安装keras之后导入tensorflow报错 ImportError: cannot import name 'abs' 解决方法

2018.10.8 问题描述:

        在tensorflow(gpu版,1.7.0)可以正常import的情况下,安装了keras(conda install keras)之后,此时无论import keras还是import tensorflow均提示错误信息:

File "/home/huo/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/backend/__init__.py", line 22, in
    from tensorflow.python.keras._impl.keras.backend import abs
ImportError: cannot import name 'abs'


pip install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu

pip install --upgrade keras





2018-10-09 15:20:41.537464: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_dnn.cc:343] Loaded runtime CuDNN library: 7.0.5 but source was compiled with: 7.2.1.  CuDNN library major and minor version needs to match or have higher minor version in case of CuDNN 7.0 or later version. If using a binary install, upgrade your CuDNN library.  If building from sources, make sure the library loaded at runtime is compatible with the version specified during compile configuration.


pip install tensorflow_gpu==1.10.0 



