c++ Primer Plus(第六版)第十六章习题,写代码之路

c++ Primer Plus(习题16.1)

using std::string;
using std ::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::getline;
using std::endl;
bool Isplalindrome(const string &s);
int main()

	string p;
	cout << "Enter a plalindrome word: ";
	while (getline(cin, p)&&p != "q")

		if (Isplalindrome(p))
			cout << "Yes, " << p << " is a plalindrome word!\n";
			cout << "Sorry,is not a plalindrome word!\n";
		cout << "Think about another word: (q to exit)";
	cout << "Bye!\n";
bool Isplalindrome(const string &s)
	string temp = s;		//string temp(words.rbegin(), words.rend());
	int j = s.size();		//用上面的反转迭代器更简单
	int i=0;
	for (; i 
c++ Primer Plus(习题16.2)

#include				//处理大小写
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::getline;
using std::endl;
bool Isplalindrome(const string &s);
int main()

	string p;
	cout << "Enter a plalindrome word: ";
	while (getline(cin, p) && p != "q")

		if (Isplalindrome(p))
			cout << "Yes, " << p << " is a plalindrome.\n";
			cout << "Sorry,is not a plalindrome.\n";
		cout << "Think about another word: (q to exit)";
	cout << "Bye!\n";
bool Isplalindrome(const string &s)
	string temp;		//这个用于存储去掉大写,和非字母字符的string类,反转后的类			
	int i = 0;
	int j = s.size() - 1;
	for (; j>=0;j--)
		if (isalpha(s[j]))					//判断字符是否是字母	
		{								//处理大小写字符
			temp.push_back(tolower(s[j]));	//还是这种方法好一点
	//temp[i] = '\0'; string的结尾标记没有规定是'\0'这种方法不可行
	string tem(temp.rbegin(), temp.rend());
	if (temp == tem)
		return true;
	return false;
c++ Primer Plus(习题16.3)


const int NUM = 26;
void Readword();
std::vector input;			//全局变量省的传递参数了
int main()
	char play;
	std::cout << "Will you play a word game?  ";
	std::cin >> play;
	play = std::tolower(play);
	while (play=='y')
		std::string target= input[std::rand() % NUM];
		int length = target.length();
		std::string attempt(length, '-');
		std::string badchars;
		int guesses = 6;
		std::cout << "Guess my secret word. It has " << length 
			<< " letters, and you guess\n" << "one letter at a time. You get " 
			<< guesses << " wrong guesses.\n";
		std::cout << "Your word: " << attempt << std::endl;
		while (guesses > 0 && attempt != target)
			char letter;
			std::cout << "Guess a letter: ";
			std::cin >> letter;
			if ((badchars.find(letter) != std::string::npos) //nops是string中的最大存储字符数
				|| (attempt.find(letter)!= std::string::npos))
				std::cout << "You already guessed that. Try again.\n";
			int loc = target.find(letter);			//记录找到字符的位置
			if (loc == std::string::npos)
				std::cout << "Oh, bad guess!\n";
				badchars +=letter;					//记录到错误的那里
				std::cout << "Good guess!\n";
				attempt[loc] =letter;		//显示猜对的字符
				loc = target.find(letter, loc + 1);
				while (loc != std::string::npos)	//显示这个单词后面相同的字符
					attempt[loc] =letter;
					loc = target.find(letter, loc + 1);
			std::cout << "Your word: " << attempt << std::endl;
			if (attempt != target)
				if (badchars.length() > 0)
					std::cout << "Bad choices: " << badchars << std::endl;
				std::cout << guesses << " bad guesses left\n";
		if (guesses > 0)
			std::cout << "That's right\n";
			std::cout << "Sorry, the word is " << target << ".\n";
		std::cout << "Will you play another?  ";
		std::cin >> play;
		play = tolower(play);
	std::cout << "Bye!\n";
	return 0;
void Readword()
	std::ifstream fin;
		std::cout << "Open file data.txt error!\n";
	std::string s;				//存储读取的单词
	while (!fin.eof())
		input.push_back(s);			//动态增加input的成员数量
c++ Primer Plus(习题16.4)

#include							//list模板,双向链表
#include						//迭代器
int reduce(long ar[], int i);
void outlong(long n) { std::cout << n << " "; }
int main()
	using std::cout;
	long test[12] = { 40,51,57,89,87,85,40,40,51,64,52,0 };
	int result;
	result = reduce(test, 12);
	cout << "Source array: \n";
	for (long x : test)					//基于范围的for循环
			cout << x << " ";
	cout << "\nThe mount: " << 12;
	std::cout << "\nAfter sort and remove, the number is "<
c++ Primer Plus(习题16.5)

int reduce(T ar[], int n);
void outlong(T n) { std::cout << n << " "; }
int main()
	using std::cout;
	cout << "Test a function,accept a type array and longth,return after reduce same elemet"
		"mount." << std::endl;

	long test[12] = { 40,51,57,89,87,85,40,40,51,64,52,0 };
	int result;
	result = reduce(test, 12);
	cout << result<
int reduce(T ar[], int n)
	f.insert(f.begin(), ar, ar + n);
	std::cout << "After reduce and sort:\n";
	std::for_each(f.begin(), f.end(), outlong);
	std::cout << std::endl;
	return f.size();
c++ Primer Plus(习题16.6)

