在 Google I/O 2018 上新出现了一个导航组件(Navigation Architecture Component),导航组件类似iOS开发里的StoryBoard,可以可视化的编辑App页面的导航关系。
官方文档:The Navigation Architecture Component
官方教程:Navigation Codelab
Google实验室的Demo: android-navigation
- App需要有确定的起始点
- 使用一个栈来代表App的导航状态
- 向上按钮从不会退出你的App
- 在App任务中向上和返回按钮是等价的
- 深度链接到目标或导航到相同的目标应产生相同的堆栈
Navigation 是 Android Studio 3.2 才有的功能,所以要先下载 Android Studio 3.2, 目前 Android Studio 3.2 是预览版,正式版目前是 3.1.3,Android studio3.2/3.3下载页面
下载完 Android Studio 3.2 /3.3 后打开项目
在 app 下的 build.gradle 导入 Navigation:
dependencies {
implementation "android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:1.0.0-alpha04"
implementation "android.arch.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:1.0.0-alpha04"
建立个Activity,需要用到 NavHost 来托管 Navigation,NavHost 是个接口,默认是用 NavHostFragment 来托管,NavHostFragment 是实现了 NavHost 接口的,查看 NavHostFragment 会看到,在注释里他已经提供了简单的activity布局写法
* NavHostFragment provides an area within your layout for self-contained navigation to occur.
* NavHostFragment is intended to be used as the content area within a layout resource
* defining your app's chrome around it, e.g.:
* <
* xmlns:android=""
* xmlns:app=""
* android:layout_width="match_parent"
* android:layout_height="match_parent">
* <fragment
* android:layout_width="match_parent"
* android:layout_height="match_parent"
* android:id="@+id/my_nav_host_fragment"
* android:name="androidx.navigation.fragment.NavHostFragment"
* app:navGraph="@xml/nav_sample"
* app:defaultNavHost="true" />
* <
* android:layout_width="wrap_content"
* android:layout_height="match_parent"
* android:layout_gravity="start"/>
* </>
* Each NavHostFragment has a {@link NavController} that defines valid navigation within
* the navigation host. This includes the {@link NavGraph navigation graph} as well as navigation
* state such as current location and back stack that will be saved and restored along with the
* NavHostFragment itself.
* NavHostFragments register their navigation controller at the root of their view subtree
* such that any descendant can obtain the controller instance through the {@link Navigation}
* helper class's methods such as {@link Navigation#findNavController(View)}. View event listener
* implementations such as {@link android.view.View.OnClickListener} within navigation destination
* fragments can use these helpers to navigate based on user interaction without creating a tight
* coupling to the navigation host.
public class NavHostFragment extends Fragment implements NavHost {
app:navGraph: 属性赋值的是 nagation 文件
app:defaultNavHost: 这个是和返回键相关的
class Menu1Fragment : Fragment() {
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_menu1, container, false)
class Menu2Fragment : Fragment() {
lateinit var binding: FragmentMenu2Binding
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
binding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, R.layout.fragment_menu2, container, false)
return binding.root
在res目录右键选择new -> Android Resource File
id: 就像写布局的 id 那样需要给个 id 才能找到它
name: 哪个 Fragment 类名
tools:layout: fragment的layout
navigation -> nav_garden:
这样NavigationView 的app:menu="@menu/menu_navigation"也创建好了。注意menu这里的id需要和navigation的id对应。
class NavigationMainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var binding: ActivityNavigationMainBinding
lateinit var navController: NavController
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_navigation_main)
// Set up ActionBar
navController = Navigation.findNavController(this,
NavigationUI.setupActionBarWithNavController(this, navController, binding.drawerLayout)
// Set up navigation menu
override fun onSupportNavigateUp(): Boolean {
return NavigationUI.navigateUp(binding.drawerLayout, navController)
override fun onBackPressed() {
if(binding.drawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(GravityCompat.START)) {
} else {
Navigation 可以和 Toolbar 相结合,Toolbar 左边会出现个返回的箭头,这样箭头的显示和隐藏控制都不用我们去写了。
用 Toolbar 的话 Activity 的 style 要设置 NoActionBar 的。
这里用到了 NavigationUI 的setupActionBarWithNavController(AppCompatActivity activity, NavController navController) 方法,还覆盖了 onSupportNavigateUp() 方法。是因为在宿主activity里需要重写onSupportNavigateUp方法去启动fragment。想了解更多的话,可以进入源码查看都做了什么
action的id 和 destination:
id 就是这个 action 的 id,
destination 是目的地,要跳转到哪里的
要跳转到第二个 Fragment 得使用
Navigation.findNavController(Activity, @IdRes int viewId)
接受action id 或 fragment id 以及导航选项及Bundle参数等作为参数。
* Find a {@link NavController} given the id of a View and its containing
* {@link Activity}. This is a convenience wrapper around {@link #findNavController(View)}.
