所有训练的过程,都可以抽象成 cost。TensorLayer 把 word2vec 的cost,通过一个 Layer Class 抽象出来,大大简化了代码的难度。
Word2vecEmbeddingInputlayer 输出的cost,是根据向 skip-gram 和 NCE 给定特定的 number of negative samples, vocabulary size 和 embedding size 决定的。
此外,还可以通过 tensorflow 提供的 initializer 自定义参数初始化方法,以下是核心代码。
# train_inputs is a row vector, a input is an integer id of single word.
# train_labels is a column vector, a label is an integer id of single word.
# valid_dataset is a column vector, a valid set is an integer id of single word.
train_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[batch_size])
train_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[batch_size, 1])
valid_dataset = tf.constant(valid_examples, dtype=tf.int32)
# Look up embeddings for inputs.
emb_net = tl.layers.Word2vecEmbeddingInputlayer(
inputs = train_inputs,
train_labels = train_labels,
vocabulary_size = vocabulary_size,
embedding_size = embedding_size,
num_sampled = num_sampled,
nce_loss_args = {},
E_init = tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-1.0, maxval=1.0),
E_init_args = {},
nce_W_init = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(
nce_W_init_args = {},
nce_b_init = tf.constant_initializer(value=0.0),
nce_b_init_args = {},
name ='word2vec_layer',
cost = emb_net.nce_cost
具体代码,可以在 TensorLayer 的 word2vec 教程找到, 可参考:
import collections
import math
import os
import random
# import zipfile
import numpy as np
# from six.moves import urllib
from six.moves import xrange # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorlayer as tl
import time
flags = tf.flags
flags.DEFINE_string("model", "one", "A type of model.")
def main_word2vec_basic():
""" Step 1: Download the data, read the context into a list of strings.
Set hyperparameters.
words = tl.files.load_matt_mahoney_text8_dataset()
data_size = len(words)
print('Data size', data_size) # print(words) # b'their', b'families', b'who', b'were', b'expelled', b'from', b'jerusalem',
resume = False # load existing model, data and dictionaries
if FLAGS.model == "one":
# toy setting (tensorflow/examples/tutorials/word2vec/word2vec_basic.py)
vocabulary_size = 50000 # maximum number of word in vocabulary
batch_size = 128
embedding_size = 128 # Dimension of the embedding vector (hidden layer).
skip_window = 1 # How many words to consider left and right.
num_skips = 2 # How many times to reuse an input to generate a label.
# (should be double of 'skip_window' so as to
# use both left and right words)
num_sampled = 64 # Number of negative examples to sample.
# more negative samples, higher loss
learning_rate = 1.0
n_epoch = 20
model_file_name = "model_word2vec_50k_128"
# Eval 2084/15851 accuracy = 15.7%
if FLAGS.model == "two":
# better (tensorflow/models/embedding/word2vec.py)
vocabulary_size = 80000
batch_size = 20 # Note: small batch_size need more steps for a Epoch
embedding_size = 200
skip_window = 5
num_skips = 10
num_sampled = 100
learning_rate = 0.2
n_epoch = 15
model_file_name = "model_word2vec_80k_200"
# 7.9%
if FLAGS.model == "three":
# better (tensorflow/models/embedding/word2vec_optimized.py)
vocabulary_size = 80000
batch_size = 500
embedding_size = 200
skip_window = 5
num_skips = 10
num_sampled = 25
learning_rate = 0.025
n_epoch = 20
model_file_name = "model_word2vec_80k_200_opt"
# bad 0%
if FLAGS.model == "four":
# see: Learning word embeddings efficiently with noise-contrastive estimation
vocabulary_size = 80000
batch_size = 100
embedding_size = 600
skip_window = 5
num_skips = 10
num_sampled = 25
learning_rate = 0.03
n_epoch = 200 * 10
model_file_name = "model_word2vec_80k_600"
# bad bad
if FLAGS.model == "five":
vocabulary_size = 50000
batch_size = 128
embedding_size = 200
skip_window = 1
num_skips = 2
num_sampled = 64
learning_rate = 0.001
n_epoch = 20
model_file_name = "model_word2vec_50k_200"
num_steps = int((data_size/batch_size) * n_epoch) # total number of iteration
print('%d Steps a Epoch, total Epochs %d' % (int(data_size/batch_size), n_epoch))
print(' learning_rate: %f' % learning_rate)
print(' batch_size: %d' % batch_size)
""" Step 2: Build the dictionary and replace rare words with 'UNK' token.
