Essay35 Feb 2,2017 To Increase Input

In order  to  increase input  about  my English,  I've started  to watch English news and English books. In the learning process, I meet lots of new words, phrases, idiomatic usage and fixed collocations, made  me to learn a lot. Chinese  lunar new year' s eve, I was  suprised by my husband,  he  bought  a book  with English  edition , as my gift  of new year.l plan to read  half  an  hour  each day.< Pride  And  Prejudice >'s writer is  Jane Austen, with female novelist of U.K. She was  bron a rural town -Diwendun. Her father was a local priest. She didn't go to formal school and read a large  number  of literature under her father guidance. She was twenty year-old to start  writing , total published six novals. In1811, was her debut to be published. Next following in 1813, was published.


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