* This method will locate the {@link NavController} associated with this view.
* This is automatically populated for the id of a {@link NavHost} and its children.
* @param activity The Activity hosting the view
* @param viewId The id of the view to search from
* @return the {@link NavController} associated with the view referenced by id
* @throws IllegalStateException if the given viewId does not correspond with a
* {@link NavHost} or is not within a NavHost.
public static NavController findNavController(@NonNull Activity activity, @IdRes int viewId) {
View view = ActivityCompat.requireViewById(activity, viewId);
NavController navController = findViewNavController(view);
if (navController == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Activity " + activity
+ " does not have a NavController set on " + viewId);
return navController;
* Find a {@link NavController} given a local {@link View}.
* This method will locate the {@link NavController} associated with this view.
* This is automatically populated for views that are managed by a {@link NavHost}
* and is intended for use by various {@link android.view.View.OnClickListener listener}
* interfaces.
* @param view the view to search from
* @return the locally scoped {@link NavController} to the given view
* @throws IllegalStateException if the given view does not correspond with a
* {@link NavHost} or is not within a NavHost.
public static NavController findNavController(@NonNull View view) {
NavController navController = findViewNavController(view);
if (navController == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("View " + view + " does not have a NavController set");
return navController;
还有一种是通过 NavHostFragment 类
* Find a {@link NavController} given a local {@link Fragment}.
* This method will locate the {@link NavController} associated with this Fragment,
* looking first for a {@link NavHostFragment} along the given Fragment's parent chain.
* If a {@link NavController} is not found, this method will look for one along this
* Fragment's {@link Fragment#getView() view hierarchy} as specified by
* {@link Navigation#findNavController(View)}.
* @param fragment the locally scoped Fragment for navigation
* @return the locally scoped {@link NavController} for navigating from this {@link Fragment}
* @throws IllegalStateException if the given Fragment does not correspond with a
* {@link NavHost} or is not within a NavHost.
public static NavController findNavController(@NonNull Fragment fragment) {
Fragment findFragment = fragment;
while (findFragment != null) {
if (findFragment instanceof NavHostFragment) {
return ((NavHostFragment) findFragment).getNavController();
Fragment primaryNavFragment = findFragment.requireFragmentManager()
if (primaryNavFragment instanceof NavHostFragment) {
return ((NavHostFragment) primaryNavFragment).getNavController();
findFragment = findFragment.getParentFragment();
// Try looking for one associated with the view instead, if applicable
View view = fragment.getView();
if (view != null) {
return Navigation.findNavController(view);
throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment " + fragment
+ " does not have a NavController set");
都是 public static 的方法,所以得到 NavController 之后呢,NavController 有 navigate 方法可以做跳转的
* Navigate to a destination from the current navigation graph. This supports both navigating
* via an {@link NavDestination#getAction(int) action} and directly navigating to a destination.
* @param resId an {@link NavDestination#getAction(int) action} id or a destination id to
* navigate to
* @param args arguments to pass to the destination
public final void navigate(@IdRes int resId, @Nullable Bundle args) {
navigate(resId, args, null);
这里的参数 resId ,从注释中也知道是 action 的那个 id。所以,给按钮添加事件做跳转
class Menu2Fragment : Fragment() {
lateinit var binding: FragmentMenu2Binding
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
binding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater,R.layout.fragment_menu2, container, false)
return binding.root
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
binding.btnToSecondFragment.addClickAction {
有时候可能要从第一个 Fragment 带些数据去第二个 Fragment,那怎么办,也很简单,navigate 有个俩参数的方法
public final void navigate(@IdRes int resId, @Nullable Bundle args) {
navigate(resId, args, null);
第二个参数 Bundle 是经常用的了,跳转后 Activity 可以用 getIntent() 获取,Fragment 可以通过 getArguments() 获取,修改Menu2Fragment的点击事件:
binding.btnToSecondFragment.addClickAction {
var bundle: Bundle = bundleOf(
"test" to getString(R.string.menu2next_args),
"num" to 9
Navigation.findNavController(view).navigate(, bundle)
class Menu2NextFragment : Fragment() {
lateinit var binding: FragmentMenu2NextBinding
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