if resume:
print("Load existing data and dictionaries" + "!"*10)
all_var = tl.files.load_npy_to_any(name=model_file_name+'.npy')
data = all_var['data']; count = all_var['count']
dictionary = all_var['dictionary']
reverse_dictionary = all_var['reverse_dictionary']
data, count, dictionary, reverse_dictionary = \
tl.files.build_words_dataset(words, vocabulary_size, True)
print('Most 5 common words (+UNK)', count[:5]) # [['UNK', 418391], (b'the', 1061396), (b'of', 593677), (b'and', 416629), (b'one', 411764)]
print('Sample data', data[:10], [reverse_dictionary[i] for i in data[:10]]) # [5243, 3081, 12, 6, 195, 2, 3135, 46, 59, 156] [b'anarchism', b'originated', b'as', b'a', b'term', b'of', b'abuse', b'first', b'used', b'against']
del words # Hint to reduce memory.
""" Step 3: Function to generate a training batch for the Skip-Gram model.
data_index = 0
batch, labels, data_index = tl.nlp.generate_skip_gram_batch(data=data,
batch_size=20, num_skips=4, skip_window=2, data_index=0)
for i in range(20):
print(batch[i], reverse_dictionary[batch[i]],
'->', labels[i, 0], reverse_dictionary[labels[i, 0]])
""" Step 4: Build a Skip-Gram model.
# We pick a random validation set to sample nearest neighbors. Here we limit the
# validation samples to the words that have a low numeric ID, which by
# construction are also the most frequent.
valid_size = 16 # Random set of words to evaluate similarity on.
valid_window = 100 # Only pick dev samples in the head of the distribution.
valid_examples = np.random.choice(valid_window, valid_size, replace=False)
# a list of 'valid_size' integers smaller than 'valid_window'
# print(valid_examples) # [90 85 20 33 35 62 37 63 88 38 82 58 83 59 48 64]
print_freq = 2000
# n_epoch = int(num_steps / batch_size)
# train_inputs is a row vector, a input is an integer id of single word.
# train_labels is a column vector, a label is an integer id of single word.
# valid_dataset is a column vector, a valid set is an integer id of single word.
train_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[batch_size])
train_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[batch_size, 1])
valid_dataset = tf.constant(valid_examples, dtype=tf.int32)
# Look up embeddings for inputs.
emb_net = tl.layers.Word2vecEmbeddingInputlayer(
inputs = train_inputs,
train_labels = train_labels,
vocabulary_size = vocabulary_size,
embedding_size = embedding_size,
num_sampled = num_sampled,
nce_loss_args = {},
E_init = tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-1.0, maxval=1.0),
E_init_args = {},
nce_W_init = tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=float(1.0/np.sqrt(embedding_size))),
nce_W_init_args = {},
nce_b_init = tf.constant_initializer(value=0.0),
nce_b_init_args = {},
name ='word2vec_layer',
# Construct the optimizer. Note: AdamOptimizer is very slow in this case
cost = emb_net.nce_cost
train_params = emb_net.all_params
# train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost, var_list=train_params)
train_op = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate, initial_accumulator_value=0.1,
use_locking=False).minimize(cost, var_list=train_params)
# Compute the cosine similarity between minibatch examples and all embeddings.
# For simple visualization of validation set.
normalized_embeddings = emb_net.normalized_embeddings
valid_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(
normalized_embeddings, valid_dataset)
similarity = tf.matmul(
valid_embed, normalized_embeddings, transpose_b=True)
# multiply all valid word vector with all word vector.
# transpose_b=True, normalized_embeddings is transposed before multiplication.
""" Step 5: Begin training.
if resume:
print("Load existing model" + "!"*10)
# instead of using TensorFlow saver, we use TensorLayer to load a model
# saver = tf.train.Saver()
# saver.restore(sess, model_file_name+'.ckpt')
load_params = tl.files.load_npz(name=model_file_name+'.npz')
tl.files.assign_params(sess, load_params, emb_net)
# save vocabulary to txt
tl.files.save_vocab(count, name='vocab_text8.txt')
average_loss = 0
# for step in xrange(num_steps):
step = 0
while (step < num_steps):
start_time = time.time()
batch_inputs, batch_labels, data_index = tl.nlp.generate_skip_gram_batch(
data=data, batch_size=batch_size, num_skips=num_skips,
skip_window=skip_window, data_index=data_index)
feed_dict = {train_inputs : batch_inputs, train_labels : batch_labels}
# We perform one update step by evaluating the train_op (including it
# in the list of returned values for sess.run()
_, loss_val = sess.run([train_op, cost], feed_dict=feed_dict)
average_loss += loss_val
if step % print_freq == 0:
if step > 0:
average_loss /= 2000
print("Average loss at step %d/%d. loss:%f took:%fs" %
(step, num_steps, average_loss, time.time() - start_time))
