
.NetCore 内置缓存加入到EFCore操作中,数据更新或者查询时自动更新缓存。github地址

2019-04-27 初步完成逻辑代码编写,尚未经过测试,诸多细节有待完善。

2019-04-28 简单功能测试及部分错误逻辑修改。

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace FXY_NetCore_DbContext
    public class DefaultContext
        /// a queue to save the handle,if will be empted when call savechanges().
        private ConcurrentQueue CacheQueue { get; set; }

        /// databse context.
        private DbContext Context { get; set; }

        /// netocre inner cache.
        private IMemoryCache Cache { get; set; }

        /// the time of cache's life cycle
        private int ExpirtTime { get; set; } = 10;

        /// entity context.
        /// database context
        /// cache
        /// expirt time,default 60 sencond.
        public DefaultContext(DbContext context, IMemoryCache cache, int expirtTime = 10)
            CacheQueue = new ConcurrentQueue();
            Context = context;
            Cache = cache;
            ExpirtTime = expirtTime;

        /// add entity to database context and add the handle to the queue.
        /// it will be excuted when call Savechange().
        public void Add(TEntity entity)
            where TEntity : class, new()

        /// add entity list to database context and add the handle to the queue.
        /// it will be excuted when call Savechange().
        public void AddRange(params TEntity[] entities)
            where TEntity : class, new()
            foreach (var item in entities)

        /// remove entity to database context and add the handle to the queue.
        /// it will be excuted when call Savechange().
        public void Remove(TEntity entity)
            where TEntity : class, new()
            bool reesult = Enqueue(entity);
            if (reesult)

        /// remove entity list to database context and add the handle to the queue.
        /// it will be excuted when call Savechange().
        public void RemoveRange(params TEntity[] entities)
            where TEntity : class, new()
            foreach (var item in entities)

        /// update entity to database context and add the handle to the queue.
        /// it will be excuted when call Savechange().
        public void Update(TEntity entity)
            where TEntity : class, new()
            bool reesult = Enqueue(entity);
            if (reesult)

        /// update entity list to database context and add the handle to the queue.
        /// it will be excuted when call Savechange().
        public void UpdateRange(params TEntity[] entities)
            where TEntity : class, new()
            foreach (var item in entities)

        /// attach entity to database context add the handle to the queue.
        /// it will be excuted when call Savechange().
        public void Attach(TEntity entity)
            where TEntity : class, new()
            bool reesult = Enqueue(entity);
            if (reesult)

        /// attach entity list to database context add the handle to the queue.
        /// it will be excuted when call Savechange().
        public void AttachRange(params TEntity[] entities)
            where TEntity : class, new()
            foreach (var item in entities)

        /// update cache and database.
        /// update cache at first,if update cache is failed,return false,else commit the changes to database.
        public bool SaveChanges()
            bool result = Dequeue();
            if (result)
                result = Context.SaveChanges() > 0;
            return result;

        /// single query.
        /// find it in the cache first,return if find it,otherwise search it in database by efcore.
        public TEntity Get(string key)
            where TEntity : class, new()
            var result = GetCache(key);
            if (result == null)
                result = Context.Find(key);
                var cacheEntity = GetCacheEntity(result);
                var cacheEntity = GetCacheEntity(result);
            return result;

        /// collection query.
        /// do not allow fuzzy query
        public List Get(string[] keys)
        where TEntity : class, new()
            var result = new List();
            foreach (var item in keys)
            return result;

        #region private

        #region cache queue

        /// add the handle to the context queue.
        private bool Enqueue(object model)
            CacheEntity entity = GetCacheEntity(model);
            if (CacheQueue.TryPeek(out CacheEntity cacheEntity1))
                return false;
                return CacheQueue.TryPeek(out CacheEntity cacheEntity2);

        /// update the changes to cache,and remove it from the cache queue.
        /// include add,delete and update.
        private bool Dequeue()
            bool check = false;
            bool dequeue = CacheQueue.TryDequeue(out CacheEntity cacheEntity);
            if (dequeue)
                check = RemoveCache(cacheEntity);
                check = false;
            return check;


        #region cache core

        /// add cache
        private bool AddCache(CacheEntity cacheEntity)
            bool check;
            Cache.Set(cacheEntity.key, cacheEntity.Value, new TimeSpan(0, 0, ExpirtTime));
            check = Cache.Get(cacheEntity.key) != null;
            return check;

        /// remove cache.
        private bool RemoveCache(CacheEntity cacheEntity)
            bool check;
            check = Cache.Get(cacheEntity.key) == null;
            return check;

        /// update cache.
        private bool UpdateCache(CacheEntity cacheEntity)
            bool check = RemoveCache(cacheEntity);
            if (check)
                check = AddCache(cacheEntity);
            return check;

        /// get cache by key.
        private TEntity GetCache(string key)
            where TEntity : class, new()
            Cache.TryGetValue(key, out object value);
            return value as TEntity;


        #region other

        /// get private cache entity.
        private CacheEntity GetCacheEntity(object model)
            var key = GetModelKey(model);
            var entity = new CacheEntity()
                Value = model,
                key = key
            return entity;

        /// get the key of a entity.
        private string GetModelKey(object model)
            string key = "";
            var type = model.GetType().GetProperties();
            foreach (var item in type)
                if (item.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(KeyAttribute), true).Length > 0)
                    key = item.GetValue(model).ToString();
            return key;


    /// a entity to handle cache
    public sealed class CacheEntity
        /// cache key
        public string key { get; set; }

        /// cache value
        public object Value { get; set; }
