1.参考资料 https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/99457/Edge-Based-Template-Matching
著名机器视觉软件Halcon 的开发人员出版的一本书
2.Machine Vision Algorithms and Applications [Carsten Steger, Markus Ulrich, Christian Wiedemann]
struct IplImageArr
IplImage * img;
struct ImgEdgeInfo////////////////用来存储目标图像多尺度的梯度信息
int16_t *pBufGradX ;
int16_t *pBufGradY ;
float *pBufMag;
struct PyramidEdgePoints
int level;
int numOfCordinates; //坐标点个数
Point *edgePoints; //坐标点
double *edgeMagnitude; //梯度幅值数列
double *edgeDerivativeX; //X方向梯度
double *edgeDerivativeY; //Y方向梯度
Point centerOfGravity; //模板重心坐标
struct AngleEdgePoints
PyramidEdgePoints *pyramidEdgePoints;
double templateAngle;
struct ScaleEdgePoints
AngleEdgePoints *angleEdgePoints;
double scaleVale;
struct MatchResult
int nums;
double scale;
int level;
int Angel; //匹配角度
int CenterLocX; //匹配参考点X坐标
int CenterLocY; //匹配参考点Y坐标
float ResultScore; //匹配的分
struct search_region
int StartX; //X方向起点
int StartY; //y方向起点
int EndX; //x方向终点
int EndY; //y方向终点
class ShapeMatch
ScaleEdgePoints* scaleEdgePoints;//坐标点数列
int modelHeight; //模板图像高度
int modelWidth; //模板图像宽度
bool modelDefined;
Point gravityPoint;
void CreateDoubleMatrix(double **&matrix, Size size);
void ReleaseDoubleMatrix(double **&matrix, int size);
void ShapeMatch::rotateImage(IplImage* srcImage, IplImage* dstImage, float Angle);
float new_rsqrt(float f);
int CreateMatchModel(IplImage *templateArr, double maxContrast, double minContrast, int pyramidnums,double anglestart, double angleend,double anglestep,double scalestart,double scaleend, double scalestep);
int ShapeMatch::CalEdgeCordinates(IplImage *templateArr, double maxContrast, double minContrast, PyramidEdgePoints *PyramidEdgePtr);
double FindGeoMatchModel(IplImage* srcarr, double minScore, double greediness, CvPoint *resultPoint, int pyramidnums, double anglestart, double angleend, double anglestep, double scalestart, double scaleend, double scalestep);
void DrawContours(IplImage* source, CvScalar color, int lineWidth, Point *cordinates, Point centerOfGravity, int noOfCordinates);
void extract_shape_info(IplImage *ImageData, PyramidEdgePoints *PyramidEdgePtr, int Contrast, int MinContrast);
void shape_match_accurate(IplImage *SearchImage, PyramidEdgePoints *ShapeInfoVec, int Contrast, int MinContrast, float MinScore, float Greediness, search_region *SearchRegion, MatchResult *ResultList, ImgEdgeInfo *imgEdgeInfo);
void CalSearchImgEdg(IplImage *SearchImage, ImgEdgeInfo *imgEdgeInfo);
Point extract_shape_info(IplImage *ImageData, int Contrast, int MinContrast);
int ShapeMatch::CreateMatchModel(IplImage *templateArr, double maxContrast, double minContrast, int pyramidnums, double anglestart, double angleend, double anglestep, double scalestart, double scaleend,double scalestep)
int scalenum = abs(scaleend - scalestart) / scalestep+1;
int anglenum = abs(angleend - anglestart) / anglestep+1;
scaleEdgePoints = (ScaleEdgePoints *)malloc(scalenum * sizeof(ScaleEdgePoints));
gravityPoint = extract_shape_info(templateArr, maxContrast, minContrast);
for (int i = 0; i < scalenum; i++)
scaleEdgePoints[i].angleEdgePoints= (AngleEdgePoints *)malloc(anglenum * sizeof(AngleEdgePoints));
scaleEdgePoints[i].scaleVale = scalestart + i*scalestep;
AngleEdgePoints *angleEdgePtr = scaleEdgePoints[i].angleEdgePoints;
for (int j = 0; j < anglenum; j++)
angleEdgePtr[j].pyramidEdgePoints = (PyramidEdgePoints *)malloc((1+pyramidnums)* sizeof(PyramidEdgePoints));
angleEdgePtr[j].templateAngle= anglestart + j*anglestep;
PyramidEdgePoints *pyramidEdgePtr = angleEdgePtr[j].pyramidEdgePoints;
