离群点检测算法——LOF(Local Outlier Factor)






LOF算法(Local Outlier Factor),全称又叫局部异常因子,是一种基于距离的异常点检测算法。
用视觉直观的感受一下,如下图,对于 C 1 C_1 C1集合的点,整体间距、密度、分散情况较为均匀一致,可以认为是同一簇;对于 C 2 C_2 C2集合的点,同样可认为是一簇。 o 1 、 o 2 o_1、o_2 o1o2点相对孤立,可以认为是异常点或离散点。现在的问题是,如何实现算法的通用性,可以满足 C 1 C_1 C1 C 2 C_2 C2这种密度分散情况迥异的集合的异常点识别。LOF可以实现我们的目标。
离群点检测算法——LOF(Local Outlier Factor)_第1张图片
1) d ( p , o ) d(p,o) d(p,o) p p p o o o两点之间的距离;
2) k − d i s t a n c e k-distance kdistance:第 k k k距离;
对于点 p p p的第 k k k距离 d k ( p ) d_k(p) dk(p)定义如下: d k ( p ) = d ( p , o ) d_k(p)=d(p,o) dk(p)=d(p,o),并且满足:
a)在集合中至少有不包括 p p p在内的 k k k个点 o ′ ∈ C { x ≠ p } , 满 足 d ( p , o ′ ) ≤ d ( p , o ) {o}'\in C\{x\ne p\},满足d(p,{o}')\le d(p,o) oC{x̸=p}d(p,o)d(p,o)
b)在集合中最多有不包括 p p p在内的 k − 1 k−1 k1个点 o ′ ∈ C { x ≠ p } , 满 足 d ( p , o ′ ) < d ( p , o ) {o}'\in C\{x\ne p\},满足d(p,{o}')< d(p,o) oC{x̸=p}d(p,o)<d(p,o)
p p p的第 k k k距离,也就是距离 p p p k k k远的点的距离,不包括 p p p,如图
离群点检测算法——LOF(Local Outlier Factor)_第2张图片
3) k − d i s t a n c e k-distance kdistance n e i g h b o r h o o d neighborhood neighborhood o f of of p p p:第 k k k距离邻域
p p p的第 k k k距离邻域 N k ( p ) N_k(p) Nk(p),就是 p p p的第 k k k距离即以内的所有点,包括第 k k k距离。因此 p p p的第 k k k邻域点的个数 ∣ N k ( p ) ∣ ≥ k |{{N}_{k}}(p)|\ge k Nk(p)k
4) r e a c h reach reach d i s t a n c e distance distance:可达距离
o o o到点 p p p的第 k k k可达距离定义为:
r e a c h − d i s t a n c e k ( p , o ) = m a x { k − d i s tan ⁡ c e ( o ) , d ( p , o ) } reach-distance_k(p,o)=max \{k-dis\tan ce(o),d(p,o)\} reachdistancek(p,o)=max{kdistance(o),d(p,o)}
也就是,点 o o o到点 p p p的第 k k k可达距离,至少是 o o o的第 k k k距离,或者为 o 、 p o、p op间的真实距离。这也意味着,离点 o o o最近的 k k k个点, o o o到他们的可达距离被认为相等,且都等于 d k ( o ) d_k(o) dk(o)。如图, o 1 o_1 o1 p p p的第5可达距离为 d ( p , o 1 ) d(p,o_1) d(p,o1) o 2 o_2 o2 p p p的第5可达距离为 d 5 ( o 2 ) d_5(o_2) d5(o2)
离群点检测算法——LOF(Local Outlier Factor)_第3张图片
5) l o c a l local local r e a c h a b i l i t y reachability reachability d e n s i t y density density:局部可达密度
p p p的局部可达密度表示为:
l r d k ( p ) = 1 / ( ∑ o ∈ N k ( p ) r e a c h − d i s t k ( p , o ) ∣ N k ( p ) ∣ ) lr{{d}_{k}}(p)=1/(\frac{\sum\nolimits_{o\in {{N}_{k}}(p)}{reach-dis{{t}_{k}}(p,o)}}{|{{N}_{k}}(p)|}) lrdk(p)=1/(Nk(p)oNk(p)reachdistk(p,o))
表示点 p p p的第 k k k邻域内点到 p p p的平均可达距离的倒数。
注意,是 p p p的邻域点 N k ( p ) N_k(p) Nk(p) p p p的可达距离,不是 p p p N k ( p ) N_k(p) Nk(p)的可达距离,一定要弄清楚关系。
这个值的含义可以这样理解,首先这代表一个密度,密度越高,我们认为越可能属于同一簇,密度越低,越可能是离群点。如果 p p p和周围邻域点是同一簇,那么可达距离越可能为较小的 d k ( o ) d_k(o) dk(o),导致可达距离之和较小,密度值较高;如果 p p p和周围邻居点较远,那么可达距离可能都会取较大值 d p ( o ) d_p(o) dp(o),导致密度较小,越可能是离群点。
6) l o c a l local local o u t l i e r outlier outlier o u t l i e r outlier outlier:局部离群因子
p p p的局部离群因子表示为:
L O F k ( p ) = ∑ o ∈ N k ( p ) l r d k ( o ) l r d k ( p ) ∣ N k ( p ) ∣ = ∑ o ∈ N k ( p ) l r d k ( o ) ∣ N k ( p ) ∣ / l r d k ( p ) LO{{F}_{k}}(p)=\frac{\sum\nolimits_{o\in {{N}_{k}}(p)}{\frac{lr{{d}_{k}}(o)}{lr{{d}_{k}}(p)}}}{|{{N}_{k}}(p)|}=\frac{\sum\nolimits_{o\in {{N}_{k}}(p)}{lr{{d}_{k}}(o)}}{|{{N}_{k}}(p)|}/lr{{d}_{k}}(p) LOFk(p)=Nk(p)oNk(p)lrdk(p)lrdk(o)=Nk(p)oNk(p)lrdk(o)/lrdk(p)
表示点 p p p的邻域点 N k ( p ) N_k(p) Nk(p)的局部可达密度与点 p p p的局部可达密度之比的平均数。
如果这个比值越接近1,说明 p p p的其邻域点密度差不多, p p p可能和邻域同属一簇;如果这个比值越小于1,说明 p p p的密度高于其邻域点密度, p p p为密集点;如果这个比值越大于1,说明 p p p的密度小于其邻域点密度, p p p越可能是异常点。


