ACL 2016 会议论文全集


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Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Proceedings of the ACL 2016 Student Research Workshop
Proceedings of ACL-2016 System Demonstrations
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

P16-1 [bib]: Entire volume

P16-1000: Front Matter

P16-1001 [bib] [notes]: James Goodman; Andreas Vlachos; Jason Naradowsky
Noise reduction and targeted exploration in imitation learning for Abstract Meaning Representation parsing

P16-1002 [bib]: Robin Jia; Percy Liang
Data Recombination for Neural Semantic Parsing

P16-1003 [bib]: Panupong Pasupat; Percy Liang
Inferring Logical Forms From Denotations

P16-1004 [bib]: Li Dong; Mirella Lapata
Language to Logical Form with Neural Attention

P16-1005 [bib]: Dian Yu; Heng Ji
Unsupervised Person Slot Filling based on Graph Mining

P16-1006 [bib]: Di Lu; Xiaoman Pan; Nima Pourdamghani; Shih-Fu Chang; Heng Ji; Kevin Knight
A Multi-media Approach to Cross-lingual Entity Knowledge Transfer

P16-1007 [bib]: Joern Wuebker; Spence Green; John DeNero; Sasa Hasan; Minh-Thang Luong
Models and Inference for Prefix-Constrained Machine Translation

P16-1008 [bib]: Zhaopeng Tu; Zhengdong Lu; Yang Liu; Xiaohua Liu; Hang Li
Modeling Coverage for Neural Machine Translation

P16-1009 [bib]: Rico Sennrich; Barry Haddow; Alexandra Birch
Improving Neural Machine Translation Models with Monolingual Data

P16-1010 [bib]: Liangyou Li; Andy Way; Qun Liu
Graph-Based Translation Via Graph Segmentation

P16-1011 [bib]: Lanbo She; Joyce Chai
Incremental Acquisition of Verb Hypothesis Space towards Physical World Interaction

P16-1012 [bib]: Gerold Hintz; Chris Biemann
Language Transfer Learning for Supervised Lexical Substitution

P16-1013 [bib]: Yulia Tsvetkov; Manaal Faruqui; Wang Ling; Brian MacWhinney; Chris Dyer
Learning the Curriculum with Bayesian Optimization for Task-Specific Word Representation Learning

P16-1014 [bib]: Caglar Gulcehre; Sungjin Ahn; Ramesh Nallapati; Bowen Zhou; Yoshua Bengio
Pointing the Unknown Words

P16-1015 [bib]: Bernd Bohnet; Ryan McDonald; Emily Pitler; Ji Ma
Generalized Transition-based Dependency Parsing via Control Parameters

P16-1016 [bib]: Matthieu Constant; Joakim Nivre
A Transition-Based System for Joint Lexical and Syntactic Analysis

P16-1017 [bib]: Maximin Coavoux; Benoit Crabbé
Neural Greedy Constituent Parsing with Dynamic Oracles

P16-1018 [bib]: E.Dario Gutierrez; Ekaterina Shutova; Tyler Marghetis; Benjamin Bergen
Literal and Metaphorical Senses in Compositional Distributional Semantic Models

P16-1019 [bib]: Giancarlo Salton; Robert Ross; John Kelleher
Idiom Token Classification using Sentential Distributed Semantics

P16-1020 [bib]: Kazuma Hashimoto; Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Adaptive Joint Learning of Compositional and Non-Compositional Phrase Embeddings

P16-1021 [bib] [notes]: Hyeju Jang; Yohan Jo; Qinlan Shen; Michael Miller; Seungwhan Moon; Carolyn Rose
Metaphor Detection with Topic Transition, Emotion and Cognition in Context

P16-1022 [bib]: Yunchuan Chen; Lili Mou; Yan Xu; Ge Li; Zhi Jin
Compressing Neural Language Models by Sparse Word Representations

P16-1023 [bib]: Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh; Hinrich Schütze
Intrinsic Subspace Evaluation of Word Embedding Representations

P16-1024 [bib]: Ivan Vulić; Anna Korhonen
On the Role of Seed Lexicons in Learning Bilingual Word Embeddings

P16-1025 [bib]: Lifu Huang; Taylor Cassidy; Xiaocheng Feng; Heng Ji; Clare R. Voss; Jiawei Han; Avirup Sil
Liberal Event Extraction and Event Schema Induction

P16-1026 [bib]: Deyu Zhou; Tianmeng Gao; Yulan He
Jointly Event Extraction and Visualization on Twitter via Probabilistic Modelling

P16-1027 [bib]: Karl Pichotta; Raymond J. Mooney
Using Sentence-Level LSTM Language Models for Script Inference

P16-1028 [bib]: Haoruo Peng; Dan Roth
Two Discourse Driven Language Models for Semantics

P16-1029 [bib]: Fangzhao Wu; Yongfeng Huang
Sentiment Domain Adaptation with Multiple Sources

P16-1030 [bib] [dataset]: Hannah Rashkin; Sameer Singh; Yejin Choi
Connotation Frames: A Data-Driven Investigation

P16-1031 [bib]: Guangyou Zhou; Zhiwen Xie; Jimmy Xiangji Huang; Tingting He
Bi-Transferring Deep Neural Networks for Domain Adaptation

P16-1032 [bib]: Eunsol Choi; Hannah Rashkin; Luke Zettlemoyer; Yejin Choi
Document-level Sentiment Inference with Social, Faction, and Discourse Context

P16-1033 [bib]: Zhenghua Li; Min Zhang; Yue Zhang; Zhanyi Liu; Wenliang Chen; Hua Wu; Haifeng Wang
Active Learning for Dependency Parsing with Partial Annotation

P16-1034 [bib]: Caio Corro; Joseph Le Roux; Mathieu Lacroix; Antoine Rozenknop; Roberto Wolfler Calvo
Dependency Parsing with Bounded Block Degree and Well-nestedness via Lagrangian Relaxation and Branch-and-Bound

P16-1035 [bib]: Fernando Diaz; Bhaskar Mitra; Nick Craswell
Query Expansion with Locally-Trained Word Embeddings

P16-1036 [bib]: Arpita Das; Harish Yenala; Manoj Chinnakotla; Manish Shrivastava
Together we stand: Siamese Networks for Similar Question Retrieval

P16-1037 [bib]: Hao Peng; Jing Liu; Chin-Yew Lin
News Citation Recommendation with Implicit and Explicit Semantics

P16-1038 [bib]: Aliya Deri; Kevin Knight
Grapheme-to-Phoneme Models for (Almost) Any Language

P16-1039 [bib] [dataset]: Deng Cai; Hai Zhao
Neural Word Segmentation Learning for Chinese

P16-1040 [bib]: Meishan Zhang; Yue Zhang; Guohong Fu
Transition-Based Neural Word Segmentation

P16-1041 [bib]: Adam Trischler; Zheng Ye; Xingdi Yuan; Jing He; Philip Bachman
A Parallel-Hierarchical Model for Machine Comprehension on Sparse Data

P16-1042 [bib]: Gabor Angeli; Neha Nayak; Christopher D. Manning
Combining Natural Logic and Shallow Reasoning for Question Answering

P16-1043 [bib]: Mrinmaya Sachan; Eric Xing
Easy Questions First? A Case Study on Curriculum Learning for Question Answering

P16-1044 [bib]: Ming Tan; Cicero dos Santos; Bing Xiang; Bowen Zhou
Improved Representation Learning for Question Answer Matching

P16-1045 [bib] [dataset]: Sujay Kumar Jauhar; Peter Turney; Eduard Hovy
Tables as Semi-structured Knowledge for Question Answering

P16-1046 [bib]: Jianpeng Cheng; Mirella Lapata
Neural Summarization by Extracting Sentences and Words

P16-1047 [bib]: Federico Fancellu; Adam Lopez; Bonnie Webber
Neural Networks For Negation Scope Detection

P16-1048 [bib]: Yashen Wang; Heyan Huang; Chong Feng; Qiang Zhou; Jiahui Gu; Xiong Gao
CSE: Conceptual Sentence Embeddings based on Attention Model

