

public class GloVeExample {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GloVeExample.class);//获取日志

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        File inputFile = new ClassPathResource("raw_sentences.txt").getFile();//获取文件名称并打印绝对地址

        // creating SentenceIterator wrapping our training corpus
        SentenceIterator iter = new BasicLineIterator(inputFile.getAbsolutePath());//通过基础的行迭代器,构建句子迭代器

        // Split on white spaces in the line to get words
        TokenizerFactory t = new DefaultTokenizerFactory();//创建切分实例,用空格切分单词
        t.setTokenPreProcessor(new CommonPreprocessor());//预处理,把逗号都去掉并且转成小写字母

        Glove glove = new Glove.Builder()//构建一个单机Glove模型,Glove继承了
SequenceVectors,SequenceVectors继承结构也比较复杂public class SequenceVectors<T extends SequenceElement> extends WordVectorsImpl<T> implements WordVectors {
.iterate(iter)//装入迭代的句子 .tokenizerFactory(t)//装入切分器 .alpha( 0.75)//这个是权重函数的指数参数,默认0.75 .learningRate( 0.1)//学习率 // number of epochs for training .epochs( 25)//训练的步数 // cutoff for weighting function .xMax( 100)//损失函数里有个概率函数,概率函数是个截断函数,防止高频词对模型的影响,这个100就是截断阈值 // training is done in batches taken from training corpus .batchSize( 1000)//批大小 // if set to true, batches will be shuffled before training .shuffle( true)//如果设置成true,训练前批会随机排序 // if set to true word pairs will be built in both directions, LTR and RTL .symmetric( true)// symmetric是对称的意思,如果设置成true,会考虑从左到右,从右到左双向的共现频率 .build() ;//构建模型类 glove.fit() ;//模型定型 double simD = glove.similarity( "day" , "night") ;//然后可以计算词的相似度了 log.info( "Day/night similarity: " + simD) ; Collection words = glove.wordsNearest( "day" , 10) ;//计算和day最相似的10个词 log.info( "Nearest words to 'day': " + words) ; System. exit( 0) ; }}
