Spring Security Config : HttpSecurity安全配置器 AnonymousConfigurer



作为一个配置HttpSecuritySecurityConfigurer,AnonymousConfigurer的配置任务如下 :

  • 配置如下安全过滤器Filter
    • AnonymousAuthenticationFilter
  • 增加了一个AnonymousAuthenticationProvider


缺省情况下,AnonymousConfigurer 是被启用的,也就是说,即使用户不登录访问某个页面,SecurityContextHolder中也会持有一个Authentication,只不过这个Authentication是一个AnonymousAuthenticationToken。这么做的目的主要是为了方便使用者,即使用户未登录,使用者从SecurityContextHolder获得的Authentication也不会是null。而在概念和语义上,"匿名认证用户"和"未认证的用户"这二者并无区别。


Spring Security Config : HttpSecurity安全配置器 AnonymousConfigurer_第1张图片


    // HttpSecurity 代码片段
	public AnonymousConfigurer<HttpSecurity> anonymous() throws Exception {
		return getOrApply(new AnonymousConfigurer<>());


源代码版本 Spring Security Config 5.1.4.RELEASE

package org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configurers;

// 省略 imports

public final class AnonymousConfigurer<H extends HttpSecurityBuilder<H>> extends
		AbstractHttpConfigurer<AnonymousConfigurer<H>, H> {
	private String key;
	private AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;
	private AnonymousAuthenticationFilter authenticationFilter;
	private Object principal = "anonymousUser";
	private List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = AuthorityUtils

	 * Creates a new instance
	 * @see HttpSecurity#anonymous()
	public AnonymousConfigurer() {

	 * Sets the key to identify tokens created for anonymous authentication. Default is a
	 * secure randomly generated key.
	 * @param key the key to identify tokens created for anonymous authentication. Default
	 * is a secure randomly generated key.
	 * @return the AnonymousConfigurer for further customization of anonymous
	 * authentication
	public AnonymousConfigurer<H> key(String key) {
		this.key = key;
		return this;

	 * Sets the principal for Authentication objects of anonymous users
	 * @param principal used for the Authentication object of anonymous users
	 * @return the AnonymousConfigurer for further customization of anonymous
	 * authentication
	public AnonymousConfigurer<H> principal(Object principal) {
		this.principal = principal;
		return this;

	 * Sets the org.springframework.security.core.Authentication#getAuthorities()
	 * for anonymous users
	 * @param authorities Sets the
	 * org.springframework.security.core.Authentication#getAuthorities() for
	 * anonymous users
	 * @return the AnonymousConfigurer for further customization of anonymous
	 * authentication
	public AnonymousConfigurer<H> authorities(List<GrantedAuthority> authorities) {
		this.authorities = authorities;
		return this;

	 * Sets the org.springframework.security.core.Authentication#getAuthorities()
	 * for anonymous users
	 * @param authorities Sets the
	 * org.springframework.security.core.Authentication#getAuthorities() for
	 * anonymous users (i.e. "ROLE_ANONYMOUS")
	 * @return the AnonymousConfigurer for further customization of anonymous
	 * authentication
	public AnonymousConfigurer<H> authorities(String... authorities) {
		return authorities(AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList(authorities));

	 * Sets the AuthenticationProvider used to validate an anonymous user. If this
	 * is set, no attributes on the AnonymousConfigurer will be set on the
	 * AuthenticationProvider.
	 * @param authenticationProvider the AuthenticationProvider used to validate
	 * an anonymous user. Default is AnonymousAuthenticationProvider
	 * @return the AnonymousConfigurer for further customization of anonymous
	 * authentication
	public AnonymousConfigurer<H> authenticationProvider(
			AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider) {
		this.authenticationProvider = authenticationProvider;
		return this;

	 * Sets the AnonymousAuthenticationFilter used to populate an anonymous user.
	 * If this is set, no attributes on the AnonymousConfigurer will be set on the
	 * AnonymousAuthenticationFilter.
	 * @param authenticationFilter the AnonymousAuthenticationFilter used to
	 * populate an anonymous user.
	 * @return the AnonymousConfigurer for further customization of anonymous
	 * authentication
	public AnonymousConfigurer<H> authenticationFilter(
			AnonymousAuthenticationFilter authenticationFilter) {
		this.authenticationFilter = authenticationFilter;
		return this;

   // 初始化方法
	public void init(H http) throws Exception {
        // 准备 AnonymousAuthenticationProvider
		if (authenticationProvider == null) {
			authenticationProvider = new AnonymousAuthenticationProvider(getKey());
       // 准备  AnonymousAuthenticationFilter
		if (authenticationFilter == null) {
			authenticationFilter = new AnonymousAuthenticationFilter(getKey(), principal,
       // 将 新建 AnonymousAuthenticationProvider 添加到 HttpSecurity http
		authenticationProvider = postProcess(authenticationProvider);

    // 配置方法
	public void configure(H http) throws Exception {
      // 将新建的 AnonymousAuthenticationFilter  添加到 HttpSecurity http

    // 使用 UUID 机制随机生成的 key
	private String getKey() {
		if (key == null) {
			key = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
		return key;


  • Anonymous Authentication