现在概念定义已经介绍完了,现在再回过头来看一下LOF的思想,主要是通过比较每个点 p p p和其邻域点的密度来判断该点是否为异常点,如果点 p p p的密度越低,越可能被认定是异常点。至于密度,是通过点之间的距离来计算的,点之间距离越远,密度越低,距离越近,密度越高,完全符合我们的理解。而且,因为LOF对密度的是通过点的第 k k k邻域来计算,而不是全局计算,因此得名为“局部”异常因子,这样,对于图1的两种数据集 C 1 C_1 C1 C 2 C_2 C2,LOF完全可以正确处理,而不会因为数据密度分散情况不同而错误的将正常点判定为异常点。



# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
from __future__ import division

def distance_euclidean(instance1, instance2):
    """Computes the distance between two instances. Instances should be tuples of equal length.
    Returns: Euclidean distance
    Signature: ((attr_1_1, attr_1_2, ...), (attr_2_1, attr_2_2, ...)) -> float"""
    def detect_value_type(attribute):
        """Detects the value type (number or non-number).
        Returns: (value type, value casted as detected type)
        Signature: value -> (str or float type, str or float value)"""
        from numbers import Number
        attribute_type = None
        if isinstance(attribute, Number):
            attribute_type = float
            attribute = float(attribute)
            attribute_type = str
            attribute = str(attribute)
        return attribute_type, attribute
    # check if instances are of same length
    if len(instance1) != len(instance2):
        raise AttributeError("Instances have different number of arguments.")
    # init differences vector
    differences = [0] * len(instance1)
    # compute difference for each attribute and store it to differences vector
    for i, (attr1, attr2) in enumerate(zip(instance1, instance2)):
        type1, attr1 = detect_value_type(attr1)
        type2, attr2 = detect_value_type(attr2)
        # raise error is attributes are not of same data type.
        if type1 != type2:
            raise AttributeError("Instances have different data types.")
        if type1 is float:
            # compute difference for float
            differences[i] = attr1 - attr2
            # compute difference for string
            if attr1 == attr2:
                differences[i] = 0
                differences[i] = 1
    # compute RMSE (root mean squared error)
    rmse = (sum(map(lambda x: x**2, differences)) / len(differences))**0.5
    return rmse

