
Notes of nachos.pdf

Five Assignments:
- thread management and synchronization
- the file system
- user-level multiprogramming support
- the virtual memory system
- network support

Thread Management

  1. Mesastyle locks and condition variables using semaphores(provide solutions to a number of concurrency problems)
  2. The thread system is based on FastThreads [Anderson et al 1989]
  3. For simplicity, thread scheduling is normally nonpreemptive but to emphasize the importance of critical sections we have a command line option that causes threads to be time-sliced at random but repeatable points in the program.
    Concurrent programs are correct only if they work when a context switch can happen at any time


Chapter 01 An Overview of Nachos

nachos.conf sample

Machine.stubFileSystem = false
Machine.processor = false
Machine.console = false
Machine.disk = false
Machine.bank = false
Machine.networkLink = false
ElevatorBank.allowElevatorGUI = true
NachosSecurityManager.fullySecure = false
ThreadedKernel.scheduler = nachos.threads.RoundRobinScheduler #nachos.threads.PriorityScheduler
Kernel.kernel = nachos.threads.ThreadedKernel

Boot Process

  1. 创建nachos.machine
  2. 硬件初始化:the interrupt controller, timer, MIPS processor, console, and file system
  3. 启动AutoGrader

Interrupt Management

  1. maintain an event queue together with a simulated clock
  2. clock ticks examine the queue an event takes place
  3. 每次中断10 ticks;每次执行指令1 tick

Device Event Handler

  1. 每次clock改变,就通过调用Device Event Handler检查interrupt events
  2. device event handler是对硬件的模拟,interrupt handler是软件。前者调用后者
  3. the interrupt class在调用device event handler之前会关中断

  4. Lib常用程序

  5. Lib.assertTrue断言,假的时候退出
  6. currentTCB在线程切换的时候可能有滞后现象


Chapter 1 Process and Thread

  1. Thread的状态:61 enum ThreadStatus { JUST_CREATED, RUNNING, READY, BLOCKED };
  2. 当一个Thread的状态从JUST CREATED变成READY时,Nachos为其分配stack
  3. Threads的constructor只是指明了thread name (为了debug)并设置状态为JUST CREATED。
  4. machineState[18]数组中存有寄存器变量:
    • stack:指明栈底
    • stackTop:指明栈顶(SP)
    • program counter (PC)




  1. 硬件计时器,大约每500 ticks产生一个时钟中断(不是精确的500 ticks)
  2. 作用:
    • 实现time-slicing
    • 让一个thread sleep特定的时长
  3. Timer(Privilege privilege):构造器,执行了以下内容:
    • 得到了privilege
    • 生成了时钟中断和autoGraderInterrupt,并调用时钟中断
  4. timerInterrupt()
    • 安排下次时钟中断和autoGraderInterrupt
    • 更新timer最后一次中断的时间(即ticks数量)
    • 执行中断处理程序handler
  5. scheduleInterrupt():安排500ticks后调用timerInterrupt
  6. scheduleAutoGraderInterrupt:安排1 tick后调用autoGraderInterrupt
  7. setInterruptHandler(Runnable handler):设置中断处理程序handler



  1. Alarm在系统中只有一个,它有两个功能:
    • 使用硬件的timer来提供preemption
    • 让一个thread sleep特定的时长
  2. timerInterrupt():产生一个时钟中断,每500 clock会被Machine的timer调用一次。会导致正在运行的进程yield,产生上下文切换。
  3. waitUntil(long x):让当前thread sleep至少x ticks,等待x ticks后时钟中断时唤醒当前进程


  1. 让thread间同步地交换32 bits的数据
  2. 可以有多个thread等待speak,多个thread等待listen,但同一时刻不能有speaker和listener同时处于等待状态,因为这种情况下两者可以配对。
  3. speak():等待一个listener,然后和它配对,并传送给它数据。
  4. listen():等待一个speaker,然后和它配对,并接受它传送的数据。