IplImage * scaleAngleImage= cvCreateImage(cvSize(templateArr->width*(scalestart + i*scalestep), templateArr->height*(scalestart + i*scalestep)), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvResize(templateArr, scaleAngleImage);
rotateImage(scaleAngleImage, scaleAngleImage, anglestart + j*anglestep);
IplImage * tempDownImg=cvCreateImage(cvSize(round(scaleAngleImage->width), round(scaleAngleImage->height)), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvCopy(scaleAngleImage, tempDownImg);
extract_shape_info(tempDownImg, &(pyramidEdgePtr[0]), maxContrast, minContrast );
for (int k = 1; k <= pyramidnums; k++)
pyramidEdgePtr[k].level = k;
CvSize size;
if (tempDownImg->height % 2 == 0)
size.height = tempDownImg->height >> 1;
size.height = floor(tempDownImg->height >> 1)+1;
if (tempDownImg->width % 2 == 0)
size.width = tempDownImg->width >> 1;
size.width = floor(tempDownImg->width >> 1) + 1;
IplImage* pyDownImg=cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvPyrDown(tempDownImg, pyDownImg);
tempDownImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize( pyDownImg->width, pyDownImg->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvCopy(pyDownImg, tempDownImg);
extract_shape_info(pyDownImg, &(pyramidEdgePtr[k]), maxContrast, minContrast);
//DrawContours(pyDownImg, CvScalar(0, 0, 255), 1, pyramidEdgePtr[k].edgePoints, pyramidEdgePtr[k].centerOfGravity, pyramidEdgePtr[k].numOfCordinates);
return 1;
void ShapeMatch::extract_shape_info(IplImage *ImageData, PyramidEdgePoints *PyramidEdgePtr, int Contrast, int MinContrast)
/* source image size */
int width = ImageData->width;
int height = ImageData->height;
int widthstep = ImageData->widthStep;
/* Compute buffer sizes */
uint32_t bufferSize = widthstep * height;
PyramidEdgePtr->numOfCordinates = 0; //initialize
PyramidEdgePtr->edgePoints = new Point[bufferSize]; //Allocate memory for coorinates of selected points in template image
PyramidEdgePtr->edgeMagnitude = new double[bufferSize]; //Allocate memory for edge magnitude for selected points
PyramidEdgePtr->edgeDerivativeX = new double[bufferSize]; //Allocate memory for edge X derivative for selected points
PyramidEdgePtr->edgeDerivativeY = new double[bufferSize]; ////Allocate memory for edge Y derivative for selected points
/* Allocate buffers for each vector */
uint8_t *pInput = (uint8_t *)malloc(bufferSize * sizeof(uint8_t));
uint8_t *pBufOut = (uint8_t *)malloc(bufferSize * sizeof(uint8_t));
int16_t *pBufGradX = (int16_t *)malloc(bufferSize * sizeof(int16_t));
int16_t *pBufGradY = (int16_t *)malloc(bufferSize * sizeof(int16_t));
int32_t *pBufOrien = (int32_t *)malloc(bufferSize * sizeof(int32_t));
float *pBufMag = (float *)malloc(bufferSize * sizeof(float));
if (pInput && pBufGradX && pBufGradY && pBufMag && pBufOrien && pBufOut)
//gaussian_filter(ImageData, pInput, width, height);
memcpy(pInput, ImageData->imageData, bufferSize * sizeof(uint8_t));
memset(pBufGradX, 0, bufferSize * sizeof(int16_t));
memset(pBufGradY, 0, bufferSize * sizeof(int16_t));
memset(pBufOrien, 0, bufferSize * sizeof(int32_t));
memset(pBufOut, 0, bufferSize * sizeof(uint8_t));
memset(pBufMag, 0, bufferSize * sizeof(float));
float MaxGradient = -9999.99f;
int count = 0, i, j; // count variable;
for (i = 1; i < width - 1; i++)
for (j = 1; j < height - 1; j++)
int16_t sdx = *(pInput + j*widthstep + i + 1) - *(pInput + j*widthstep + i - 1);
int16_t sdy = *(pInput + (j + 1)*widthstep + i) - *(pInput + (j - 1)*widthstep + i);
*(pBufGradX + j*widthstep + i) = sdx;
*(pBufGradY + j*widthstep + i) = sdy;
float MagG = sqrt((float)(sdx*sdx) + (float)(sdy*sdy));
*(pBufMag + j*widthstep + i) = MagG;
// get maximum gradient value for normalizing.
