英语流利说Level4 Unit2 Part3 Currency Exchange

Currency Exchange货币兑换

May I help you, sir?先生,我能为您效劳吗?

I’d like to change some US dollars into Japanese yen, please.我想把一些美元换成日元。

Yes, certainly sir.是的,当然先生

How much would you like to change?您想兑换多少?

I’d like to change 500 dollars.我想兑换500美元。

May I see your passport please?我可以看一下你的护照吗?

I don’t have it with me, but I do have my driver’s license.我身上没带,但我有驾照。

Would that be OK?可以吗?

No, I'm sorry, sir.对不起,先生。

I need to see your passport, it’s the law.我需要看一下你的护照,这是法律规定的。

Look, I’m not asking for a loan.听着,我不是要贷款。

I just want to convert my dollars into yen.我只想把美元兑换成日元。

Why do I need my passport?我为什么需要护照?

I understand your frustration sir, but that’s the law.我理解你的沮丧,但这是法律。

I can not do something that is illegal.我不能做违法的事情。

If someone is frustrated they are a bit irritated如果有人感到沮丧,他们会有点生气

OK, do you have any suggestions?好的,你有什么建议吗?

Sure, the easiest things for you to do it is to use a machine in one of the hotels near here.当然,对你来说最简单的事情就是在附近的旅馆里使用机器

You can borrow someone’s passport and then do the conversion.你可以借别人的护照,然后兑换

So the machine doesn’t check my fingerprints or anything like that?所以机器不会检查我的指纹之类的?

No, sir. But there is a limit as to how much you can change at one time.没有,先生。但是一次兑换多少钱是有限制的。

You also have to pay a higher fee.你还得付更高的费用

Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

You’re welcome, sir.欢迎你,先生。

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