
       在编写Dockerfile时,比较常用的基础镜像就是centos。在centos的版本中,也主要分为主版本和次版本。目前centos docker官方提供的镜像版本如下:
latest, centos7, 7
centos6, 6
centos7.4.1708, 7.4.1708
centos7.3.1611, 7.3.1611
centos7.2.1511, 7.2.1511
centos7.1.1503, 7.1.1503
centos7.0.1406, 7.0.1406
centos6.9, 6.9
centos6.8, 6.8
centos6.7, 6.7
centos6.6, 6.6

The CentOS Project offers regularly updated images for all active releases. These images will be updated monthly or as needed for emergency fixes. These rolling updates are tagged with the major version number only. For example: docker pull centos:6 or docker pull centos:7

CentOS项目对所有的发行版本提供了定期更新。这些镜像会每月或者紧急修复时进行更新。这些滚动更新只使用主版本号进行标记。比如“docker pull centos:6” 或者 “docker pull centos:7”

Additionally, images with minor version tags that correspond to install media are also offered. These images DO NOT recieve updates as they are intended to match installation iso contents. If you choose to use these images it is highly recommended that you include RUN yum -y update && yum clean all in your Dockerfile, or otherwise address any potential security concerns. To use these images, please specify the minor version tag:
For example: docker pull centos:5.11 or docker pull centos:6.6

此外,同样提供了小版本号的镜像。这些镜像不会接收更新,因为它们是为了匹配安装iso的内容。如果你选择了这些小版本号的镜像作为基础镜像,那么强烈建议你在Dockerfile中增加“RUN yum -y update && yum clean all”,或者去定位任何潜在的问题。使用这些镜像,指定小版本号的tag如下:“docker pull centos:5.11”或者“docker pull centos:6.6”。