average_loss = 0
# Prints out nearby words given a list of words.
# Note that this is expensive (~20% slowdown if computed every 500 steps)
if step % (print_freq * 5) == 0:
sim = similarity.eval()
for i in xrange(valid_size):
valid_word = reverse_dictionary[valid_examples[i]]
top_k = 8 # number of nearest neighbors to print
nearest = (-sim[i, :]).argsort()[1:top_k+1]
log_str = "Nearest to %s:" % valid_word
for k in xrange(top_k):
close_word = reverse_dictionary[nearest[k]]
log_str = "%s %s," % (log_str, close_word)
if (step % (print_freq * 20) == 0) and (step != 0):
print("Save model, data and dictionaries" + "!"*10);
# instead of using TensorFlow saver, we use TensorLayer to save a model
# saver = tf.train.Saver()
# save_path = saver.save(sess, model_file_name+'.ckpt')
tl.files.save_npz(emb_net.all_params, name=model_file_name+'.npz')
tl.files.save_any_to_npy(save_dict={'data': data, 'count': count,
'dictionary': dictionary, 'reverse_dictionary':
reverse_dictionary}, name=model_file_name+'.npy')
if step == num_steps-1:
keeptrain = input("Training %d finished enter 1 to keep training: " % num_steps)
if keeptrain == '1':
step = 0
learning_rate = float(input("Input new learning rate: "))
train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost)
step += 1
""" Step 6: Visualize the normalized embedding matrix by t-SNE.
final_embeddings = normalized_embeddings.eval()
tl.visualize.tsne_embedding(final_embeddings, reverse_dictionary,
plot_only=500, second=5, saveable=True, name='word2vec_basic')
""" Step 7: Evaluate by analogy questions.
see tensorflow/models/embedding/word2vec_optimized.py
# from tensorflow/models/embedding/word2vec.py
analogy_questions = tl.files.read_analogies_file( \
eval_file='questions-words.txt', word2id=dictionary)
# The eval feeds three vectors of word ids for a, b, c, each of
# which is of size N, where N is the number of analogies we want to
# evaluate in one batch.
analogy_a = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32) # [N]
analogy_b = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32) # [N]
analogy_c = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32) # [N]
# Each row of a_emb, b_emb, c_emb is a word's embedding vector.
# They all have the shape [N, emb_dim]
a_emb = tf.gather(normalized_embeddings, analogy_a) # a's embs
b_emb = tf.gather(normalized_embeddings, analogy_b) # b's embs
c_emb = tf.gather(normalized_embeddings, analogy_c) # c's embs
# We expect that d's embedding vectors on the unit hyper-sphere is
# near: c_emb + (b_emb - a_emb), which has the shape [N, emb_dim].
# Bangkok Thailand Tokyo Japan -> Thailand - Bangkok = Japan - Tokyo
# Japan = Tokyo + (Thailand - Bangkok)
# d = c + (b - a)
target = c_emb + (b_emb - a_emb)
# Compute cosine distance between each pair of target and vocab.
# dist has shape [N, vocab_size].
dist = tf.matmul(target, normalized_embeddings, transpose_b=True)
# For each question (row in dist), find the top 'n_answer' words.
n_answer = 4
_, pred_idx = tf.nn.top_k(dist, n_answer)
def predict(analogy):
"""Predict the top 4 answers for analogy questions."""
idx, = sess.run([pred_idx], {
analogy_a: analogy[:, 0],
analogy_b: analogy[:, 1],
analogy_c: analogy[:, 2]
return idx
# Evaluate analogy questions and reports accuracy.
# i.e. How many questions we get right at precision@1.
correct = 0
total = analogy_questions.shape[0]
start = 0
while start < total:
limit = start + 2500
sub = analogy_questions[start:limit, :] # question
idx = predict(sub) # 4 answers for each question
# print('question:', tl.files.word_ids_to_words(sub[0], reverse_dictionary))
# print('answers:', tl.files.word_ids_to_words(idx[0], reverse_dictionary))
start = limit
for question in xrange(sub.shape[0]):
for j in xrange(n_answer):
# if one of the top 4 answers in correct, win !
if idx[question, j] == sub[question, 3]:
# Bingo! We predicted correctly. E.g., [italy, rome, france, paris].
print(j+1, tl.files.word_ids_to_words([idx[question, j]], reverse_dictionary) \
, ':', tl.files.word_ids_to_words(sub[question, :], reverse_dictionary))
correct += 1
elif idx[question, j] in sub[question, :3]:
# We need to skip words already in the question.
# The correct label is not the precision@1
print("Eval %4d/%d accuracy = %4.1f%%" % (correct, total,
correct * 100.0 / total))
if __name__ == '__main__':
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()