On Writing Well Day2 Chapter3&4 Clutter & Style

I. Words&Expressions

1. drape v. cover as if with clothing  All the preprositions are draped onto verbs.

2. summon v. to formally call for the presence of sb. (gather up)

summon(up) the courage to do sth.

3. stricken adj.(affected)overwhelmed by emotion

eg. When you saw the pretty girls  at school smiling at you,you were so stricken that you walked into the wall.

strike v.(罢工、打、击、疾病/灾难的侵袭)He was suddenly struck with a sense of grief and loss.

4.grapple v. try to overcome it(扭打、搏斗➡️设法解决)

eg. They have grappled with the discipline of assessing a work on the its merits and on external sources.

5.strenuous (involves a lot of energy and efforts)

We should avoid strenuous exercises immediately after a meal.

6.wriggle 蠕动(着进行)

The children wiggled uncomfortably in their seats.


Chapter3 Clutter

#Clutter is the official language used by corporations to hide their mistakes.


Zinsser quoted examples from various fields and pointed out:clutter is the enemy.

#对此,作者提出这个问题:Is there any way to  recognize clutter at a glance?➡️brackets

#Look for the clutter in your writing and prune it ruthlessly.


Chapter4 Style

#对于大家存在怀疑的问题:在删繁就简之后,如何保持identity?作者从the level of carpentry来解释说明,trying to add style is like adding a troupee,戴了假发之后关键在于不能look like himself。You lose whatever it is that makes you unique.

#How to preserve his or her identity?Be yourself.& Relax&Confidence

作者说我们就是想太多,he can only consoling thought that you are not alone.Some days will go better than others,some will go badly。

#此外,I-ness也是作者提出的一个非常重要的写作理念。Good writers are visible just behind theirs words,the I-ness will warm up your impersonal style。

P.S. 已经是第二天了,学到了非常多的东西,收获颇丰。希望自己能够在每天繁杂的琐事当中抽身开来,坚持认真的去学,去反省。

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