

TensorFlow遵循语义版本2.0(semver)为其公共API。 TensorFlow的每个发行版都有MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH格式。例如,TensorFlow版本1.2.3具有MAJOR版本1,MINOR版本2和PATCH版本3.对每个数字的更改具有以下含义:

  • MAJOR:潜在的后向不兼容的变化。与以前的主要版本一起工作的代码和数据不一定适用于新版本。但是,在某些情况下,现有的TensorFlow图形和检查点可能会迁移到新版本;有关数据兼容性的详细信息,请参见图和检查点的兼容性。
  • MINOR:向下兼容功能,速度改进等。与之前的次要版本一起工作并且仅依赖于公共API的代码和数据将继续保持不变。有关什么是和不是公共API的详细信息,请参阅涵盖的内容。
  • PATCH:向后兼容的错误修复。



只有TensorFlow的公共API在小版本和补丁版本之间向后兼容。 公共API包含

  • 所有记录在Python中的函数和类
  • 张量模块及其子模块除外
    • 函数和类在tf.contrib
    • 名称以_开头的函数和类(因为它们是私有的)请注意,examples /和tools /目录
      中的代码无法通过tensorflow Python模块访问,因此不在兼容性保证范围内。


    The C API.

    The following protocol buffer files:


Some API functions are explicitly marked as “experimental” and can change in backward incompatible ways between minor releases. These include:

  • 实验性API:Python中的tf.contrib模块及其子模块,以及C API中的任何函数或协议缓冲区中明确表示为实验性的字段。
  • 其他语言:Python和C之外的其他语言的TensorFlow API,例如:
  • C ++(通过tensorflow / cc中的头文件公开)。
  • Java中,
  • go
  • 复合操作的详细信息:Python中的许多公共函数展开为图中的几个原始操作,这些细节将作为GraphDefs保存到磁盘的任何图的一部分。这些细节可能会更改为次要版本。特别是,检查图形之间精确匹配的回归测试可能会跨越次要版本,即使图形的行为应该保持不变,现有检查点仍然可以工作。
  • 浮点数值细节:ops计算的特定浮点值可能随时改变。用户应该只依靠近似精度和数值稳定性,而不是计算的特定位数。在次要版本和补丁版本中对数值公式的改变应该导致可比较的或改进的准确性,但是在机器学习中提高特定公式的准确度可能导致整个系统的准确度降低。
  • 随机数:由随机操作计算的具体随机数可能随时改变。用户只能依靠大致正确的分布和统计强度,而不能计算特定的位数。但是,我们会对修补程序发布很少(或者从不)修改随机位。当然,我们会记录所有这些变化。
  • 分布式Tensorflow中的版本偏差:在单个集群中运行两个不同版本的TensorFlow不受支持。对于有线协议的向后兼容性没有任何保证。
  • 错误:如果当前的实现明显被破坏,我们保留使后向不兼容的行为(尽管不是API)的改变的权利,也就是说,如果它与文档相矛盾,或者如果一个众所周知的,到一个错误。例如,如果优化器声称实现了一个众所周知的优化算法,但由于错误而不匹配该算法,那么我们将修复优化器。我们的修复可能会依靠错误的行为来破坏代码。我们会在发行说明中注意到这些变化。
  • 错误消息:我们保留更改错误消息文本的权利。另外,错误的类型可能会改变,除非在文档中指定类型。例如,记录了一个引发InvalidArgument异常的函数将继续引发InvalidArgument,但是可读的消息内容可能会改变。

Compatibility of graphs and checkpoints




  • TensorFlow的每个版本都支持GraphDef版本的间隔。这个时间间隔在修补程序版本中将保持不变,并且只会在次要版本之间增长。删除对GraphDef版本的支持只会发生在TensorFlow的主要版本中。
  • 新创建的图形分配了最新的GraphDef版本号。
  • 如果给定版本的TensorFlow支持GraphDef版本的图形,它将加载和评估,其行为与用于生成它的TensorFlow版本(浮点数字细节和随机数除外)相同,无论TensorFlow的主版本。特别是所有的检查点文件都是兼容的。
  • 如果GraphDef上限在(次要)版本中增加到X,那么在下限增加到X之前至少要有六个月。例如(我们在这里使用假设的版本号):
    • TensorFlow 1.2可能支持GraphDef版本4至7。
    • TensorFlow 1.3可以添加GraphDef版本8并支持版本4到8。
    • 至少六个月后,TensorFlow 2.0.0可能会放弃对第4版至第7版的支持,而只剩下第8版。