if (MagG>MaxGradient)
MaxGradient = MagG;
for (i = 1; i < width - 1; i++)
for (j = 1; j < height - 1; j++)
int16_t fdx = *(pBufGradX + j*widthstep + i);
int16_t fdy = *(pBufGradY + j*widthstep + i);
float direction = cvFastArctan((float)fdy, (float)fdx); //Direction = invtan (Gy / Gx)
// get closest angle from 0, 45, 90, 135 set
if ((direction>0 && direction < 22.5) || (direction >157.5 && direction < 202.5) || (direction>337.5 && direction<360))
direction = 0;
else if ((direction>22.5 && direction < 67.5) || (direction >202.5 && direction <247.5))
direction = 45;
else if ((direction >67.5 && direction < 112.5) || (direction>247.5 && direction<292.5))
direction = 90;
else if ((direction >112.5 && direction < 157.5) || (direction>292.5 && direction<337.5))
direction = 135;
direction = 0;
pBufOrien[count] = (int32_t)direction;
count = 0; // init count
// non maximum suppression
float leftPixel, rightPixel;
for (i = 1; i < width - 1; i++)
for (j = 1; j < height - 1; j++)
switch (pBufOrien[count])
case 0:
leftPixel = *(pBufMag + j*widthstep + i - 1);
rightPixel = *(pBufMag + j*widthstep + i + 1);
case 45:
leftPixel = *(pBufMag + (j - 1)*widthstep + i - 1);
rightPixel = *(pBufMag + (j + 1)*widthstep + i + 1);
case 90:
leftPixel = *(pBufMag + (j - 1)*widthstep + i);
rightPixel = *(pBufMag + (j + 1)*widthstep + i);
case 135:
leftPixel = *(pBufMag + (j + 1)*widthstep + i - 1);
rightPixel = *(pBufMag + (j - 1)*widthstep + i + 1);
// compare current pixels value with adjacent pixels
if ((*(pBufMag + j*widthstep + i) < leftPixel) || (*(pBufMag + j*widthstep + i) < rightPixel))
*(pBufOut + j*widthstep + i) = 0;
*(pBufOut + j*widthstep + i) = (uint8_t)(*(pBufMag + j*widthstep + i) / MaxGradient * 255);
int RSum = 0, CSum = 0;
int curX, curY;
int flag = 1;
int n = 0;
int iPr = 1;
//Hysteresis threshold
for (i = 1; i < width - 1; i += iPr)
for (j = 1; j < height - 1; j += iPr)
int16_t fdx = *(pBufGradX + j*widthstep + i);
int16_t fdy = *(pBufGradY + j*widthstep + i);
float MagG = *(pBufMag + j*widthstep + i);
flag = 1;
if ((float)*(pBufOut + j*widthstep + i) < Contrast)
if ((float)*(pBufOut + j*widthstep + i) < MinContrast)
*(pBufOut + j*widthstep + i) = 0;
flag = 0; // remove from edge
{ // if any of 8 neighboring pixel is not greater than max contract remove from edge
if (((float)*(pBufOut + (j - 1)*widthstep + i - 1) < Contrast) &&
((float)*(pBufOut + j * widthstep + i - 1) < Contrast) &&
((float)*(pBufOut + (j - 1) * widthstep + i - 1) < Contrast) &&
((float)*(pBufOut + (j - 1) * widthstep + i) < Contrast) &&
((float)*(pBufOut + (j + 1)* widthstep + i) < Contrast) &&
((float)*(pBufOut + (j - 1) * widthstep + i + 1) < Contrast) &&
((float)*(pBufOut + j * widthstep + i + 1) < Contrast) &&
((float)*(pBufOut + (j + 1) * widthstep + i + 1) < Contrast))
*(pBufOut + j*widthstep + i) = 0;
flag = 0;
// save selected edge information
curX = i; curY = j;
if (flag != 0)
if (fdx != 0 || fdy != 0)
RSum = RSum + curX;
CSum = CSum + curY; // Row sum and column sum for center of gravity
PyramidEdgePtr->edgePoints[n].x = curX;
PyramidEdgePtr->edgePoints[n].y = curY;
PyramidEdgePtr->edgeDerivativeX[n] = fdx;
PyramidEdgePtr->edgeDerivativeY[n] = fdy;
//handle divide by zero
if (MagG != 0)
PyramidEdgePtr->edgeMagnitude[n] = 1 / MagG; // gradient magnitude
PyramidEdgePtr->edgeMagnitude[n] = 0;
if (n != 0)
PyramidEdgePtr->numOfCordinates = n;
PyramidEdgePtr->centerOfGravity.x = RSum / n; // center of gravity