class LOF:
    """Helper class for performing LOF computations and instances normalization."""
    def __init__(self, instances, normalize=True, distance_function=distance_euclidean):
        self.instances = instances
        self.normalize = normalize
        self.distance_function = distance_function
        if normalize:

    def compute_instance_attribute_bounds(self):
        min_values = [float("inf")] * len(self.instances[0]) #n.ones(len(self.instances[0])) * n.inf 
        max_values = [float("-inf")] * len(self.instances[0]) #n.ones(len(self.instances[0])) * -1 * n.inf
        for instance in self.instances:
            min_values = tuple(map(lambda x,y: min(x,y), min_values,instance)) #n.minimum(min_values, instance)
            max_values = tuple(map(lambda x,y: max(x,y), max_values,instance)) #n.maximum(max_values, instance)
        self.max_attribute_values = max_values
        self.min_attribute_values = min_values
    def normalize_instances(self):
        """Normalizes the instances and stores the infromation for rescaling new instances."""
        if not hasattr(self, "max_attribute_values"):
        new_instances = []
        for instance in self.instances:
            new_instances.append(self.normalize_instance(instance)) # (instance - min_values) / (max_values - min_values)
        self.instances = new_instances
    def normalize_instance(self, instance):
        return tuple(map(lambda value,max,min: (value-min)/(max-min) if max-min > 0 else 0, 
                         instance, self.max_attribute_values, self.min_attribute_values))
    def local_outlier_factor(self, min_pts, instance):
        """The (local) outlier factor of instance captures the degree to which we call instance an outlier.
        min_pts is a parameter that is specifying a minimum number of instances to consider for computing LOF value.
        Returns: local outlier factor
        Signature: (int, (attr1, attr2, ...), ((attr_1_1, ...),(attr_2_1, ...), ...)) -> float"""
        if self.normalize:
            instance = self.normalize_instance(instance)
        return local_outlier_factor(min_pts, instance, self.instances, distance_function=self.distance_function)

def k_distance(k, instance, instances, distance_function=distance_euclidean):
    #TODO: implement caching
    """Computes the k-distance of instance as defined in paper. It also gatheres the set of k-distance neighbours.
    Returns: (k-distance, k-distance neighbours)
    Signature: (int, (attr1, attr2, ...), ((attr_1_1, ...),(attr_2_1, ...), ...)) -> (float, ((attr_j_1, ...),(attr_k_1, ...), ...))"""
    distances = {}
    for instance2 in instances:
        distance_value = distance_function(instance, instance2)
        if distance_value in distances:
            distances[distance_value] = [instance2]
    distances = sorted(distances.items())
    neighbours = []
    k_sero = 0
    k_dist = None
    for dist in distances:
        k_sero += len(dist[1])
        k_dist = dist[0]
        if k_sero >= k:
    return k_dist, neighbours

def reachability_distance(k, instance1, instance2, instances, distance_function=distance_euclidean):
    """The reachability distance of instance1 with respect to instance2.
    Returns: reachability distance
    Signature: (int, (attr_1_1, ...),(attr_2_1, ...)) -> float"""
    (k_distance_value, neighbours) = k_distance(k, instance2, instances, distance_function=distance_function)
    return max([k_distance_value, distance_function(instance1, instance2)])

def local_reachability_density(min_pts, instance, instances, **kwargs):
    """Local reachability density of instance is the inverse of the average reachability 
    distance based on the min_pts-nearest neighbors of instance.
    Returns: local reachability density
    Signature: (int, (attr1, attr2, ...), ((attr_1_1, ...),(attr_2_1, ...), ...)) -> float"""
    (k_distance_value, neighbours) = k_distance(min_pts, instance, instances, **kwargs)
    reachability_distances_array = [0]*len(neighbours) #n.zeros(len(neighbours))
    for i, neighbour in enumerate(neighbours):
        reachability_distances_array[i] = reachability_distance(min_pts, instance, neighbour, instances, **kwargs) 
    sum_reach_dist = sum(reachability_distances_array)
    if sum_reach_dist == 0:
        return float('inf')
    return len(neighbours) / sum_reach_dist

