DyNet 基础知识(持续更新中...)

1. ParameterCollection()

class dynet.ParameterCollection(parent=None)

add_lookup_parameters(dim=(vocab_szie,emb_size), init=None, name='')

add_parameters(dim, init=None, name='')

1.1 paras.as_array()


2. Expressions

Expressions are the building block of a Dynet computation graph.

Expressions are the main data types being manipulated in a DyNet program. Each expression represents a sub-computation in a computation graph.

Expressions are used as an interface to the various functions that can be used to build DyNet computation graphs.

2.1 dynet.parameter()


Add parameters to the computation graph.

Get the expression objects corresponding to parameters. Gradients for parameters will be computed and used by Optimizers to update.

因为通过ParameterCollection的对象并没有加入到计算图中,因此需要上述函数将参数添加进computation graph。函数返回值类型是expression

2.2 dynet.concatenate()

参数xs为需要串接的向量或矩阵元素列表,在函数执行过程中会将需要使用的向量元素加入到计算图中。在nlp应用中因此就不需要专门将dynet.LookupParameters添加进计算图中,而相较之下普通的模型参数dynet.Parameters就需要专门函数语句来将其加入计算图中。当需要串接矩阵时(通常是在minibatch情况下),串接操作作用在矩阵的dim=0维度上,即将矩阵按列进行串接起来,输入矩阵的维度应为 [# of vectors to be concatenated, #batches]。

3. Operations

Operations are used to build expressions.

3.1 dynet.affine_transform()


  • Parameters:exprs (list) – A list containing an odd number of expressions
  • Returns:An expression equal to: x s [ 0 ] + x s [ 1 ] ∗ x s [ 2 ] + . . . xs[0] + xs[1]*xs[2] + ... xs[0]+xs[1]xs[2]+...
  • Return typedynet.Expression

3.2 dynet.pickneglogsoftmax()

Negative softmax log likelihood

This function takes in a vector of scores x x x, and performs a log softmax, takes the negative, and selects the likelihood corresponding to the element v v v. This is perhaps the most standard loss function for training neural networks to predict one out of a set of elements.

  • Parameters
    • x x xdynet.Expression)- input scores
    • v v vint)- true class
  • Returns − log ⁡ e x v ∑ j e x j -\log\frac{e^{x_v}}{\sum_{j}e^{x_j}} logjexjexv
  • Return typedynet.Expression

3.3 dynet.log_softmax()

函数功能为输入向量的 subset 计算softmax;具体来讲就是没有包含在参数 r e s t r i c t restrict restrict(形式为list)中的元素将会被置为负无穷,包含在参数内的输入向量的子向量会被计算softmax,默认为输入向量的所有元素计算softmax。

  • Parameters:
    • x x x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
    • r e s t r i c t restrict restrict (list) – List of log softmax to compute (default: (None))
  • Returns: A vector with the log softmax over the specified elements
  • Return type: dynet.Expression

4. Optimizers


4.1 dynet.dropout()


With a fixed probability, drop out (set to zero) nodes in the input expression, and scale the remaining nodes by 1 p \frac{1}{p} p1.

  • Parameters
    • x x x (dynet.Expression) – Input expression
    • p p p (number) – The dropout probability
  • Returns:The dropped out expression
  • Return typedynet.Expression