Graph and checkpoint compatibility when extending TensorFlow

This section is relevant only when making incompatible changes to the GraphDef format, such as when adding ops, removing ops, or changing the functionality of existing ops. The previous section should suffice for most users.
Backward and partial forward compatibility

Our versioning scheme has three requirements:

Backward compatibility to support loading graphs and checkpoints created with older versions of TensorFlow.
Forward compatibility to support scenarios where the producer of a graph or checkpoint is upgraded to a newer version of TensorFlow before the consumer.
Enable evolving TensorFlow in incompatible ways. For example, removing Ops, adding attributes, and removing attributes.

Note that while the GraphDef version mechanism is separate from the TensorFlow version, backwards incompatible changes to the GraphDef format are still restricted by Semantic Versioning. This means functionality can only be removed or changed between MAJOR versions of TensorFlow (such as 1.7 to 2.0). Additionally, forward compatibility is enforced within Patch releases (1.x.1 to 1.x.2 for example).

To achieve backward and forward compatibility and to know when to enforce changes in formats, graphs and checkpoints have metadata that describes when they were produced. The sections below detail the TensorFlow implementation and guidelines for evolving GraphDef versions.
Independent data version schemes

There are different data versions for graphs and checkpoints. The two data formats evolve at different rates from each other and also at different rates from TensorFlow. Both versioning systems are defined in core/public/version.h. Whenever a new version is added, a note is added to the header detailing what changed and the date.
Data, producers, and consumers

We distinguish between the following kinds of data version information: producers: binaries that produce data. Producers have a version (producer) and a minimum consumer version that they are compatible with (min_consumer). consumers: binaries that consume data. Consumers have a version (consumer) and a minimum producer version that they are compatible with (min_producer).

Each piece of versioned data has a VersionDef versions field which records the producer that made the data, the min_consumer that it is compatible with, and a list of bad_consumers versions that are disallowed.

By default, when a producer makes some data, the data inherits the producer’s producer and min_consumer versions. bad_consumers can be set if specific consumer versions are known to contain bugs and must be avoided. A consumer can accept a piece of data if the following are all true:

consumer >= data's min_consumer
data's producer >= consumer's min_producer
consumer not in data's bad_consumers

Since both producers and consumers come from the same TensorFlow code base, core/public/version.h contains a main data version which is treated as either producer or consumer depending on context and both min_consumer and min_producer (needed by producers and consumers, respectively). Specifically,


Evolving GraphDef versions

This section explains how to use this versioning mechanism to make different types of changes to the GraphDef format.
Add an Op

Add the new Op to both consumers and producers at the same time, and do not change any GraphDef versions. This type of change is automatically backward compatible, and does not impact forward compatibility plan since existing producer scripts will not suddenly use the new functionality.
Add an Op and switch existing Python wrappers to use it

Implement new consumer functionality and increment the GraphDef version.
If it is possible to make the wrappers use the new functionality only in cases that did not work before, the wrappers can be updated now.
Change Python wrappers to use the new functionality. Do not increment min_consumer, since models that do not use this Op should not break.

Remove or restrict an Op’s functionality

Fix all producer scripts (not TensorFlow itself) to not use the banned Op or functionality.
Increment the GraphDef version and implement new consumer functionality that bans the removed Op or functionality for GraphDefs at the new version and above. If possible, make TensorFlow stop producing GraphDefs with the banned functionality. To do so, add the REGISTER_OP(...).Deprecated(deprecated_at_version, message).
Wait for a major release for backward compatibility purposes.
Increase min_producer to the GraphDef version from (2) and remove the functionality entirely.

Change an Op’s functionality

Add a new similar Op named SomethingV2 or similar and go through the process of adding it and switching existing Python wrappers to use it, which may take three weeks if forward compatibility is desired.
Remove the old Op (Can only take place with a major version change due to backward compatibility).
Increase min_consumer to rule out consumers with the old Op, add back the old Op as an alias for SomethingV2, and go through the process to switch existing Python wrappers to use it.
Go through the process to remove SomethingV2.

Ban a single unsafe consumer version

Bump the GraphDef version and add the bad version to bad_consumers for all new GraphDefs. If possible, add to bad_consumers only for GraphDefs which contain a certain Op or similar.
If existing consumers have the bad version, push them out as soon as possible.