P16-1049 [bib]: Zhao Yan; Nan Duan; Junwei Bao; Peng Chen; Ming Zhou; Zhoujun Li; Jianshe Zhou
DocChat: An Information Retrieval Approach for Chatbot Engines Using Unstructured Documents

P16-1050 [bib]: Gabriel Doyle; Michael C. Frank
Investigating the Sources of Linguistic Alignment in Conversation

P16-1051 [bib]: Yang Xu; David Reitter
Entropy Converges Between Dialogue Participants: Explanations from an Information-Theoretic Perspective

P16-1052 [bib]: Sabine Janzen; Wolfgang Maaß; Tobias Kowatsch
Finding the Middle Ground - A Model for Planning Satisficing Answers

P16-1053 [bib]: Biao Liu; Minlie Huang
A Sentence Interaction Network for Modeling Dependence between Sentences

P16-1054 [bib]: Thiago Castro Ferreira; Emiel Krahmer; Sander Wubben
Towards more variation in text generation: Developing and evaluating variation models for choice of referential form

P16-1055 [bib]: Arun Chaganty; Percy Liang
How Much is 131 Million Dollars? Putting Numbers in Perspective with Compositional Descriptions

P16-1056 [bib]: Iulian Vlad Serban; Alberto García-Durán; Caglar Gulcehre; Sungjin Ahn; Sarath Chandar; Aaron Courville; Yoshua Bengio
Generating Factoid Questions With Recurrent Neural Networks: The 30M Factoid Question-Answer Corpus

P16-1057 [bib]: Wang Ling; Phil Blunsom; Edward Grefenstette; Karl Moritz Hermann; Tomáš Kočiský; Fumin Wang; Andrew Senior
Latent Predictor Networks for Code Generation

P16-1058 [bib]: Sina Zarrieß; David Schlangen
Easy Things First: Installments Improve Referring Expression Generation for Objects in Photographs

P16-1059 [bib]: Amir Globerson; Nevena Lazic; Soumen Chakrabarti; Amarnag Subramanya; Michael Ringaard; Fernando Pereira
Collective Entity Resolution with Multi-Focal Attention

P16-1060 [bib] [software]: Nafise Sadat Moosavi; Michael Strube
Which Coreference Evaluation Metric Do You Trust? A Proposal for a Link-based Entity Aware Metric

P16-1061 [bib]: Kevin Clark; Christopher D. Manning
Improving Coreference Resolution by Learning Entity-Level Distributed Representations

P16-1062 [bib] [dataset]: Catherine Finegan-Dollak; Reed Coke; Rui Zhang; Xiangyi Ye; Dragomir Radev
Effects of Creativity and Cluster Tightness on Short Text Clustering Performance

P16-1063 [bib]: Shaohua Li; Tat-Seng Chua; Jun Zhu; Chunyan Miao
Generative Topic Embedding: a Continuous Representation of Documents

P16-1064 [bib]: Bei Shi; Wai Lam; Lidong Bing; Yinqing Xu
Detecting Common Discussion Topics Across Culture From News Reader Comments

P16-1065 [bib] [notes]: Weiwei Yang; Jordan Boyd-Graber; Philip Resnik
A Discriminative Topic Model using Document Network Structure

P16-1066 [bib]: Nora Al-Twairesh; Hend Al-Khalifa; Abdulmalik AlSalman
AraSenTi: Large-Scale Twitter-Specific Arabic Sentiment Lexicons

P16-1067 [bib] [notes] [dataset]: Khaled Aldebei; Xiangjian He; Wenjing Jia; Jie Yang
Unsupervised Multi-Author Document Decomposition Based on Hidden Markov Model

P16-1068 [bib]: Dimitrios Alikaniotis; Helen Yannakoudakis; Marek Rei
Automatic Text Scoring Using Neural Networks

P16-1069 [bib]: I. Beltagy; Chris Quirk
Improved Semantic Parsers For If-Then Statements

P16-1070 [bib] [notes]: Yevgeni Berzak; Jessica Kenney; Carolyn Spadine; Jing Xian Wang; Lucia Lam; Keiko Sophie Mori; Sebastian Garza; Boris Katz
Universal Dependencies for Learner English

P16-1071 [bib]: Joachim Bingel; Maria Barrett; Anders Søgaard
Extracting token-level signals of syntactic processing from fMRI - with an application to PoS induction

P16-1072 [bib]: Rui Cai; Xiaodong Zhang; Houfeng Wang
Bidirectional Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Relation Classification

P16-1073 [bib]: Bo Chen; Le Sun; Xianpei Han; Bo An
Sentence Rewriting for Semantic Parsing

P16-1074 [bib]: Chen Chen; Vincent Ng
Chinese Zero Pronoun Resolution with Deep Neural Networks

P16-1075 [bib]: Ronan Cummins; Meng Zhang; Ted Briscoe
Constrained Multi-Task Learning for Automated Essay Scoring

P16-1076 [bib]: Zihang Dai; Lei Li; Wei Xu
CFO: Conditional Focused Neural Question Answering with Large-scale Knowledge Bases

P16-1077 [bib]: Judith Eckle-Kohler
Verbs Taking Clausal and Non-Finite Arguments as Signals of Modality – Revisiting the Issue of Meaning Grounded in Syntax

P16-1078 [bib]: Akiko Eriguchi; Kazuma Hashimoto; Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Tree-to-Sequence Attentional Neural Machine Translation

P16-1079 [bib]: Jessica Ficler; Yoav Goldberg
Coordination Annotation Extension in the Penn Tree Bank

P16-1080 [bib]: Lucie Flekova; Jordan Carpenter; Salvatore Giorgi; Lyle Ungar; Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro
Analyzing Biases in Human Perception of User Age and Gender from Text

P16-1081 [bib]: Lin Gong; Mohammad Al Boni; Hongning Wang
Modeling Social Norms Evolution for Personalized Sentiment Classification

P16-1082 [bib]: Jonathan Gordon; Linhong Zhu; Aram Galstyan; Prem Natarajan; Gully Burns
Modeling Concept Dependencies in a Scientific Corpus

P16-1083 [bib]: Kenneth Heafield; Chase Geigle; Sean Massung; Lane Schwartz
Normalized Log-Linear Interpolation of Backoff Language Models is Efficient

P16-1084 [bib]: Danqing Huang; Shuming Shi; Chin-Yew Lin; Jian Yin; Wei-Ying Ma
How well do Computers Solve Math Word Problems? Large-Scale Dataset Construction and Evaluation

P16-1085 [bib]: Ignacio Iacobacci; Mohammad Taher Pilehvar; Roberto Navigli
Embeddings for Word Sense Disambiguation: An Evaluation Study

P16-1086 [bib]: Rudolf Kadlec; Martin Schmid; Ondřej Bajgar; Jan Kleindienst
Text Understanding with the Attention Sum Reader Network

P16-1087 [bib]: Arzoo Katiyar; Claire Cardie
Investigating LSTMs for Joint Extraction of Opinion Entities and Relations

P16-1088 [bib]: Yoshihide Kato; Shigeki Matsubara
Transition-Based Left-Corner Parsing for Identifying PTB-Style Nonlocal Dependencies

P16-1089 [bib]: Tom Kenter; Alexey Borisov; Maarten de Rijke
Siamese CBOW: Optimizing Word Embeddings for Sentence Representations

P16-1090 [bib]: Fereshte Khani; Martin Rinard; Percy Liang
Unanimous Prediction for 100\% Precision with Application to Learning Semantic Mappings

P16-1091 [bib]: Seokhwan Kim; Rafael Banchs; Haizhou Li
Exploring Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks in Sequential Labelling for Dialogue Topic Tracking

P16-1092 [bib]: Ekaterina Kochmar; Ekaterina Shutova
Cross-Lingual Lexico-Semantic Transfer in Language Learning

P16-1093 [bib]: John Lee; Donald Sturgeon; Mengqi Luo
A CALL System for Learning Preposition Usage

P16-1094 [bib]: Jiwei Li; Michel Galley; Chris Brockett; Georgios Spithourakis; Jianfeng Gao; Bill Dolan
A Persona-Based Neural Conversation Model