//改写程序清单12.12就是那个排队买东西的,在c primer中也有
//使用stl queue 有高级的函数辅助加上一些queue 的stl功能,
class Customer
	long arrive;
	int processtime;
	Customer() { arrive = processtime = 0; }
	void set(long when) 
		processtime = std::rand() % 3 + 1;
		arrive = when;
	long when()const { return arrive; }
	int ptime()const { return processtime; }
typedef Customer Item;
const int MIN_PER_HR = 60;
bool newcustomer(double x);
int main()
	using namespace std;
	cout << "Case Study: Bank of Heather Automatic Teller\n";
	cout << "Enter maximum size of queue: ";		//最大的排队人数
	int qs;
	cin >> qs;
	queue line;								//queue本人没看到指定队列数的构造函数
	cout << "Enter the number of simulation hours: ";	//测试的时间
	int hours;
	cin >> hours;
	long cyclelimit = MIN_PER_HR*hours;
	cout << "Enter the average number of cunstomers per hour: ";	//每小时的额客户数
	double perhour;
	cin >> perhour;
	double min_per_cust;
	min_per_cust = MIN_PER_HR / perhour;				//记录总的分钟数
	Item temp;
	long turnaways = 0;									//拒绝人数
	long customers = 0;									//来的人数
	long served = 0;									//服务人数
	long sum_line = 0;									//队列的长度
	int wait_time = 0;									//取款机空闲的等待时间	
	long line_wait = 0;									//队列的总等待时间
	for (long cycle = 0; cycle < cyclelimit; cycle++)
		if (newcustomer(min_per_cust))
			if (line.size()==qs)						//检查队列的长度是否等于最大排队人数
				line.push(temp);							//enqueue和push同样的方法
		if (wait_time <= 0 && !line.empty())
			line.pop();								//弹出,不需要item参数
			wait_time = temp.ptime();	
			line_wait += cycle - temp.when();
		if (wait_time > 0)
		sum_line += (line.size()) / 2;
	if (customers > 0) {
		cout << "customers accepted: " << customers << endl;
		cout << "  customers served: " << served << endl;
		cout << "        turnaways: " << turnaways << endl;
		cout << "average queue size: ";
		cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield);
		cout << (double)sum_line / cyclelimit << endl;
		cout << "average wait time: " << (double)line_wait / served << " minutes\n";
		cout << "No customers!\n";
	cout << "Done!\n";
	return 0;
bool newcustomer(double x)
	return (rand()*x / RAND_MAX < 1);
c++ Primer Plus(习题16.7)

using namespace std;
vector Lotto(int count, int ccount);	//返回一个包含vector
int main()
	cout << "This is a Lottery card Test program."
		"To test a funtion Lotto: \n";
	int numb, times;
	cout << "Enter a draw range: ";
	cin >> numb;
	cout << "How many times your draw less than: ";
	cin >> times;
	winners = Lotto(numb,times);
	cout<< "The winners Lottery card winning number is:\n";
	for (auto m = winners.begin(); m != winners.end(); m++)    //用迭代器的方式输出容器对象的值
		cout<< *m << endl;
	cout << "Good lucky!\n";
	cout << "Test complete!\n";
	return 0;
vector Lotto(int count, int ccount)
	vectorpvalue(count);				//用来记录可能值,用了指定元素个数的f方法
	vectorvalue;						//用于返回
	for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
		pvalue[i] = i + 1;
	for (int i = 0; i < ccount; i++)				//打乱ccount指定的次数,每次取第一个值存入数组
		random_shuffle(pvalue.begin(), pvalue.end());
	return value;
c++ Primer Plus(习题16.8)

#include				//迭代器的头文件
int main()
	using namespace std;
	ostream_iteratorout(cout, " ");			//输出迭代器
	string Mat[5] = { "Joly","Jack","Zoe","Jay,Zou","X" };	//直接用这个来初始化了
	string Pat[4] = { "Joly","Emil","X","Lai Mei" };
	setA(Mat, Mat + 5);			//第一个容器,set容器自动排序,大家都知道
	cout << "Mat's friends:\n";
	copy(A.begin(), A.end(), out);		//STL函数,复制到输出流迭代器
	cout << endl;						//说白了,就是显示容器内容
	setB(Pat, Pat + 4);
	cout << "Pat's friends:\n";
	copy(B.begin(), B.end(), out);
	cout << endl;
	set_union(A.begin(), A.end(), B.begin(), B.end(), 
		insert_iterator>(C, C.begin()));		//AB集合,用了一个插入迭代器
	cout << "Friends they have:\n";
	copy(C.begin(), C.end(), out);
	cout << endl;
	return 0;
c++ Primer Plus(习题16.9)

