
中间件:WAS7.0.0.11 Network Deployment(注:SAS官方要求版本为:
需要自定义plan:http://support.sas.com/planapp,选择3 machine3(Server、Middle tier and client),中间件选:WAS ND

用root帐号安装,选择指定目标服务器为NONE,Enable Administrative Security不选。

在配置Middle Tier时,执行到Configure IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment时报错:
[size=small] [echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:480 CST] - CommandProcess-run: ------------> Begin Command Output <------------
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:481 CST] - The following validation errors were present with the command line arguments:
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:481 CST] - hostName: hostName is not a properly formed host name.
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:482 CST] - CommandProcess-run: ------------> End Command Output <------------
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:482 CST] - CommandProcess-run: ------------> Command processing ended; Exit value: 1
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:483 CST] - DmgrProfile-create: Command Return code: 1
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:484 CST] - DmgrProfile-create: manageprofiles create "SASDmgr01" profile status is: unknown...
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:495 CST] - **SEVERE** DmgrProfile-create: The WebSphere "manageprofiles.sh" command has generated an unknown error.
[echo] Please ensure the WebSphere "profileRegistry.xml" file and the "profiles" directory are valid and do not contain references to the "SASDmgr01" profile before attempting "Retry"
[echo] . Also, ensure your userId has write privileges to the appropriate WebSphere directories.
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:495 CST] - WASDriver-parseTask: RC=-99 from executeTask(create,DmgrProfile,SASDmgr01,CELL)
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:498 CST] - **SEVERE** WASDriver-parseTask: Task "create DmgrProfile" execution FAILED; (Result is: "SEVERE-ERROR")
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:498 CST] - ********** End "create DmgrProfile" Task Processing **********
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:498 CST] - WASDriver-prepareTask: RC=-99 from parseTask()
[echo] [8/30/13 20:33:02:499 CST] - **SEVERE** WASDriver-main: Severe error has occurred; requested tasks have not been completed.
[echo] *============ End WASDriver Output ============*
[echo] *============ WASDriver Return Code: 157
[echo] CFG-WAS: **ERROR** WASDriver configuration FAILED; cannot continue.
[propertyfile] Updating property file: /sas93/config/Lev1/Logs/Configure/webspherend_config_status.properties
[propertyfile] Updating property file: /sas93/config/Lev1/Logs/Configure/webspherend_config_status.properties


google上查:hostName is not a properly formed host name
这个隐藏在WAS里的“潜规则”害人不浅,经历了不少的折腾,才找到root cause。。。。无语啊!
