A GOVERNMENT’S credibility is founded on its commitment to honour its debts. As a result of the dramas of the past few weeks, that crucial commodity is eroding in the West.
crucial commodity指的是政府的公信力
It is a mark of how low expectations have sunk that the euro zone’s half-rescue of Greece on July 21st was greeted with relief.
7月21日,欧元区未尽全力救助希腊也让人们松了口气,这表明人们所抱的期望是多么的低。 同位语加上主语从句
No wonder China’s autocrats, flush with cash and an (only partly deserved) reputation for getting things done, feel as if the future is on their side.
By contrast the stand-off in Washington is a political creation, thrust upon initially incredulous investors (see article).
have recklessly used it as a political tool to embarrass Barack Obama.
不顾后果地把它当做一项政治工具让贝拉克•奥巴马难堪。 文字功底太差
have gone to absurd lengths to avoid admitting two truths
If this deal spawns a fiscal union within Europe, as it may well, that will not be because Mrs Merkel and her peers took a bold, strategic and transparent decision to create one, but because they ran away from more immediate forms of pain (see article).
Its fiscal problem is not now—it should be spending to boost recovery—but in the medium term.
中间一句是插入语句 首句和末尾一句的主语相同
Its absurdly complicated tax system raises very little, and the ageing of its baby-boomers will push its vast entitlement programmes towards bankruptcy
The president also stuck too long to the fiction that the deficit can be plugged by taxing the rich more
In both Europe and America well-connected public-sector unions obstruct progress.
And then there is the greatest (and also the least sustainable) division of all: between the old, clinging tightly to entitlements they claim to have earned, and the young who will somehow have to pay for all this.
Japan has mostly been led by a string of weak consensus-seekers
日本的领导人大多数都是软弱的共识寻求者 ------------beauty
In Europe national politicians, answerable to their own electorates, are struggling to confront continent-wide problems.
Moreover, Western politics is less broken than many allege.
For all their petty foolishness
inefficiencies that hold back their growth
Autocrats need not sneer at the troubles of Western democracies. The problems the latter face would tax any government;