P16-1095 [bib]: Juzheng Li; Jun Zhu; Bo Zhang
Discriminative Deep Random Walk for Network Classification

P16-1096 [bib] [dataset]: Nut Limsopatham; Nigel Collier
Normalising Medical Concepts in Social Media Texts by Learning Semantic Representation

P16-1097 [bib]: Chunyang Liu; Yang Liu; Maosong Sun; Huanbo Luan; Heng Yu
Agreement-based Learning of Parallel Lexicons and Phrases from Non-Parallel Corpora

P16-1098 [bib]: Pengfei Liu; Xipeng Qiu; Jifan Chen; Xuanjing Huang
Deep Fusion LSTMs for Text Semantic Matching

P16-1099 [bib]: Tong Liu; Christopher Homan; Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm; Megan Lytle; Ann Marie White; Henry Kautz
Understanding Discourse on Work and Job-Related Well-Being in Public Social Media

P16-1100 [bib]: Minh-Thang Luong; Christopher D. Manning
Achieving Open Vocabulary Neural Machine Translation with Hybrid Word-Character Models

P16-1101 [bib]: Xuezhe Ma; Eduard Hovy
End-to-end Sequence Labeling via Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF

P16-1102 [bib]: Andrey Malinin; Rogier van Dalen; Kate Knill; Yu Wang; Mark Gales
Off-topic Response Detection for Spontaneous Spoken English Assessment

P16-1103 [bib] [dataset]: Austin Matthews; Eva Schlinger; Alon Lavie; Chris Dyer
Synthesizing Compound Words for Machine Translation

P16-1104 [bib]: Abhijit Mishra; Diptesh Kanojia; Seema Nagar; Kuntal Dey; Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Harnessing Cognitive Features for Sarcasm Detection

P16-1105 [bib]: Makoto Miwa; Mohit Bansal
End-to-End Relation Extraction using LSTMs on Sequences and Tree Structures

P16-1106 [bib]: Mark-Jan Nederhof
A short proof that O_2 is an MCFL

P16-1107 [bib] [notes]: Huy Nguyen; Diane Litman
Context-aware Argumentative Relation Mining

P16-1108 [bib]: Garrett Nicolai; Grzegorz Kondrak
Leveraging Inflection Tables for Stemming and Lemmatization.

P16-1109 [bib]: Jonathan Pfeil; Soumya Ray
Scaling a Natural Language Generation System

P16-1110 [bib]: Forough Poursabzi-Sangdeh; Jordan Boyd-Graber; Leah Findlater; Kevin Seppi
ALTO: Active Learning with Topic Overviews for Speeding Label Induction and Document Labeling

P16-1111 [bib]: Vinodkumar Prabhakaran; William L. Hamilton; Dan McFarland; Dan Jurafsky
Predicting the Rise and Fall of Scientific Topics from Trends in their Rhetorical Framing

P16-1112 [bib]: Marek Rei; Helen Yannakoudakis
Compositional Sequence Labeling Models for Error Detection in Learner Writing

P16-1113 [bib]: Michael Roth; Mirella Lapata
Neural Semantic Role Labeling with Dependency Path Embeddings

P16-1114 [bib]: Shumpei Sano; Nobuhiro Kaji; Manabu Sassano
Prediction of Prospective User Engagement with Intelligent Assistants

P16-1115 [bib]: David Schlangen; Sina Zarrieß; Casey Kennington
Resolving References to Objects in Photographs using the Words-As-Classifiers Model

P16-1116 [bib]: Lei Sha; Jing Liu; Chin-Yew Lin; Sujian Li; Baobao Chang; Zhifang Sui
RBPB: Regularization-Based Pattern Balancing Method for Event Extraction

P16-1117 [bib]: Tomohide Shibata; Daisuke Kawahara; Sadao Kurohashi
Neural Network-Based Model for Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis

P16-1118 [bib]: Chaitanya Shivade; Preethi Raghavan; Siddharth Patwardhan
Addressing Limited Data for Textual Entailment Across Domains

P16-1119 [bib]: Gabriel Stanovsky; Ido Dagan
Annotating and Predicting Non-Restrictive Noun Phrase Modifications

P16-1120 [bib]: Akihiro Tamura; Eiichiro Sumita
Bilingual Segmented Topic Model

P16-1121 [bib]: Ran Tian; Naoaki Okazaki; Kentaro Inui
Learning Semantically and Additively Compositional Distributional Representations

P16-1122 [bib]: Bingning Wang; Kang Liu; Jun Zhao
Inner Attention based Recurrent Neural Networks for Answer Selection

P16-1123 [bib]: Linlin Wang; Zhu Cao; Gerard de Melo; Zhiyuan Liu
Relation Classification via Multi-Level Attention CNNs

P16-1124 [bib]: Quan Wang; Jing Liu; Yuanfei Luo; Bin Wang; Chin-Yew Lin
Knowledge Base Completion via Coupled Path Ranking

P16-1125 [bib]: Tian Wang; Kyunghyun Cho
Larger-Context Language Modelling with Recurrent Neural Network

P16-1126 [bib]: Shomir Wilson; Florian Schaub; Aswarth Abhilash Dara; Frederick Liu; Sushain Cherivirala; Pedro Giovanni Leon; Mads Schaarup Andersen; Sebastian Zimmeck; Kanthashree Mysore Sathyendra; N. Cameron Russell; Thomas B. Norton; Eduard Hovy; Joel Reidenberg; Norman Sadeh
The Creation and Analysis of a Website Privacy Policy Corpus

P16-1127 [bib]: Chunyang Xiao; Marc Dymetman; Claire Gardent
Sequence-based Structured Prediction for Semantic Parsing

P16-1128 [bib]: Wenpeng Yin; Hinrich Schütze
Learning Word Meta-Embeddings

P16-1129 [bib] [notes] [dataset]: Jianmin Zhang; Jin-ge Yao; Xiaojun Wan
Towards Constructing Sports News from Live Text Commentary

P16-1130 [bib]: Jingyi Zhang; Masao Utiyama; Eiichro Sumita; Graham Neubig; Satoshi Nakamura
A Continuous Space Rule Selection Model for Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation

P16-1131 [bib] [software]: Zhisong Zhang; Hai Zhao; Lianhui Qin
Probabilistic Graph-based Dependency Parsing with Convolutional Neural Network

P16-1132 [bib]: Hao Zhou; Yue Zhang; Shujian Huang; Junsheng Zhou; Xin-Yu Dai; Jiajun Chen
A Search-Based Dynamic Reranking Model for Dependency Parsing

P16-1133 [bib]: Xinjie Zhou; Xiaojun Wan; Jianguo Xiao
Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification with Bilingual Document Representation Learning

P16-1134 [bib] [notes]: Jingwei Zhuo; Yong Cao; Jun Zhu; Bo Zhang; Zaiqing Nie
Segment-Level Sequence Modeling using Gated Recursive Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields

P16-1135 [bib] [dataset] [software]: Christopher Hidey; Kathy McKeown
Identifying Causal Relations Using Parallel Wikipedia Articles

P16-1136 [bib]: Kristina Toutanova; Victoria Lin; Wen-tau Yih; Hoifung Poon; Chris Quirk
Compositional Learning of Embeddings for Relation Paths in Knowledge Base and Text

P16-1137 [bib]: Xiang Li; Aynaz Taheri; Lifu Tu; Kevin Gimpel
Commonsense Knowledge Base Completion

P16-1138 [bib]: Reginald Long; Panupong Pasupat; Percy Liang
Simpler Context-Dependent Logical Forms via Model Projections

P16-1139 [bib]: Samuel R. Bowman; Jon Gauthier; Abhinav Rastogi; Raghav Gupta; Christopher D. Manning; Christopher Potts
A Fast Unified Model for Parsing and Sentence Understanding

P16-1140 [bib]: Peng Qian; Xipeng Qiu; Xuanjing Huang
Investigating Language Universal and Specific Properties in Word Embeddings

P16-1141 [bib]: William L. Hamilton; Jure Leskovec; Dan Jurafsky
Diachronic Word Embeddings Reveal Statistical Laws of Semantic Change

