(1) insert into table_name values(....)
(2) insert into target_table select* from source_table
上面这两种常规的插入式,默认都是在串行方式下的插入,会将insert的数据写入buffer_cache,插入前检查表中是否有block中存有空闲空间可以追加插入,并写入redo log。
(1) 可以将insert数据跳过buffer_cahce,省掉了buffer block的格式化与DBWR操作,直接从PGA写入磁盘
(2) 不检查表中现有的block是否有空闲空间,直接在表的高水位线(HWM)以上插入
(3) 如果在数据库处于非归档模式下,或者是数据就处于归档模式,表级处于nologging状态下,只有少量的空间信息redo写入、不写入数据undo(因为要回滚时可以直接回退到高水线即可,而不需要针对insert生成delete的回滚记录),所以在特定的情况下,直接路径(direct-path)的insert方式,在性能上远远快于常规的串行插入方式。
Note: If the database or tablespace is in FORCE LOGGING mode, then direct-path INSERT always logs, regardless of the logging setting. |
如果数据库或表空间在forcelogging模式,则direct-path insert总是会写日志,无论logging如何设置。
APPEND hint: Instructs the optimizer to use direct-path INSERT (data is appended to the end of the table, regardless of whether there is free space in blocks below the high watermark) |
当数据库处于非归档模式下,不管表为logging模式还是nologging模式,使用/*+APPEND */ hint,既可以使用direct-path,还将不记录redo和undo
INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO new_object SELECT * FROM dba_objects; |
当数据库处于归模模式下,若表为logging模式,即便使用/*+APPEND */ hint,虽然direct-path可以起到作用,但是insert操作仍然会写redo记录,就算你在insert语句上加nologging也不会有效果,redo日志与undo照写不误。
The APPEND hint is required for using serial direct-load INSERT. Direct-load INSERT operations can be done without logging of redo information in case the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode. Redo information generation is suppressed by setting no-logging mode for the table, partition, or index into which data will be inserted by using an ALTER TABLE, ALTER INDEX, or ALTER TABLESPACE command. |
Alter table new_object nologging; INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO new_object SELECT * FROM dba_objects; |
(1)ORACLE版本为Oracle Enterprise Edition
2)插入语句中指定并行提示(/*+ parallel n */)
以数据库为非归档模式用法为例(注意归档模式,还需将表改成nologging模式): (1)alter session enable parallel dml; 语句还有选项有::ALTER SESSION { ENABLE | FORCE } PARALLEL DML; (2)alter table new_object_directpath parallel 8; (3)insert /*+PARALLEL(new_object_directpath, 8) */into new_object_directpathnologging select * from new_object_old; |
源表名 |
test_dba_objects |
源表行数 |
1630104 |
源表segment大小 |
184MB |
传统串行insert方式 |
APPEND hint的direct-path insert方式 |
DML并行的direct-path insert方式 |
(1)建表与修改设定 SQL>create table new_object_directpath as select * from test_dba_objects where 1=2
SQL>alter table new_object_directpath nologging SQL> SET TIMING ON Elapsed: 00:00:00.54
(2)insert耗时 SQL> insert into new_object_directpath nologgingselect * from test_dba_objects;
1630104 rows created.
Elapsed: 00:00:12.43 未产生数据redo与undo |
(1)建表与修改设定 SQL>create table new_object_directpath as select * from test_dba_objects where 1=2
SQL>alter table new_object_directpath nologging SQL> SET TIMING ON Elapsed: 00:00:00.54
(2)insert耗时 SQL> insert /*+APPEND */ into new_object_directpath select * from test_dba_objects;
1630104 rows created.
Elapsed: 00:00:05.83 未产生数据redo与undo |
SQL>create table new_object_directpath as select * from test_dba_objects where 1=2
SQL>alter table new_object_directpath nologging SQL> SET TIMING ON Elapsed: 00:00:00.54
(2)修改表的并行模式 SQL> alter table new_object_directpath parallel 8;
(3) insert耗时 SQL> insert /*+parallel (new_object_directpath,8) */ into new_object_directpath select * from test_dba_objects;
1630104 rows created.
Elapsed: 00:00:05.61 未产生数据redo与undo |
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