PyramidEdgePtr->centerOfGravity.y = CSum / n; // center of gravity
//PyramidEdgePtr->centerOfGravity.x = width / 2; // center of image
//PyramidEdgePtr->centerOfGravity.y = height / 2; // center of image
// change coordinates to reflect center of reference
int m, temp;
for (m = 0; m < PyramidEdgePtr->numOfCordinates; m++)
temp = (PyramidEdgePtr->edgePoints + m)->x;
(PyramidEdgePtr->edgePoints + m)->x = temp - PyramidEdgePtr->centerOfGravity.x;
temp = (PyramidEdgePtr->edgePoints + m)->y;
(PyramidEdgePtr->edgePoints + m)->y = temp - PyramidEdgePtr->centerOfGravity.y;
(1).计算搜索图像边缘点梯度信息。同获取模板 (2)(3)。
(3).这步是最重要的,通过 归一化交叉相关(NCC) 算法计算模板边缘梯度和目标图像边缘梯度向量的相关性。
double ShapeMatch::FindGeoMatchModel(IplImage* srcarr, double minScore, double greediness, CvPoint *resultPoint, int pyramidnums, double anglestart, double angleend, double anglestep, double scalestart, double scaleend, double scalestep)
if (srcarr == NULL)
return -1;
CvSize srcImgSize = cvSize(srcarr->width, srcarr->height);
IplImage* grayImg = cvCreateImage(srcImgSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
// Convert color image to gray image.
if (srcarr->nChannels == 3)
cvCvtColor(srcarr, grayImg, CV_RGB2GRAY);
cvCopy(srcarr, grayImg);
double resultScore = 0;
double maxScore=0;
int maxScoreId=0;
PyramidEdgePoints *matchEdgePoints=new PyramidEdgePoints;
double partialSum = 0;
double sumOfCoords = 0;
double partialScore;
CvSize Ssize;
CvPoint tempMatchPoint(0,0);
AngleEdgePoints *angleEdgePtr;
PyramidEdgePoints *pyramidEdgePtr;
int scalenum = abs(scaleend - scalestart) / scalestep + 1;
int anglenum = abs(angleend - anglestart) / anglestep + 1;
ImgEdgeInfo *imgEdgeInfo= (ImgEdgeInfo *)malloc((pyramidnums + 1) * sizeof(ImgEdgeInfo));
IplImageArr *pyDownImgArr= (IplImageArr *)malloc((pyramidnums+1) * sizeof(IplImageArr));
IplImage * tempDownImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(grayImg->width, grayImg->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvCopy(grayImg, tempDownImg);
pyDownImgArr[0].img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(grayImg->width, grayImg->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvCopy(grayImg, pyDownImgArr[0].img);
CalSearchImgEdg(tempDownImg, &(imgEdgeInfo[0]));
for (int i=1;i<=pyramidnums;i++)
CvSize size;
if (tempDownImg->height % 2 == 0)
size.height = tempDownImg->height >> 1;
size.height = floor(tempDownImg->height >> 1) + 1;
if (tempDownImg->width % 2 == 0)
size.width = tempDownImg->width >> 1;
size.width = floor(tempDownImg->width >> 1) + 1;
//CvSize size = cvSize(floor(tempDownImg->height>>1), floor(tempDownImg->width>>1));///
IplImage* pyDownImg = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
pyDownImgArr[i].img= cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvPyrDown(tempDownImg, pyDownImg);
tempDownImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pyDownImg->width, pyDownImg->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvCopy(pyDownImg, tempDownImg);
cvCopy(pyDownImg, pyDownImgArr[i].img);
CalSearchImgEdg(tempDownImg, &(imgEdgeInfo[i]));
/*cvNamedWindow("Search Image", 0);
cvShowImage("Search Image", tempDownImg);
//cvSaveImage("tempimg.png", tempDownImg);
// #pragma omp parallel for
MatchResult *ResultList = new MatchResult;
MatchResult *ResultLists = new MatchResult[9999];
int matcnnums = 0;
search_region *SearchRegion = new search_region;
for (int ii = 0; ii < scalenum; ii++)
angleEdgePtr = scaleEdgePoints[ii].angleEdgePoints;