P16-1142 [bib]: Alakananda Vempala; Eduardo Blanco
Beyond Plain Spatial Knowledge: Determining Where Entities Are and Are Not Located, and For How Long

P16-1143 [bib]: Andrew Bennett; Timothy Baldwin; Jey Han Lau; Diana McCarthy; Francis Bond
LexSemTm: A Semantic Dataset Based on All-words Unsupervised Sense Distribution Learning

P16-1144 [bib]: Denis Paperno; Germán Kruszewski; Angeliki Lazaridou; Ngoc Quan Pham; Raffaella Bernardi; Sandro Pezzelle; Marco Baroni; Gemma Boleda; Raquel Fernandez
The LAMBADA dataset: Word prediction requiring a broad discourse context

P16-1145 [bib]: Daniel Hewlett; Alexandre Lacoste; Llion Jones; Illia Polosukhin; Andrew Fandrianto; Jay Han; Matthew Kelcey; David Berthelot
WikiReading: A Novel Large-scale Language Understanding Task over Wikipedia

P16-1146 [bib]: Shashi Narayan; Shay B. Cohen
Optimizing Spectral Learning for Parsing

P16-1147 [bib]: Yuan Zhang; David Weiss
Stack-propagation: Improved Representation Learning for Syntax

P16-1148 [bib] [dataset]: Svitlana Volkova; Yoram Bachrach
Inferring Perceived Demographics from User Emotional Tone and User-Environment Emotional Contrast

P16-1149 [bib]: Matthew Burgess; Eugenia Giraudy; Eytan Adar
Prototype Synthesis for Model Laws

P16-1150 [bib]: Ivan Habernal; Iryna Gurevych
Which argument is more convincing? Analyzing and predicting convincingness of Web arguments using bidirectional LSTM

P16-1151 [bib] [notes]: Christian Fong; Justin Grimmer
Discovery of Treatments from Text Corpora

P16-1152 [bib]: Artem Sokolov; Julia Kreutzer; Christopher Lo; Stefan Riezler
Learning Structured Predictors from Bandit Feedback for Interactive NLP

P16-1153 [bib] [notes]: Ji He; Jianshu Chen; Xiaodong He; Jianfeng Gao; Lihong Li; Li Deng; Mari Ostendorf
Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Natural Language Action Space

P16-1154 [bib]: Jiatao Gu; Zhengdong Lu; Hang Li; Victor O.K. Li
Incorporating Copying Mechanism in Sequence-to-Sequence Learning

P16-1155 [bib]: Himanshu Sharad Bhatt; Manjira Sinha; Shourya Roy
Cross-domain Text Classification with Multiple Domains and Disparate Label Sets

P16-1156 [bib] [notes]: Ryan Cotterell; Hinrich Schütze; Jason Eisner
Morphological Smoothing and Extrapolation of Word Embeddings

P16-1157 [bib]: Shyam Upadhyay; Manaal Faruqui; Chris Dyer; Dan Roth
Cross-lingual Models of Word Embeddings: An Empirical Comparison

P16-1158 [bib]: Ekaterina Vylomova; Laura Rimell; Trevor Cohn; Timothy Baldwin
Take and Took, Gaggle and Goose, Book and Read: Evaluating the Utility of Vector Differences for Lexical Relation Learning

P16-1159 [bib]: Shiqi Shen; Yong Cheng; Zhongjun He; Wei He; Hua Wu; Maosong Sun; Yang Liu
Minimum Risk Training for Neural Machine Translation

P16-1160 [bib]: Junyoung Chung; Kyunghyun Cho; Yoshua Bengio
A Character-level Decoder without Explicit Segmentation for Neural Machine Translation

P16-1161 [bib]: Aleš Tamchyna; Alexander Fraser; Ondřej Bojar; Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt
Target-Side Context for Discriminative Models in Statistical Machine Translation

P16-1162 [bib] [software]: Rico Sennrich; Barry Haddow; Alexandra Birch
Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units

P16-1163 [bib]: Jifan Chen; Qi Zhang; Pengfei Liu; Xipeng Qiu; Xuanjing Huang
Implicit Discourse Relation Detection via a Deep Architecture with Gated Relevance Network

P16-1164 [bib] [notes]: Christian Scheible; Roman Klinger; Sebastian Padó
Model Architectures for Quotation Detection

P16-1165 [bib]: Shafiq Joty; Enamul Hoque
Speech Act Modeling of Written Asynchronous Conversations with Task-Specific Embeddings and Conditional Structured Models

P16-1166 [bib]: Annemarie Friedrich; Alexis Palmer; Manfred Pinkal
Situation entity types: automatic classification of clause-level aspect

P16-1167 [bib]: Antoine Bosselut; Jianfu Chen; David Warren; Hannaneh Hajishirzi; Yejin Choi
Learning Prototypical Event Structure from Photo Albums

P16-1168 [bib]: Takashi Miyazaki; Nobuyuki Shimizu
Cross-Lingual Image Caption Generation

P16-1169 [bib]: Hao Zhang; Zhiting Hu; Yuntian Deng; Mrinmaya Sachan; Zhicheng Yan; Eric Xing
Learning Concept Taxonomies from Multi-modal Data

P16-1170 [bib]: Nasrin Mostafazadeh; Ishan Misra; Jacob Devlin; Margaret Mitchell; Xiaodong He; Lucy Vanderwende
Generating Natural Questions About an Image

P16-1171 [bib]: Qiaozi Gao; Malcolm Doering; Shaohua Yang; Joyce Chai
Physical Causality of Action Verbs in Grounded Language Understanding

P16-1172 [bib] [notes]: Maxime Peyrard; Judith Eckle-Kohler
Optimizing an Approximation of ROUGE - a Problem-Reduction Approach to Extractive Multi-Document Summarization

P16-1173 [bib]: Ryo Nagata; Keisuke Sakaguchi
Phrase Structure Annotation and Parsing for Learner English

P16-1174 [bib]: Burr Settles; Brendan Meeder
A Trainable Spaced Repetition Model for Language Learning

P16-1175 [bib] [notes]: Adithya Renduchintala; Rebecca Knowles; Philipp Koehn; Jason Eisner
User Modeling in Language Learning with Macaronic Texts

P16-1176 [bib]: Ella Rabinovich; Sergiu Nisioi; Noam Ordan; Shuly Wintner
On the Similarities Between Native, Non-native and Translated Texts

P16-1177 [bib]: Hadi Amiri; Philip Resnik; Jordan Boyd-Graber; Hal Daumé III
Learning Text Pair Similarity with Context-sensitive Autoencoders

P16-1178 [bib]: Ioannis Arapakis; Filipa Peleja; Barla Berkant; Joao Magalhaes
Linguistic Benchmarks of Online News Article Quality

P16-1179 [bib]: Ander Barrena; Aitor Soroa; Eneko Agirre
Alleviating Poor Context with Background Knowledge for Named Entity Disambiguation

P16-1180 [bib]: Or Biran; Terra Blevins; Kathleen McKeown
Mining Paraphrasal Typed Templates from a Plain Text Corpus

P16-1181 [bib]: Anders Björkelund; Agnieszka Faleńska; Wolfgang Seeker; Jonas Kuhn
How to Train Dependency Parsers with Inexact Search for Joint Sentence Boundary Detection and Parsing of Entire Documents

P16-1182 [bib]: William Boag; Renan Campos; Kate Saenko; Anna Rumshisky
MUTT: Metric Unit TesTing for Language Generation Tasks

P16-1183 [bib]: Nikolay Bogoychev; Adam Lopez
N-gram language models for massively parallel devices

P16-1184 [bib]: Jan Buys; Jan A. Botha
Cross-Lingual Morphological Tagging for Low-Resource Languages

P16-1185 [bib]: Yong Cheng; Wei Xu; Zhongjun He; Wei He; Hua Wu; Maosong Sun; Yang Liu
Semi-Supervised Learning for Neural Machine Translation

P16-1186 [bib]: Wenlin Chen; David Grangier; Michael Auli
Strategies for Training Large Vocabulary Neural Language Models

