



num_test = X.shape[0]
    num_train = self.X_train.shape[0]
    dists = np.zeros((num_test, num_train)) 
    for i in xrange(num_test):
      for j in xrange(num_train):
        # TODO:                                                             #
        # Compute the l2 distance between the ith test point and the jth    #
        # training point, and store the result in dists[i, j]. You should   #
        # not use a loop over dimension.                                    #
        # pass
        dists[i][j] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(X[i] - self.X_train[j])))
        #                       END OF YOUR CODE                            #
    return dists



def compute_distances_one_loop(self, X):
    Compute the distance between each test point in X and each training point
    in self.X_train using a single loop over the test data.
    Input / Output: Same as compute_distances_two_loops
    num_test = X.shape[0]
    num_train = self.X_train.shape[0]
    dists = np.zeros((num_test, num_train))
    for i in xrange(num_test):
      # TODO:                                                               #
      # Compute the l2 distance between the ith test point and all training #
      # points, and store the result in dists[i, :].                        #
      # pass
      dists[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(self.X_train - X[i]), axis = 1))
      #                         END OF YOUR CODE                            #
    return dists



Pi P i 是P的第i行,记 Cj C j 是C的第j行
Pi=[Pi1Pi2PiD] P i = [ P i 1 P i 2 ⋯ P i D ] Cj=[Cj1Cj2CjD] C j = [ C j 1 C j 2 ⋯ C j D ]

首先计算 Pi P i Cj C j 之间的距离dist(i,j)
d(Pi,Cj)=(Pi1Cj1)2+(Pi2Cj2)2++(PiDCjD)2=(P2i1+P2i2++P2iD)+(C2j1+C2j2++C2jD)2×(Pi1Cj1+Pi2Cj2++PiDCiD)=Pi2+Cj22×PiCTj d ( P i , C j ) = ( P i 1 − C j 1 ) 2 + ( P i 2 − C j 2 ) 2 + ⋯ + ( P i D − C j D ) 2 = ( P i 1 2 + P i 2 2 + ⋯ + P i D 2 ) + ( C j 1 2 + C j 2 2 + ⋯ + C j D 2 ) − 2 × ( P i 1 C j 1 + P i 2 C j 2 + ⋯ + P i D C i D ) = ‖ P i ‖ 2 + ‖ C j ‖ 2 − 2 × P i C j T

dist[i]=(Pi2Pi2Pi2)+(C12C22CN2)2×Pi(CT1CT2CTN)=(Pi2Pi2Pi2)+(C12C22CN2)2×PiCT d i s t [ i ] = ( ‖ P i ‖ 2 ‖ P i ‖ 2 ⋯ ‖ P i ‖ 2 ) + ( ‖ C 1 ‖ 2 ‖ C 2 ‖ 2 ⋯ ‖ C N ‖ 2 ) − 2 × P i ( C 1 T C 2 T ⋯ C N T ) = ( ‖ P i ‖ 2 ‖ P i ‖ 2 ⋯ ‖ P i ‖ 2 ) + ( ‖ C 1 ‖ 2 ‖ C 2 ‖ 2 ⋯ ‖ C N ‖ 2 ) − 2 × P i C T

dist=P12P22PM2P12P22PM2P12P22PM2+C12C12C12C22C22C22CN2CN2CN22×PCT d i s t = ( ‖ P 1 ‖ 2 ‖ P 1 ‖ 2 ⋯ ‖ P 1 ‖ 2 ‖ P 2 ‖ 2 ‖ P 2 ‖ 2 ⋯ ‖ P 2 ‖ 2 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ‖ P M ‖ 2 ‖ P M ‖ 2 ⋯ ‖ P M ‖ 2 ) + ( ‖ C 1 ‖ 2 ‖ C 2 ‖ 2 ⋯ ‖ C N ‖ 2 ‖ C 1 ‖ 2 ‖ C 2 ‖ 2 ⋯ ‖ C N ‖ 2 ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ‖ C 1 ‖ 2 ‖ C 2 ‖ 2 ⋯ ‖ C N ‖ 2 ) − 2 × P C T


def compute_distances_no_loops(self, X):
    Compute the distance between each test point in X and each training point
    in self.X_train using no explicit loops.

    Input / Output: Same as compute_distances_two_loops
    num_test = X.shape[0]
    num_train = self.X_train.shape[0]
    dists = np.zeros((num_test, num_train)) 
    # TODO:                                                                 #
    # Compute the l2 distance between all test points and all training      #
    # points without using any explicit loops, and store the result in      #
    # dists.                                                                #
    #                                                                       #
    # You should implement this function using only basic array operations; #
    # in particular you should not use functions from scipy.                #
    #                                                                       #
    # HINT: Try to formulate the l2 distance using matrix multiplication    #
    #       and two broadcast sums.                                         #
    # pass
    dists = np.sqrt(-2*np.dot(X, self.X_train.T) + np.sum(np.square(self.X_train), axis = 1) + np.transpose([np.sum(np.square(X), axis = 1)]))
    #                         END OF YOUR CODE                              #
    return dists