binding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, R.layout.fragment_menu2_next, container, false)
return binding.root
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
var test: String = arguments?.getString("test")?:""
var num: Int = arguments?.getInt("num")?:0
这里是 Fragment ,跳转后用 getArguments() 去获取
Navigation 还提供了一种安全的数据传递,是怎样的呢?先配置安全插件,在 Project 根目录下的 build.gradle导入:
dependencies {
classpath "android.arch.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin:1.0.0-alpha04"
在 app 下的 build.gradle 里 apply, 同步一下 gradle
apply plugin: 'androidx.navigation.safeargs'
argument 有三个属性 name、defaultValue 和 type,
- name 就是名字到时会生成这个名字的 set 和 get 方法,
- defaultValue 是默认值,
- type 就是数据类型,有以下几种可以使用
怎么用呢?使用也简单,生成的 argument 的类使用 Builder 模式,这里的数据是从Menu2Fragment 传数据给Menu2NextFragment。
public static class Builder {
private String test = "@string/menu2next_args";
private int num = 0;
public Builder(Menu2FragmentArgs original) {
this.test = original.test;
this.num = original.num;
public Builder() {
public Menu2FragmentArgs build() {
Menu2FragmentArgs result = new Menu2FragmentArgs();
result.test = this.test;
result.num = this.num;
return result;
public Builder setTest(@NonNull String test) {
if (test == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument \"test\" is marked as non-null but was passed a null value.");
this.test = test;
return this;
public Builder setNum(int num) {
this.num = num;
return this;
public String getTest() {
return test;
public int getNum() {
return num;
var bundle: Bundle = bundleOf(
"test" to getString(R.string.menu2next_args),
"num" to 9
var menu2FragmentArgs: Menu2FragmentArgs = Menu2FragmentArgs.Builder(Menu2FragmentArgs.fromBundle(bundle)).build()
Navigation.findNavController(view).navigate(, menu2FragmentArgs.toBundle())
var menu2FragmentArgs: Menu2FragmentArgs = Menu2FragmentArgs.fromBundle(arguments)
var test: String = menu2FragmentArgs.test
var num: Int = menu2FragmentArgs.num
defaultNavHost 这个属性和返回键有关的,如果把这个属性改为 false,从第一个 Fragment 跳到第二个 Fragment 再按返回键就会直接退出程序。
第二个 Fragment 可以不用按返回键返回第一个 Fragment, 通过 NavController 去控制,修改下Menu2NextFragment的布局,添加个按钮。
class Menu2NextFragment : Fragment() {
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
binding.btnBackMenu1Fragment.addClickAction {
Navigation.findNavController(view).popBackStack(, false)
NavController 有 navigateUp() 和 popBackStack() 都可以返回上一级,有什么区别:
popBackStack() 如果当前的返回栈是空的就会报错,因为栈是空的了,navigateUp() 则不会,还是停留在当前界面
看看 popBackStack() 源码,第一句就是判断返回栈是不是空的
public boolean popBackStack() {
if (mBackStack.isEmpty()) {
// Nothing to pop if the back stack is empty
return false;
// Pop just the current destination off the stack
return popBackStack(getCurrentDestination().getId(), true);
查看navigateUp源码,做了判断 返回栈是不是只剩一个,不是的话就会去调用 popBackStack()
public boolean navigateUp() {
if (mBackStack.size() == 1) {
// If there's only one entry, then we've deep linked into a specific destination
// on another task so we need to find the parent and start our task from there
NavDestination currentDestination = getCurrentDestination();
int destId = currentDestination.getId();
NavGraph parent = currentDestination.getParent();
while (parent != null) {
if (parent.getStartDestination() != destId) {
TaskStackBuilder parentIntents = new NavDeepLinkBuilder(NavController.this)
if (mActivity != null) {
return true;
destId = parent.getId();
parent = parent.getParent();
// We're already at the startDestination of the graph so there's no 'Up' to go to
return false;
} else {
return popBackStack();
public boolean popBackStack(@IdRes int destinationId, boolean inclusive) {//...}
第一个参数是 Navigation 文件的 fragment 的 id,不是 action 的,
第二个参数是指是否包含第一个参数 id 那个也弹出栈
有时候不想马上启动 Start Destination,或者从别的地方收到传过来的数据,然后要在 Start Destination 中用的需求,这时就不能在 layout 中写 navGraph,因为写了 navGraph 一启动就会去加载 Start Destination,这时可以用代码去动态加载 Navigation 文件的内容,从 NavHostFragment 入手。
- 修改下 Activity 的 layout,把 NavHostFragment 的 navGraph 属性去掉
- 在 Activity 里加载
var navHostFragment: NavHostFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as NavHostFragment
var navSimple: NavGraph = navHostFragment.navController.navInflater.inflate(R.navigation.nav_garden)
var menu2FragDestination: NavDestination = navSimple.findNode(
var menu2FragmentArgs: Menu2FragmentArgs = Menu2FragmentArgs.fromBundle(bundleOf("test" to getString(R.string.menu2next_args), "num" to 9))
navHostFragment.navController.graph = navSimple
这里先通过 FragmentManager 找到 NavHostFragment,navHostFragment 有 getNavController() 方法,
NavController 里 getNavInflater() 方法获得 NavInflater,
NavInflater 这个类似 LayoutInflater, 通过 inflate() 去加载 Navigation,
设置了数据后通过 NavController 的 setGraph(NavGraph graph) 就加载出来了
- Android Navigation Architecture Component 使用详解
- Android官方架构组件Navigation:大巧不工的Fragment管理框架
- 导航库 Navigation 小结