P16-1187 [bib] [notes]: Silvio Cordeiro; Carlos Ramisch; Marco Idiart; Aline Villavicencio
Predicting the Compositionality of Nominal Compounds: Giving Word Embeddings a Hard Time

P16-1188 [bib]: Greg Durrett; Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick; Dan Klein
Learning-Based Single-Document Summarization with Compression and Anaphoricity Constraints

P16-1189 [bib]: Thierry Etchegoyhen; Andoni Azpeitia
Set-Theoretic Alignment for Comparable Corpora

P16-1190 [bib] [notes]: Daniel C. Ferreira; André F. T. Martins; Mariana S. C. Almeida
Jointly Learning to Embed and Predict with Multiple Languages

P16-1191 [bib] [software]: Lucie Flekova; Iryna Gurevych
Supersense Embeddings: A Unified Model for Supersense Interpretation, Prediction, and Utilization

P16-1192 [bib]: Jonas Groschwitz; Alexander Koller; Mark Johnson
Efficient techniques for parsing with tree automata

P16-1193 [bib]: James Henderson; Diana Popa
A Vector Space for Distributional Semantics for Entailment

P16-1194 [bib]: Zhiyang He; Xien Liu; Ping Lv; Ji Wu
Hidden Softmax Sequence Model for Dialogue Structure Analysis

P16-1195 [bib] [dataset] [software]: Srinivasan Iyer; Ioannis Konstas; Alvin Cheung; Luke Zettlemoyer
Summarizing Source Code using a Neural Attention Model

P16-1196 [bib]: Hernisa Kacorri; Matt Huenerfauth
Continuous Profile Models in ASL Syntactic Facial Expression Synthesis

P16-1197 [bib]: Siavash Kazemian; Shunan Zhao; Gerald Penn
Evaluating Sentiment Analysis in the Context of Securities Trading

P16-1198 [bib]: Effi Levi; Roi Reichart; Ari Rappoport
Edge-Linear First-Order Dependency Parsing with Undirected Minimum Spanning Tree Inference

P16-1199 [bib]: Jing Li; Ming Liao; Wei Gao; Yulan He; Kam-Fai Wong
Topic Extraction from Microblog Posts Using Conversation Structures

P16-1200 [revisions: v2] [bib]: Yankai Lin; Shiqi Shen; Zhiyuan Liu; Huanbo Luan; Maosong Sun
Neural Relation Extraction with Selective Attention over Instances

P16-1201 [bib]: Shulin Liu; Yubo Chen; Shizhu He; Kang Liu; Jun Zhao
Leveraging FrameNet to Improve Automatic Event Detection

P16-1202 [bib] [notes]: Arindam Mitra; Chitta Baral
Learning To Use Formulas To Solve Simple Arithmetic Problems

P16-1203 [bib] [dataset]: Katerina Papantoniou; Stasinos Konstantopoulos
Unravelling Names of Fictional Characters

P16-1204 [bib] [dataset]: Ellie Pavlick; Chris Callison-Burch
Most “babies” are “little” and most “problems” are “huge”: Compositional Entailment in Adjective-Nouns

P16-1205 [bib]: Isaac Persing; Vincent Ng
Modeling Stance in Student Essays

P16-1206 [bib]: Peng Qian; Xipeng Qiu; Xuanjing Huang
A New Psychometric-inspired Evaluation Metric for Chinese Word Segmentation

P16-1207 [bib]: Nils Reimers; Nazanin Dehghani; Iryna Gurevych
Temporal Anchoring of Events for the TimeBank Corpus

P16-1208 [bib]: Alla Rozovskaya; Dan Roth
Grammatical Error Correction: Machine Translation and Classifiers

P16-1209 [bib]: Sunil Sahu; Ashish Anand
Recurrent neural network models for disease name recognition using domain invariant features

P16-1210 [bib]: Upendra Sapkota; Thamar Solorio; Manuel Montes; Steven Bethard
Domain Adaptation for Authorship Attribution: Improved Structural Correspondence Learning

P16-1211 [bib]: Ryohei Sasano; Manabu Okumura
A Corpus-Based Analysis of Canonical Word Order of Japanese Double Object Constructions

P16-1212 [bib]: Chen Shi; Shujie Liu; Shuo Ren; Shi Feng; Mu Li; Ming Zhou; Xu Sun; Houfeng Wang
Knowledge-Based Semantic Embedding for Machine Translation

P16-1213 [bib]: Avirup Sil; Radu Florian
One for All: Towards Language Independent Named Entity Linking

P16-1214 [bib]: Kohei Sugawara; Hayato Kobayashi; Masajiro Iwasaki
On Approximately Searching for Similar Word Embeddings

P16-1215 [bib]: Sho Takase; Naoaki Okazaki; Kentaro Inui
Composing Distributed Representations of Relational Patterns

P16-1216 [bib]: Hardik Vala; Andrew Piper; Derek Ruths
The More Antecedents, the Merrier: Resolving Multi-Antecedent Anaphors

P16-1217 [bib]: Xiaojun Wan; Tianming Wang
Automatic Labeling of Topic Models Using Text Summaries

P16-1218 [bib]: Wenhui Wang; Baobao Chang
Graph-based Dependency Parsing with Bidirectional LSTM

P16-1219 [bib]: Han Xiao; Minlie Huang; Xiaoyan Zhu
TransG : A Generative Model for Knowledge Graph Embedding

P16-1220 [bib]: Kun Xu; Siva Reddy; Yansong Feng; Songfang Huang; Dongyan Zhao
Question Answering on Freebase via Relation Extraction and Textual Evidence

P16-1221 [bib]: Maria Yancheva; Frank Rudzicz
Vector-space topic models for detecting Alzheimer’s disease

P16-1222 [bib]: Rui Yan; Cheng-Te Li; Xiaohua Hu; Ming Zhang
Chinese Couplet Generation with Neural Network Structures

P16-1223 [bib]: Danqi Chen; Jason Bolton; Christopher D. Manning
A Thorough Examination of the CNN/Daily Mail Reading Comprehension Task

P16-1224 [bib]: Sida I. Wang; Percy Liang; Christopher D. Manning
Learning Language Games through Interaction

P16-1225 [bib]: E.Dario Gutierrez; Roger Levy; Benjamin Bergen
Finding Non-Arbitrary Form-Meaning Systematicity Using String-Metric Learning for Kernel Regression

P16-1226 [bib]: Vered Shwartz; Yoav Goldberg; Ido Dagan
Improving Hypernymy Detection with an Integrated Path-based and Distributional Method

P16-1227 [bib]: Julian Hitschler; Shigehiko Schamoni; Stefan Riezler
Multimodal Pivots for Image Caption Translation

P16-1228 [bib] [notes]: Zhiting Hu; Xuezhe Ma; Zhengzhong Liu; Eduard Hovy; Eric Xing
Harnessing Deep Neural Networks with Logic Rules

P16-1229 [bib]: Fermin Moscoso del Prado Martin; Christian Brendel
Case and Cause in Icelandic: Reconstructing Causal Networks of Cascaded Language Changes

P16-1230 [bib]: Pei-Hao Su; Milica Gasic; Nikola Mrkšić; Lina M. Rojas Barahona; Stefan Ultes; David Vandyke; Tsung-Hsien Wen; Steve Young
On-line Active Reward Learning for Policy Optimisation in Spoken Dialogue Systems

P16-1231 [bib]: Daniel Andor; Chris Alberti; David Weiss; Aliaksei Severyn; Alessandro Presta; Kuzman Ganchev; Slav Petrov; Michael Collins
Globally Normalized Transition-Based Neural Networks

Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

P16-2 [bib]: Entire volume

P16-2000: Front Matter

P16-2001 [bib]: Daniël de Kok; Erhard Hinrichs
Transition-based dependency parsing with topological fields

P16-2002 [bib]: Young-Bum Kim; Karl Stratos; Ruhi Sarikaya
Scalable Semi-Supervised Query Classification Using Matrix Sketching

P16-2003 [bib]: Adrian Benton; Raman Arora; Mark Dredze
Learning Multiview Embeddings of Twitter Users