#include					//提供时间函数
const int Num=1000000;			//这个要足够大
void outint(int n) { std::cout << n << " "; }
int main()
	using namespace std;
	vectorvi0(Num);				//指定个数的初始化
	for (int i=0; i < Num; i++)
		vi0[i]=rand()%100 + 1;
	cout << "Hello,this program set to accumulate time between STL sort method "
		"for vector object,and list sort methods.\n";
	cout << "Number of elements is " << Num << endl;
	vi = vi0;										//调用vector的赋值运算符
	listli(Num);								//指定个数的初始化
	copy(vi0.begin(), vi0.end(), li.begin());		//不同容器之间的数据复制
	clock_t start = clock();
	sort(vi.begin(), vi.end());
	clock_t end = clock();
	cout << "Frist method,using STL sort time " << (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " s.\n";
	clock_t start_2= clock();
	clock_t end_2= clock();
	cout << "Second method,using list sort time " << (double)(end_2 - start_2) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " s.\n";
	copy(vi0.begin(), vi0.end(), li.begin());		//重置li链表
	clock_t start_3 = clock();
	copy(li.begin(), li.end(), vi.begin());			//把list的值复制到vi容器
	sort(vi.begin(), vi.end());						//排序
	copy(vi.begin(), vi.end(), li.begin());
	clock_t end_3 = clock();
	cout << "Third method,using other sort time " << (double)(end_3 - start_3) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " s.\n";
	cout << "Now,you can see,\nwhen list container count become big,sortting them is too long."
		"\nSo,make right choice to compelete a function.\n";
	return 0;

c++ Primer Plus(习题16.10)

#include				//提供一些STL方法
#include				//智能指针头文件
struct Review					//结构是一种默认为公有的类
	std::string title;
	int rating;
	double price;				//增加的成员,书价格
using namespace std;		//书上也是按引用传递指针的意义非凡,其实不还是指针,没设呢么区别
bool operator<(shared_ptrr1, shared_ptrr2);//按字母排序的
bool woreThan(shared_ptrr1, shared_ptrr2);	//评分排序的
bool expensivethen(shared_ptrr1, shared_ptrr2);	//价格排序的
bool FillReview(Review*rr);
void ShowReview(shared_ptrrr);			//有点特别,书上的用法
void Showmenu();
int main()
	Review temp;
	while (FillReview(&temp))
		pr.push_back(shared_ptr(new Review(temp)));
	vector>tem(pr);		//用vector自带的初始化,是一个按名称排序的vector
	sort(tem.begin(), tem.end());			//创建按指针排序的<运算符,全排序
	sort(tem2.begin(), tem2.end(), woreThan);		//调用函数进行排序,完整弱排序
	sort(tem3.begin(), tem3.end(), expensivethen);
	if (pr.size() > 0)
		std::cout<< "Thank you,You entered the following "
			<< pr.size() << " ratings.\n";
		char choose;
		cin >> choose;
		while (choose != 'q')
			switch (choose)
			{					//天真的我竟然在后面加&这个
			case 'a':for_each(pr.begin(),pr.end(), ShowReview); break;
			case'b': for_each(tem.begin(),tem.end(), ShowReview); break;
			case'c':for_each(tem2.begin(), tem2.end(), ShowReview); break;
			case'd':for_each(tem2.rbegin(), tem2.rend(), ShowReview); break;
			case 'e':for_each(tem3.begin(), tem3.end(), ShowReview); break;
			case'f':for_each(tem3.rbegin(), tem3.rend(), ShowReview); break;
			case 'q':break;
			default: std::cout << "Error choose,choose again:\n";
			cin >> choose;
		std::cout << "No data!\n";
	std::cout << "Bye!\n";
	return 0;
bool operator<(shared_ptrr1, shared_ptrr2)		
	if (r1->title < r2->title)
		return true;
	else if (r1->title == r2->title&&r1->rating < r2->rating)
		return true;		//这里不想太麻烦,就选择评分为优先排序项目
		return false;
bool woreThan(shared_ptrr1, shared_ptrr2)  //按评分升序
	if (r1->ratingrating)
		return true;
		return false;
bool expensivethen(shared_ptrr1, shared_ptrr2) //按价格升序
	if (r1->price < r2->price)
		return true;
		return false;
bool FillReview(Review*rr)
	std::cout << "Enter book title(quit to quit): ";
	std::getline(std::cin, rr->title);
	if (rr->title == "quit")
		return false;
	std::cout << "Enter book rating: ";
	std::cin >> rr->rating;
	if (!std::cin)
		return false;					//检查错误输入
	std::cout << "Enter book price(unit:yuan): ";
	std::cin >> rr->price;
	if (!std::cin)
		return false;
	while (std::cin.get() != '\n')
	return true;
void ShowReview(shared_ptrrr)
	std::cout << rr->title<< "\t\t\t\t\t" << rr->rating << "\t $ " << rr->price 
		<< "\tyuan.\n";
void Showmenu()
	std::cout << "Make a choose to display them: \n"
		"a) Display by original order.            b) Display by alphabetic order.\n"
		"c) Display by rating ascending order.     d) Display by rating descending order.\n"
		"e) Display by price ascending order.      f) Display by price descending order.\n"
		"q) quit.\n";
