
And that will be  discussing today .

Before we do , Neil , have you created a question for us to answer ?

Yes , and it is the creative artist Banksy . He created a well-known piece of artwork that has been in the news recently .Do you know what it is called ?

A Girl with balloon

B Girl with red balloon

Or C Balloon Girl

I can see the picture in my head . So I think C .

OK .We,ll  find out the answer later .

Back to the discussion about creativity .

Experts say that students need to foucus more on creativity to help them find a job . That is surprising in the UK , that some of our creative induatries  -the businesses that make music , art and TV for example -is world famous .

We are creative people, Rob .

Of course .But  there is not such a focus on creative in education now .This will have an effect in the future.