P16-2004 [bib]: Huan-Yuan Chen; Hsin-Hsi Chen
Implicit Polarity and Implicit Aspect Recognition in Opinion Mining

P16-2005 [bib]: Stephane Clinchant; Gabriela Csurka; Boris Chidlovskii
A Domain Adaptation Regularization for Denoising Autoencoders

P16-2006 [bib]: James Cross; Liang Huang
Incremental Parsing with Minimal Features Using Bi-Directional LSTM

P16-2007 [bib]: Praveen Dakwale; Christof Monz
Improving Statistical Machine Translation Performance by Oracle-BLEU Model Re-estimation

P16-2008 [bib]: Ondřej Dušek; Filip Jurcicek
Sequence-to-Sequence Generation for Spoken Dialogue via Deep Syntax Trees and Strings

P16-2009 [bib]: Steffen Eger; Alexander Mehler
On the Linearity of Semantic Change: Investigating Meaning Variation via Dynamic Graph Models

P16-2010 [bib] [notes]: Micha Elsner; Stephanie Antetomaso; Naomi Feldman
Joint Word Segmentation and Phonetic Category Induction

P16-2011 [bib]: Xiaocheng Feng; Lifu Huang; Duyu Tang; Heng Ji; Bing Qin; Ting Liu
A Language-Independent Neural Network for Event Detection

P16-2012 [bib]: Jessica Ficler; Yoav Goldberg
Improved Parsing for Argument-Clusters Coordination

P16-2013 [bib]: Marina Fomicheva; Lucia Specia
Reference Bias in Monolingual Machine Translation Evaluation

P16-2014 [bib]: Beat Gfeller; Vlad Schogol; Keith Hall
Cross-lingual projection for class-based language models

P16-2015 [bib]: Yanhui Gu; Zhenglu Yang; Junsheng Zhou; Weiguang Qu; Jinmao Wei; Xingtian Shi
A Fast Approach for Semantic Similar Short Texts Retrieval

P16-2016 [bib]: Katsuhiko Hayashi; Masaaki Nagata
Empty element recovery by spinal parser operations

P16-2017 [bib]: Beata Beigman Klebanov; Chee Wee Leong; E. Dario Gutierrez; Ekaterina Shutova; Michael Flor
Semantic classifications for detection of verb metaphors

P16-2018 [bib]: Zornitsa Kozareva; Qi Li; Ke Zhai; Weiwei Guo
Recognizing Salient Entities in Shopping Queries

P16-2019 [bib]: Teng Long; Ryan Lowe; Jackie Chi Kit Cheung; Doina Precup
Leveraging Lexical Resources for Learning Entity Embeddings in Multi-Relational Data

P16-2020 [bib]: Yi Luan; Yangfeng Ji; Hannaneh Hajishirzi; Boyang Li
Multiplicative Representations for Unsupervised Semantic Role Induction

P16-2021 [bib]: Haitao Mi; Zhiguo Wang; Abe Ittycheriah
Vocabulary Manipulation for Neural Machine Translation

P16-2022 [bib]: Lili Mou; Rui Men; Ge Li; Yan Xu; Lu Zhang; Rui Yan; Zhi Jin
Natural Language Inference by Tree-Based Convolution and Heuristic Matching

P16-2023 [bib]: Louis Onrust; Antal van den Bosch; Hugo Van hamme
Improving cross-domain n-gram language modelling with skipgrams

P16-2024 [bib]: Ellie Pavlick; Chris Callison-Burch
Simple PPDB: A Paraphrase Database for Simplification

P16-2025 [bib]: Nanyun Peng; Mark Dredze
Improving Named Entity Recognition for Chinese Social Media with Word Segmentation Representation Learning

P16-2026 [bib]: Carlos Ramisch; Silvio Cordeiro; Leonardo Zilio; Marco Idiart; Aline Villavicencio
How Naked is the Naked Truth? A Multilingual Lexicon of Nominal Compound Compositionality

P16-2027 [bib]: Manny Rayner; Pierrette Bouillon; Sarah Ebling; Johanna Gerlach; Irene Strasly; Nikos Tsourakis
An Open Web Platform for Rule-Based Speech-to-Sign Translation

P16-2028 [bib]: Philip Schulz; Wilker Aziz; Khalil Sima’an
Word Alignment without NULL Words

P16-2029 [bib]: Matti Varjokallio; Dietrich Klakow
Unsupervised morph segmentation and statistical language models for vocabulary expansion

P16-2030 [bib]: Veronika Vincze; Gábor Gosztolya; László Tóth; Ildikó Hoffmann; Gréta Szatlóczki; Zoltán Bánréti; Magdolna Pákáski; János Kálmán
Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment by Exploiting Linguistic Information from Transcripts

P16-2031 [bib]: Ivan Vulić; Douwe Kiela; Stephen Clark; Marie-Francine Moens
Multi-Modal Representations for Improved Bilingual Lexicon Learning

P16-2032 [bib]: Zhongyu Wei; Yang Liu; Yi Li
Is This Post Persuasive? Ranking Argumentative Comments in Online Forum

P16-2033 [bib] [notes]: Wen-tau Yih; Matthew Richardson; Chris Meek; Ming-Wei Chang; Jina Suh
The Value of Semantic Parse Labeling for Knowledge Base Question Answering

P16-2034 [bib]: Peng Zhou; Wei Shi; Jun Tian; Zhenyu Qi; Bingchen Li; Hongwei Hao; Bo Xu
Attention-Based Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Relation Classification

P16-2035 [bib]: Angeliki Lazaridou; Nghia The Pham; Marco Baroni
The red one!: On learning to refer to things based on discriminative properties

P16-2036 [bib]: Duy Tin Vo; Yue Zhang
Don’t Count, Predict! An Automatic Approach to Learning Sentiment Lexicons for Short Text

P16-2037 [bib]: Jin Wang; Liang-Chih Yu; K. Robert Lai; Xuejie Zhang
Dimensional Sentiment Analysis Using a Regional CNN-LSTM Model

P16-2038 [bib]: Anders Søgaard; Yoav Goldberg
Deep multi-task learning with low level tasks supervised at lower layers

P16-2039 [bib]: Suzushi Tomori; Takashi Ninomiya; Shinsuke Mori
Domain Specific Named Entity Recognition Referring to the Real World by Deep Neural Networks

P16-2040 [bib]: Gavin Saldanha; Or Biran; Kathleen McKeown; Alfio Gliozzo
An Entity-Focused Approach to Generating Company Descriptions

P16-2041 [bib] [notes] [dataset]: Omer Levy; Ido Dagan
Annotating Relation Inference in Context via Question Answering

P16-2042 [bib]: Maximilian Köper; Sabine Schulte im Walde
Automatic Semantic Classification of German Preposition Types: Comparing Hard and Soft Clustering Approaches across Features

P16-2043 [bib] [dataset]: Dimitra Gkatzia; Oliver Lemon; Verena Rieser
Natural Language Generation enhances human decision-making with uncertain information

P16-2044 [bib]: Bhuwan Dhingra; Zhong Zhou; Dylan Fitzpatrick; Michael Muehl; William Cohen
Tweet2Vec: Character-Based Distributed Representations for Social Media

P16-2045 [bib]: Liangyou Li; Andy Way; Qun Liu
Phrase-Level Combination of SMT and TM Using Constrained Word Lattice

P16-2046 [bib]: Santanu Pal; Sudip Kumar Naskar; Mihaela Vela; Josef van Genabith
A Neural Network based Approach to Automatic Post-Editing

P16-2047 [bib]: Masoud Jalili Sabet; Matteo Negri; Marco Turchi; Eduard Barbu
An Unsupervised Method for Automatic Translation Memory Cleaning

P16-2048 [bib]: Jan-Thorsten Peter; Weiyue Wang; Hermann Ney
Exponentially Decaying Bag-of-Words Input Features for Feed-Forward Neural Network in Statistical Machine Translation

P16-2049 [bib]: Felix Stahlberg; Eva Hasler; Aurelien Waite; Bill Byrne
Syntactically Guided Neural Machine Translation

P16-2050 [bib]: Iris Hendrickx; Els Lefever; Ilja Croijmans; Asifa Majid; Antal van den Bosch
Very quaffable and great fun: Applying NLP to wine reviews

P16-2051 [bib]: Lucie Flekova; Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro; Lyle Ungar
Exploring Stylistic Variation with Age and Income on Twitter

P16-2052 [bib]: Xianzhi Ruan; Steven Wilson; Rada Mihalcea
Finding Optimists and Pessimists on Twitter

P16-2053 [bib]: Stephane Clinchant; Boris Chidlovskii; Gabriela Csurka
Transductive Adaptation of Black Box Predictions

P16-2054 [bib]: Zornitsa Kozareva; Makoto Yamada
Which Tumblr Post Should I Read Next?

