Summary 1 (Chapter 1-9) 11.04


The transaction: Two of the most important qualities on writing well: humanity and warmth.

Simplicity & Clutter: Strip every sentence to its cleanest components.

Style & The Audience: Create your own style to the audience--yourself.

Words & Usage: Express yourself clearly and simply to someone else using good usage as they almost always be used.

Unity: The anchor of good writing is unity of pronoun or tense or mood. 

The Lead and the Ending: Capture your reader immediately in the lead and  take your readers slightly by surprise and yet seem exactly right in the end.


1. 这周阅读中发现其实很多方法或道理我的高中老师,大学老师在不同课堂上都已经讲过,比如删繁就简,行文风格,词法句法,凤头豹尾等。但是很遗憾,写作中却一直没把这些当回事,没刻意练习,自然写作也一直毫无起色。

2. 书为我所用,尽信书不如无书啊。

3. 群里小伙伴的阅读量都很大,比如Zhao DaiWei, 唐人悦,非常值得学习。每天寥寥几笔就暴露了自己阅读之少。


1. a person assailed被困扰 by many forces competing for attention.

He meant that the students had been hassling不断烦扰 them about different things.

2. Each tugging用力拉 the reader forward until he is hooked, a writer constructs that fateful unit, the “lead.”

as long as it nudges用肘轻推 his curiosity and tugs at his sleeve.

Adjective & Noun:

1.We are a society strangling扼杀,窒息,压制in unnecessary words, circular constructions,pompous frills and meaningless jargon.

tacky, pompous, tinseled, garish, gaudy, tinseled差不多,表示“浮夸” “俗气”。tacky强调的是“廉价、劣质”。


jargon, slang, locution, argot: 行话,俚语;暗语;隐语

2.We voted heavily against “cohort同伙,共犯” as a synonym for “colleague,” except when the tone was jocular幽默的,诙谐的.

3. Is anything pompous or pretentious自命不凡的 ,虚夸的or faddish一时流行的?


1. Probably I gave my O.K. to "regime."

类似表达还有give go-ahead to, give green light to。这样的表达形象、有趣。

2. In the end it comes down to what is "correct" usage.

类似表达还有it boils down to,意思是“说到底”。例如What Eric wants boils down to just one thing: money. Eric无非就是想要一样东西,那就是钱!

3. Otherwise we might fall prey to disincentivization.

fall prey to和fall victim to差不多,表示“成为…的牺牲品;受…的影响。

4. He is a real person taking us along on a real trip, and we can identify with him and Ann.

identify with表示“感同身受” “有共鸣”,和我们之前见的connect with差不多。类似的表达还有resonate with,本书后面也会出现。第九章出现了它的名词形式resonance.

5. There is no pat answer. 这个问题不是随随便便能回答的。pat:随便的,过于简单的

6. it satisfies your readers’ subconscious need for order and reassures them that all is well at the helm掌舵,掌握之中.

7. others can’t write the second paragraph until they have fiddled endlessly with the first.

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