for (int jj = 0; jj < anglenum; jj++)
pyramidEdgePtr = angleEdgePtr[jj].pyramidEdgePoints;
ResultList->CenterLocX = 0;
ResultList->CenterLocY = 0;
SearchRegion->EndX = pyDownImgArr[pyramidnums].img->width-1; SearchRegion->EndY = pyDownImgArr[pyramidnums].img->height - 1;
SearchRegion->StartX = 1; SearchRegion->StartY = 1;
for (int kk = pyramidnums; kk >= 0; kk--)
ResultList->CenterLocX = 0;
ResultList->CenterLocY = 0;
shape_match_accurate(pyDownImgArr[kk].img, &(pyramidEdgePtr[kk]),80, 20,/////80,20参数待修改
minScore, greediness,SearchRegion,ResultList, &(imgEdgeInfo[kk]));
if (ResultList->CenterLocX == 0 || ResultList->CenterLocY == 0)
SearchRegion->StartX = ResultList->CenterLocX*2 - 6;
SearchRegion->StartY = ResultList->CenterLocY *2 - 6;
SearchRegion->EndX = ResultList->CenterLocX *2 +6;
SearchRegion->EndY = ResultList->CenterLocY * 2 + 6;
resultScore = ResultList->ResultScore;
if (resultScore > minScore&&matcnnums<9999)
if (resultScore > maxScore)
maxScore = resultScore;
maxScoreId = matcnnums;
matchEdgePoints = &(pyramidEdgePtr[0]);//////////////////////暂时注释
ResultLists[matcnnums].ResultScore = resultScore;
ResultLists[matcnnums].CenterLocX= ResultList->CenterLocX ;
ResultLists[matcnnums].CenterLocY= ResultList->CenterLocY;
ResultLists[matcnnums].scale = scaleEdgePoints[ii].scaleVale;
ResultLists[matcnnums].Angel = angleEdgePtr[jj].templateAngle;
ResultLists[matcnnums].nums = matcnnums;
if (matcnnums > 0)
resultPoint->x = ResultLists[maxScoreId].CenterLocX; resultPoint->y = ResultLists[maxScoreId].CenterLocY;
//if (matcnnums > 0)
// cout << "最匹配------------------------------------" << endl;
// cout << "分数:" << ResultLists[maxScoreId].ResultScore << endl;
// cout << "x:" << ResultLists[maxScoreId].CenterLocX << endl;
// cout << "y:" << ResultLists[maxScoreId].CenterLocY << endl;
// cout << "缩放系数:" << ResultLists[maxScoreId].scale << endl;
// cout << "角度:" << ResultLists[maxScoreId].Angel << endl;
// cout << endl;
if (matcnnums > 0)
DrawContours(srcarr, CvScalar(0, 0, 255), 1, matchEdgePoints->edgePoints, Point(ResultLists[maxScoreId].CenterLocX, ResultLists[maxScoreId].CenterLocY), matchEdgePoints->numOfCordinates);
cvNamedWindow("Search Image", 0);
cvShowImage("Search Image", srcarr);
//cvDestroyWindow("Search Image");
delete ResultList; ResultList = NULL;
delete []ResultLists; ResultLists = NULL;
delete SearchRegion; SearchRegion = NULL;
//delete matchEdgePoints;
/////释放内存,由于本人之前使用了三层金字塔。如果层数不同请自行修以下部分 。
free(imgEdgeInfo[0].pBufGradX); free(imgEdgeInfo[0].pBufGradY); free(imgEdgeInfo[0].pBufMag); imgEdgeInfo[0].pBufGradX = NULL; imgEdgeInfo[0].pBufGradY = NULL; imgEdgeInfo[0].pBufMag = NULL;
free(imgEdgeInfo[1].pBufGradX); free(imgEdgeInfo[1].pBufGradY); free(imgEdgeInfo[1].pBufMag); imgEdgeInfo[1].pBufGradX = NULL; imgEdgeInfo[1].pBufGradY = NULL; imgEdgeInfo[1].pBufMag = NULL;
free(imgEdgeInfo[2].pBufGradX); free(imgEdgeInfo[2].pBufGradY); free(imgEdgeInfo[2].pBufMag); imgEdgeInfo[2].pBufGradX = NULL; imgEdgeInfo[2].pBufGradY = NULL; imgEdgeInfo[2].pBufMag = NULL;
free(imgEdgeInfo[3].pBufGradX); free(imgEdgeInfo[3].pBufGradY); free(imgEdgeInfo[3].pBufMag); imgEdgeInfo[3].pBufGradX = NULL; imgEdgeInfo[3].pBufGradY = NULL; imgEdgeInfo[3].pBufMag = NULL;
free(imgEdgeInfo); imgEdgeInfo = NULL;
cvReleaseImage(&(pyDownImgArr[0].img)); cvReleaseImage(&(pyDownImgArr[1].img)); cvReleaseImage(&(pyDownImgArr[2].img));
free(pyDownImgArr) ; pyDownImgArr = NULL;
return resultScore;