P16-2055 [bib]: Joachim Bingel; Anders Søgaard
Text Simplification as Tree Labeling

P16-2056 [bib]: Julian Brooke; Adam Hammond; Timothy Baldwin
Bootstrapped Text-level Named Entity Recognition for Literature

P16-2057 [bib]: Dirk Hovy
The Enemy in Your Own Camp: How Well Can We Detect Statistically-Generated Fake Reviews – An Adversarial Study

P16-2058 [bib]: Marta R. Costa-jussà; José A. R. Fonollosa
Character-based Neural Machine Translation

P16-2059 [bib]: Ahmed Elgohary; Marine Carpuat
Learning Monolingual Compositional Representations via Bilingual Supervision

P16-2060 [bib]: Reza Ghaeini; Xiaoli Fern; Liang Huang; Prasad Tadepalli
Event Nugget Detection with Forward-Backward Recurrent Neural Networks

P16-2061 [bib]: Andrej Zukov Gregoric; Zhiyuan Luo; Bartal Veyhe
IBC-C: A Dataset for Armed Conflict Analysis

P16-2062 [bib]: Weihua Hu; Jun’ichi Tsujii
A Latent Concept Topic Model for Robust Topic Inference Using Word Embeddings

P16-2063 [bib]: Shaoshi Ling; Yangqiu Song; Dan Roth
Word Embeddings with Limited Memory

P16-2064 [bib]: Michal Lukasik; P. K. Srijith; Duy Vu; Kalina Bontcheva; Arkaitz Zubiaga; Trevor Cohn
Hawkes Processes for Continuous Time Sequence Classification: an Application to Rumour Stance Classification in Twitter

P16-2065 [bib]: Todor Mihaylov; Preslav Nakov
Hunting for Troll Comments in News Community Forums

P16-2066 [bib]: Masaaki Nishino; Jun Suzuki; Masaaki Nagata
Phrase Table Pruning via Submodular Function Maximization

P16-2067 [bib]: Barbara Plank; Anders Søgaard; Yoav Goldberg
Multilingual Part-of-Speech Tagging with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Models and Auxiliary Loss

P16-2068 [bib]: Alexandre Salle; Aline Villavicencio; Marco Idiart
Matrix Factorization using Window Sampling and Negative Sampling for Improved Word Representations

P16-2069 [bib]: David Vilares; Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez; Miguel A. Alonso
One model, two languages: training bilingual parsers with harmonized treebanks

P16-2070 [bib]: Kellie Webster; Joel Nothman
Using mention accessibility to improve coreference resolution

P16-2071 [bib]: Aubrie Woods
Exploiting Linguistic Features for Sentence Completion

P16-2072 [bib]: Yang Xu; David Reitter
Convergence of Syntactic Complexity in Conversation

P16-2073 [bib]: Yang Yu; Xiaojun Wan; Xinjie Zhou
User Embedding for Scholarly Microblog Recommendation

P16-2074 [bib]: Kim Anh Nguyen; Sabine Schulte im Walde; Ngoc Thang Vu
Integrating Distributional Lexical Contrast into Word Embeddings for Antonym-Synonym Distinction

P16-2075 [bib]: Francisco Guzmán; Lluís Màrquez; Preslav Nakov
Machine Translation Evaluation Meets Community Question Answering

P16-2076 [bib]: Mrinmaya Sachan; Kumar Dubey; Eric Xing
Science Question Answering using Instructional Materials

P16-2077 [bib]: Gabriel Stanovsky; Ido Dagan; Meni Adler
Specifying and Annotating Reduced Argument Span Via QA-SRL

P16-2078 [revisions: v2] [bib] [dataset]: Yimai Fang; Simone Teufel
Improving Argument Overlap for Proposition-Based Summarisation

P16-2079 [bib]: Mrinmaya Sachan; Eric Xing
Machine Comprehension using Rich Semantic Representations

P16-2080 [bib] [software]: Takamasa Oshikiri; Kazuki Fukui; Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Cross-Lingual Word Representations via Spectral Graph Embeddings

P16-2081 [bib]: Sara Rodríguez-Fernández; Luis Espinosa Anke; Roberto Carlini; Leo Wanner
Semantics-Driven Recognition of Collocations Using Word Embeddings

P16-2082 [bib]: Abhishek Kumar; Jun Araki
Incorporating Relational Knowledge into Word Representations using Subspace Regularization

P16-2083 [bib]: Sascha Rothe; Hinrich Schütze
Word Embedding Calculus in Meaningful Ultradense Subspaces

P16-2084 [bib]: Ivan Vulić; Anna Korhonen
Is “Universal Syntax” Universally Useful for Learning Distributed Word Representations?

P16-2085 [bib]: Yonatan Bilu; Noam Slonim
Claim Synthesis via Predicate Recycling

P16-2086 [bib]: Frances Yung; Kevin Duh; Taku Komura; Yuji Matsumoto
Modelling the Interpretation of Discourse Connectives by Bayesian Pragmatics

P16-2087 [bib]: Kayhan Batmanghelich; Ardavan Saeedi; Karthik Narasimhan; Sam Gershman
Nonparametric Spherical Topic Modeling with Word Embeddings

P16-2088 [bib]: Fred Morstatter; Huan Liu
A Novel Measure for Coherence in Statistical Topic Models

P16-2089 [bib]: Debanjan Ghosh; Aquila Khanam; Yubo Han; Smaranda Muresan
Coarse-grained Argumentation Features for Scoring Persuasive Essays

P16-2090 [bib]: Katharina Kann; Hinrich Schütze
Single-Model Encoder-Decoder with Explicit Morphological Representation for Reinflection

P16-2091 [bib]: Anders Johannsen; Željko Agić; Anders Søgaard
Joint part-of-speech and dependency projection from multiple sources

P16-2092 [bib]: Jingjing Xu; Xu Sun
Dependency-based Gated Recursive Neural Network for Chinese Word Segmentation

P16-2093 [bib]: Joël Legrand; Ronan Collobert
Deep Neural Networks for Syntactic Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages

P16-2094 [bib]: Maria Barrett; Joachim Bingel; Frank Keller; Anders Søgaard
Weakly Supervised Part-of-speech Tagging Using Eye-tracking Data

P16-2095 [bib]: Varvara Logacheva; Michal Lukasik; Lucia Specia
Metrics for Evaluation of Word-level Machine Translation Quality Estimation

P16-2096 [bib]: Dirk Hovy; Shannon L. Spruit
The Social Impact of Natural Language Processing

P16-2097 [bib] [notes] [dataset] [software]: Johann-Mattis List; Philippe Lopez; Eric Bapteste
Using Sequence Similarity Networks to Identify Partial Cognates in Multilingual Wordlists

Proceedings of the ACL 2016 Student Research Workshop

P16-3 [bib]: Entire volume

P16-3000: Front Matter

P16-3001 [bib]: Tomonori Kodaira; Tomoyuki Kajiwara; Mamoru Komachi
Controlled and Balanced Dataset for Japanese Lexical Simplification

P16-3002 [bib]: Hitoshi Otsuki; Chenhui Chu; Toshiaki Nakazawa; Sadao Kurohashi
Dependency Forest based Word Alignment

P16-3003 [bib]: Eric Benzschawel
Identifying Potential Adverse Drug Events in Tweets Using Bootstrapped Lexicons

