词(包括动名词)
- I used to walk 3 km to school when I was a kid.
(我小时候经常走三公里上学。)(语气助动词, 表示「过去的习惯」)- I am used to walking long distances.
(对于长途走路我已经很习惯了。)(used 是过去分 词、属于形容词类,后面的吐是介词)
I am looking forward to spending the weekend in the mountains.
1.6 完成时的不定词
不定词里面如果用上完成时的动词(to have Ven),表达的是「相对过去的时间」。
- I am fortunate to be here today. (can be here today 的减化)
(我很幸运今天能够在这里。)- I am fortunate to have been born into a good family. (我很幸运能够出生在一个好家庭。)
- The dog seemed to be badly hurt. (这只狗好像身受重伤。)
- The dog seemed to have been hit by a car. (这只狗好像曾被车子撞到。)
例 1 和例 2 的动词 seemed 同样都是过去式,表示那是过去时间。例 1 中的动词不定词 to be badly hurt,时间和动词 seemed 相同、都是过去同一个时间。但是例 2 的动词不定词 to have been hit by a car 用的是完成时,表示「相对过去时间」,也就是更早:先前被车子撞到, 所以看起来才会身受重伤。
1.6.1 原形动词
- 原形动词,一般认为是动词不定词(to V)省略掉不定词的产物。
- 在使役动词和感官动词后面的宾语补语不能使用不定词, 如果碰到不定词则必须移除 to 而成为原形动词。
1.6.2 使役动词
所谓使役动词,指的是像 let, make, have, get… 之类的动词,共同点是都带有「强迫」 意味
- I begged him to help me, but he wouldn’t.(我恳求他帮我忙,他就是不肯。)
- I’ll make him pay for this. (这件事我会要他付出代价。)
例 1 中的动词 beg 是个普通动词:恳求别人帮忙,但是别人愿不愿意帮忙仍属不确定, 所以后面可以用动词不定词 to help me 当宾语补语,那是动词词组 would help me 的减化。 例 2 中的动词 make 是个使役动词,差别在于使役动词带有「强迫」意味,也就是:它的结 果是确定的。因为使役动词后面的结果不再带有不确定语气,所以也就不再能够使用不定词(来自于表达不确定的语气助动词)。这时候可以选择把不定词删掉、剩下原形动词(如 pay)当宾语补语。
- He had his lawn mawned by his neighbor’s kid.
(在使役动词后面,如果有「被动」语态,仍 然应该用过去分词当宾语补语。)- He had the garden party going.
(只要有「进行」意味,在使役动词后面仍然可以选择用现在分词当宾语补语。)- After the party, he had the maid clean up the mess.
I’ll make him pay for this
He will be made to pay for this.
改为被动态之后,动词不再是役役动词而变成是 will be,所以后面要恢复成动词不定词 to pay。
1.6.3 感官动词
所谓感官动词,指的是像 see, hear, feel, smell… 之类的动词,表示「看到、听到、感觉 到」等等。例如:
I saw the car run over a dog.(我看到这辆车辗过一条狗。)
句中的动词是感官动词 see。所谓感官动词,表示「看到、听到…」之类,有一项共同 特色:后面那件事情应该确实发生了,才能够看到或听到、等等。所以,在感官动词后面也 不适合采用具有「不确定」意味的不定词。
- I felt cold rain streaming down my back.
雨水「一直流」是进行状态,可 以选择用现在分词 streaming 当宾语补语。- I felt my wallet touched.
动词 feel 是感官动词,后面不能用不定词。但是就宾语皮夹而言,它是「被碰到」,带 有被动语态,这时候就该采用过去分词 touched 当宾语补语才能表达被动,而不是用原形动 词。- I felt my heart stop; I was so scared.
The car was seen to run over a dog.
句子的动词变成了 was,不再是感官动词,所以后面应该采用动词不定词 to run over a dog。