def local_outlier_factor(min_pts, instance, instances, **kwargs):
    """The (local) outlier factor of instance captures the degree to which we call instance an outlier.
    min_pts is a parameter that is specifying a minimum number of instances to consider for computing LOF value.
    Returns: local outlier factor
    Signature: (int, (attr1, attr2, ...), ((attr_1_1, ...),(attr_2_1, ...), ...)) -> float"""
    (k_distance_value, neighbours) = k_distance(min_pts, instance, instances, **kwargs)
    instance_lrd = local_reachability_density(min_pts, instance, instances, **kwargs)
    lrd_ratios_array = [0]* len(neighbours)
    for i, neighbour in enumerate(neighbours):
        instances_without_instance = set(instances)
        neighbour_lrd = local_reachability_density(min_pts, neighbour, instances_without_instance, **kwargs)
        lrd_ratios_array[i] = neighbour_lrd / instance_lrd
    return sum(lrd_ratios_array) / len(neighbours)

def outliers(k, instances, **kwargs):
    """Simple procedure to identify outliers in the dataset."""
    instances_value_backup = instances
    outliers = []
    for i, instance in enumerate(instances_value_backup):
        instances = list(instances_value_backup)
        l = LOF(instances, **kwargs)
        value = l.local_outlier_factor(k, instance)
        if value > 1:
            outliers.append({"lof": value, "instance": instance, "index": i})
    outliers.sort(key=lambda o: o["lof"], reverse=True)
    return outliers


# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
instances = [
 (-4.8447532242074978, -5.6869538132901658),
 (1.7265577109364076, -2.5446963280374302),
 (-1.9885982441038819, 1.705719643962865),
 (-1.999050026772494, -4.0367551415711844),
 (-2.0550860126898964, -3.6247409893236426),
 (-1.4456945632547327, -3.7669258809535102),
 (-4.6676062022635554, 1.4925324371089148),
 (-3.6526420667796877, -3.5582661345085662),
 (6.4551493172954029, -0.45434966683144573),
 (-0.56730591589443669, -5.5859532963153349),
 (-5.1400897823762239, -1.3359248994019064),
 (5.2586932439960243, 0.032431285797532586),
 (6.3610915734502838, -0.99059648246991894),
 (-0.31086913190231447, -2.8352818694180644),
 (1.2288582719783967, -1.1362795178325829),
 (-0.17986204466346614, -0.32813130288006365),
 (2.2532002509929216, -0.5142311840491649),
 (-0.75397166138399296, 2.2465141276038754),
 (1.9382517648161239, -1.7276112460593251),
 (1.6809250808549676, -2.3433636210337503),
 (0.68466572523884783, 1.4374914487477481),
 (2.0032364431791514, -2.9191062023123635),
 (-1.7565895138024741, 0.96995712544043267),
 (3.3809644295064505, 6.7497121359292684),
 (-4.2764152718650896, 5.6551328734397766),
 (-3.6347215445083019, -0.85149861984875741),
 (-5.6249411288060385, -3.9251965527768755),
 (4.6033708001912093, 1.3375110154658127),
 (-0.685421751407983, -0.73115552984211407),
 (-2.3744241805625044, 1.3443896265777866)]

from lof import outliers
lof = outliers(5, instances)

for outlier in lof:
    print outlier["lof"],outlier["instance"]

from matplotlib import pyplot as p

x,y = zip(*instances)
p.scatter(x,y, 20, color="#0000FF")

for outlier in lof:
    value = outlier["lof"]
    instance = outlier["instance"]
    color = "#FF0000" if value > 1 else "#00FF00"
    p.scatter(instance[0], instance[1], color=color, s=(value-1)**2*10+20)



2.20484969217 (3.3809644295064505, 6.749712135929268)
1.79484408482 (-4.27641527186509, 5.6551328734397766)
1.50121865848 (6.455149317295403, -0.45434966683144573)
1.47940253262 (6.361091573450284, -0.9905964824699189)
1.37216956549 (5.258693243996024, 0.032431285797532586)
1.29100195101 (4.603370800191209, 1.3375110154658127)
1.20274006333 (-4.844753224207498, -5.686953813290166)
1.18718018398 (-5.6249411288060385, -3.9251965527768755)
1.10898567816 (0.6846657252388478, 1.4374914487477481)
1.05728304007 (-4.667606202263555, 1.4925324371089148)
1.04216295935 (-5.140089782376224, -1.3359248994019064)
1.02801167935 (-0.5673059158944367, -5.585953296315335)

离群点检测算法——LOF(Local Outlier Factor)_第4张图片
其中蓝点表示传递给LOF构造函数的实例,红点是异常值的实例(lof值> 1)。大小或红点代表lof值,这意味着更大的lof值会产生更大的点。


[1]陈瑜. 离群点检测算法研究[D].兰州大学,2018.