P16-3004 [bib]: Eri Matsuo; Ichiro Kobayashi; Shinji Nishimoto; Satoshi Nishida; Hideki Asoh
Generating Natural Language Descriptions for Semantic Representations of Human Brain Activity

P16-3005 [bib]: Alron Jan Lam
Improving Twitter Community Detection through Contextual Sentiment Analysis

P16-3006 [bib]: Devadath V V; Dipti Misra Sharma
Significance of an Accurate Sandhi-Splitter in Shallow Parsing of Dravidian Languages

P16-3007 [bib]: Clare Llewellyn; Claire Grover; Jon Oberlander
Improving Topic Model Clustering of Newspaper Comments for Summarisation

P16-3008 [bib]: Taha Tobaili
Arabizi Identification in Twitter Data

P16-3009 [bib]: Dmitrijs Milajevs; Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh; Matthew Purver
Robust Co-occurrence Quantification for Lexical Distributional Semantics

P16-3010 [bib]: Hessel Haagsma
Singleton Detection using Word Embeddings and Neural Networks

P16-3011 [bib]: Murhaf Fares
A Dataset for Joint Noun-Noun Compound Bracketing and Interpretation

P16-3012 [bib]: Omid Moradiannasab
An Investigation on The Effectiveness of Employing Topic Modeling Techniques to Provide Topic Awareness For Conversational Agents

P16-3013 [bib]: Vincent Kríž; Barbora Hladka
Improving Dependency Parsing Using Sentence Clause Charts

P16-3014 [bib]: Ewa Muszyńska
Graph- and surface-level sentence chunking

P16-3015 [bib]: Parth Mehta
From Extractive to Abstractive Summarization: A Journey

P16-3016 [bib]: Gavin Abercrombie; Dirk Hovy
Putting Sarcasm Detection into Context: The Effects of Class Imbalance and Manual Labelling on Supervised Machine Classification of Twitter Conversations

P16-3017 [bib]: Alon Daks; Aidan Clark
Unsupervised Authorial Clustering Based on Syntactic Structure

P16-3018 [bib]: Sapna Negi
Suggestion Mining from Opinionated Text

P16-3019 [bib]: Yandi Xia; Zhongyu Wei; Yang Liu
An Efficient Cross-lingual Model for Sentence Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network

P16-3020 [bib]: Timothy Lee; Alex Lutz; Jinho D. Choi
QA-It: Classifying Non-Referential It for Question Answer Pairs

P16-3021 [bib]: Davaajav Jargalsaikhan; Naoaki Okazaki; Koji Matsuda; Kentaro Inui
Building a Corpus for Japanese Wikification with Fine-Grained Entity Classes

P16-3022 [bib]: Vasu Jindal
A Personalized Markov Clustering and Deep Learning Approach for Arabic Text Categorization

Proceedings of ACL-2016 System Demonstrations

P16-4 [bib]: Entire volume

P16-4000: Front Matter

P16-4001 [bib]: Alan Akbik; Yunyao Li
POLYGLOT: Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling with Unified Labels

P16-4002 [bib]: Maria Chinkina; Madeeswaran Kannan; Detmar Meurers
Online Information Retrieval for Language Learning

P16-4003 [bib]: Damien Cram; Beatrice Daille
Terminology Extraction with Term Variant Detection

P16-4004 [bib]: Patrick Ernst; Amy Siu; Dragan Milchevski; Johannes Hoffart; Gerhard Weikum
DeepLife: An Entity-aware Search, Analytics and Exploration Platform for Health and Life Sciences

P16-4005 [bib]: Tong Ge; Yafang Wang; Gerard de Melo; Haofeng Li; Baoquan Chen
Visualizing and Curating Knowledge Graphs over Time and Space

P16-4006 [bib]: Ryan Georgi; Michael Wayne Goodman; Fei Xia
A Web-framework for ODIN Annotation

P16-4007 [bib]: Leonhard Hennig; Philippe Thomas; Renlong Ai; Johannes Kirschnick; He Wang; Jakob Pannier; Nora Zimmermann; Sven Schmeier; Feiyu Xu; Jan Ostwald; Hans Uszkoreit
Real-Time Discovery and Geospatial Visualization of Mobility and Industry Events from Large-Scale, Heterogeneous Data Streams

P16-4008 [bib]: Shahab Jalalvand; Matteo Negri; Marco Turchi; José G. C. de Souza; Falavigna Daniele; Mohammed R. H. Qwaider
TranscRater: a Tool for Automatic Speech Recognition Quality Estimation

P16-4009 [bib]: Masoud Jalili Sabet; Matteo Negri; Marco Turchi; José G. C. de Souza; Marcello Federico
TMop: a Tool for Unsupervised Translation Memory Cleaning

P16-4010 [bib]: Douwe Kiela
MMFeat: A Toolkit for Extracting Multi-Modal Features

P16-4011 [bib]: Johannes Kirschnick; Holmer Hemsen; Volker Markl
JEDI: Joint Entity and Relation Detection using Type Inference

P16-4012 [bib]: Pierre Lison; Casey Kennington
OpenDial: A Toolkit for Developing Spoken Dialogue Systems with Probabilistic Rules

P16-4013 [bib]: Marina Litvak; Natalia Vanetik; Mark Last; Elena Churkin
MUSEEC: A Multilingual Text Summarization Tool

P16-4014 [bib]: Nitin Madnani; Jill Burstein; John Sabatini; Kietha Biggers; Slava Andreyev
Language Muse: Automated Linguistic Activity Generation for English Language Learners

P16-4015 [bib]: Pascual Martínez-Gómez; Koji Mineshima; Yusuke Miyao; Daisuke Bekki
ccg2lambda: A Compositional Semantics System

P16-4016 [bib]: Sean Massung; Chase Geigle; ChengXiang Zhai
MeTA: A Unified Toolkit for Text Retrieval and Analysis

P16-4017 [bib]: Christian M. Meyer; Darina Benikova; Margot Mieskes; Iryna Gurevych
MDSWriter: Annotation Tool for Creating High-Quality Multi-Document Summarization Corpora

P16-4018 [bib]: Hiroshi Noji; Yusuke Miyao
Jigg: A Framework for an Easy Natural Language Processing Pipeline

P16-4019 [bib]: Danuta Ploch; Andreas Lommatzsch; Florian Schultze
An Advanced Press Review System Combining Deep News Analysis and Machine Learning Algorithms

P16-4020 [bib]: John Lee; Mengqi Luo
Personalized Exercises for Preposition Learning

P16-4021 [bib]: Sameer Pradhan; Ron Cole; Wayne Ward
My Science Tutor—Learning Science with a Conversational Virtual Tutor

P16-4022 [bib]: Afshin Rahimi; Trevor Cohn; Timothy Baldwin
pigeo: A Python Geotagging Tool

P16-4023 [bib]: Adithya Renduchintala; Rebecca Knowles; Philipp Koehn; Jason Eisner
Creating Interactive Macaronic Interfaces for Language Learning

P16-4024 [bib]: Asad Sayeed; Xudong Hong; Vera Demberg
Roleo: Visualising Thematic Fit Spaces on the Web

P16-4025 [bib]: Josef Steinberger
MediaGist: A Cross-lingual Analyser of Aggregated News and Commentaries

P16-4026 [bib]: Antoine Tixier; Konstantinos Skianis; Michalis Vazirgiannis
GoWvis: A Web Application for Graph-of-Words-based Text Visualization and Summarization

P16-4027 [bib]: Olga Uryupina; Barbara Plank; Gianni Barlacchi; Francisco J Valverde-Albacete; Manos Tsagkias; Antonio Uva; Alessandro Moschitti
LiMoSINe Pipeline: Multilingual UIMA-based NLP Platform

P16-4028 [bib]: Seid Muhie Yimam; Heiner Ulrich; Tatiana von Landesberger; Marcel Rosenbach; Michaela Regneri; Alexander Panchenko; Franziska Lehmann; Uli Fahrer; Chris Biemann; Kathrin Ballweg
new/s/leak – Information Extraction and Visualization for Investigative Data Journalists

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