
项目10月份上线之前的版本就适配了IPV6  结果11月初上线2.0.1版本的时候审核被拒,原因如下,大致说是IPV6下连不上网络,但是确实是适配了的,由于被拒所以在iOS10.1.1下又模拟了IPV6网络,测试是没有问题的。


一:检查代码Reachability也是苹果官网最新的 ,MKNetWoking也是支持IPV6的  ,(AFNetworking要更新到最新的,其他分享、二维码、百度地图等等这种第三方的也要支持IPV6(更新到最新的SDK即可))。



F5 --> Link Controller --> Inbound Wide IPs -->abc.my.domain.com配置页面 --> Configuration:Advanced 配置下,有一项:IPv6 NoError Response ,将其设置为“Enabled”  -->“Update”。

dig +nocmd + nostats 域名 AAAA   

由于被拒,心情自然不爽,询问过后觉得是不是苹果测试网络有问题(或者测试的时候我们这边服务器有问题 ---可能性不大),然后最重要的是发现苹果给的图示显示网络连接中断,由此大致可能断定不是IPV6的问题。-------扯多了

那就在扯一句  苹果审核组竟然用手机测完之后 还会用PAD测试iPhone APP (如下图 ,审核被拒原因图)


随便找了个原因A problem with the server, apply for review。过了一天上线成功,没有任何改动。大功告成。

2016年11月10日 下午7:38

发件人 [email protected] (appName Ltd.)

A problem with the server, apply for review。

2016年11月10日 上午6:27

发件人 Apple


Performance - 2.1

We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone running iOS 10.1.1 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network. Specifically, we received an error message upon launch.

We've attached screenshot(s) for your reference.

Next Steps

Please run your app on a device while connected to an IPv6 network (all apps must support IPv6) to identify the issue(s), then revise and resubmit your app for review.

If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how these features were intended to work.

For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue(s). For updates, install the new version as an update to the previous version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue(s).


For information about supporting IPv6 Networks, please refer to Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks and About Networking

If you have difficulty reproducing a reported issue, please try testing the workflow described in Technical Q&A QA1764: How to reproduce bugs reported against App Store submissions.

If you have code-level questions after utilizing the above resources, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support. When the DTS engineer follows up with you, please be ready to provide:

- complete details of your rejection issue(s)

- screenshots

- steps to reproduce the issue(s)

- symbolicated crash logs - if your issue results in a crash log