  1. schedule(long when, String type, Runnable handler):在when时间之后产生一个type类型的中断,即执行handler这个中断处理程序。
  2. tick(boolean inKernelMode):根据当前是否是内核模式决定系统时间前进多少。


  1. runningThreads只是代表开始运行了并且尚未运行完的thread,不代表正在运行
  2. 一个KThread的状态有:new、ready、running、blocked、blocked
  3. yield():当前thread变成ready状态,执行下一个thread(让出CPU)
  4. sleep():当前thread变成blocked状态,执行下一个thread


  1. Lock的状态:free或busy
  2. acquire():等待直到Lock free,然后再将该Lock变成busy(也就是请求获得该Lock)
  3. release():将Lock变成free,若有thread在等待则唤醒它


  1. 多个Thread间争夺资源时放到这里(limited access时),常见情况如:
    • 同一时刻只能有一个KThread在运行
    • 同一时刻一个Lock只能被一个thread占有
  2. waitForAccess(KThread thread):该thread目前没有该access,申请该access
  3. KThread nextThread():将该access交给下一个thread,返回交给了谁
  4. void acquire(KThread thread):该thread获得了access,但不是从nextThread()中返回的Thread
  5. Print():打印队列中所有thread



  1. 下列操作只能用doPrivileged()经Nachos security manager管理:
    • 创建thread
    • 读写test directory中的文件
    • 以特定返回值退出
  2. 下列操作可以直接用Privilege对象操作:
    • 调度中断
    • 系统时间前进
    • 获取系统statistics
    • 安装console
    • flush处理器的pipeline
    • 授权TCB的相关操作
  3. doPrivileged(Runnable action):Perform the specified action with privilege.
  4. Object doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction action):返回action的值
  5. Object doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction action)
  6. exit(int exitStatus):以特定状态退出系统
  7. addExitNotificationHandler(Runnable handler):系统退出时调用handler
  8. invokeExitNotificationHandlers():调用7中添加的handlers

Five tasks

Phase 1

Task 1

  1. public final void join(): This java thread join method puts the current thread on wait until the thread on which it’s called is dead. If the thread is interrupted, it throws InterruptedException.

Task 2: Condition Variables

  1. 该Task在Condition2中施展~
  2. sleep()的含义:释放Lock,本thread进入sleep状态,直到被另一个thread唤醒,唤醒之后该thread再次占有该Lock。
  3. sleep()的实现:
    • 关中断,保存中断状态
    • 释放Lock
    • 本thread进入队列等待再次获得Lock
    • 进入sleep状态
    • 再次请求获得Lock
    • 恢复中断状态
  4. wake()的含义:唤醒一个相关thread
  5. wake()的实现:
    • 关中断,保存中断状态
    • 获取一个正在等待的thread,让它ready
    • 恢复中断状态
  6. wakeAll()的含义:唤醒所有相关threads
  7. wakeAll()的实现:不断wake直到等待队列为空

改进点:In Nachos, condition variables are summed to obey Mesa-style semantics.The advance to Mesa-style semantics is that it is a lot easier to implement.
可以尝试改成Hoare 方式

Task 3: Alarm

  1. 该Task在Alarm中施展~
  2. 要求完成waitUtil()功能,只准修改waitUtil()和timer interrupt handler的代码
  3. 在Alarm中定义WaitThread类,记录了一个KThread和它需要被唤醒的时间。
  4. 定义一个优先队列waitedThreadPriQueue,用来存储所有等待被唤醒的WaitThread。
  5. waitUtil()的实现:
    • 关中断
    • 将currentThread封装的waitThread加入优先队列
    • 让currentThread sleep
    • 恢复中断状态
  6. Timer中的timerInterrupt添加的代码:
    • 关中断
    • 让优先队列中的所有该唤醒的ready,并从队列中pop
    • 恢复中断状态
