
Green Growth: China's War on Pollution

① As the world's largest polluter gets tough on the environment, global markets are feeling the effects.

② China has taken aim at a trifecta of troubles—smoggy air, contaminated soil and foul water—and the prices of commodities from fertiliser to paper pulp have soared.

③ Implementation of environmental measures, half-hearted in the past, has been heavy-handed.

④ In Hebei, a northern province, a ban on coal heating left residents shivering because the replacement, natural gas, was not yet ready.

⑤ Still, enough power plants have made the transition; this year China should overtake Japan as the world's largest gas importer.

⑥ But the biggest economic surprise of the crackdown on polluters so far has been its muted impact on growth.

⑦ That is in part because services have displaced manufacturing as the main component of GDP.

⑧ So while China is shaking up global commodities, its own economy looks much steadier.


green growth: 绿色增长 (通过使用可持续发展能源的方式获得经济发展)

trifecta /trʌɪˈfɛktə/: n. 一石三鸟;连续获得三个成就 (本意: 赛马三连胜)

foul /faʊl/: adj. 受污染的;气味难闻的

fertiliser /ˈfəːtɪlʌɪzə/: n. 肥料

paper pulp: 纸浆

heavy-handed: adj. 严厉的;高压的

crackdown /ˈkrakdaʊn/: n. 镇压;打击
