sonar-scanner debug 模式设置(sonar-scanner调试)

有的sonarQube 版本(sonarQube 6.2没有):

源码管理配置完成后,选择构建步骤Execute SonarQube Scanner,

Execute SonarQube Scanner


我目前使用的6.2版本没有,还是哪地方需要设置或者配置。 只有invoke standlone sonar analysis.

  • Deploy WAR/EAR to WildFly
  • Execute Windows batch command
  • Execute shell
  • Execute shell script on remote host using ssh
  • Import developer profile
  • Inject environment variables
  • Invoke Ant
  • Invoke Gradle script
  • Invoke OWASP Dependency-Check NVD update only
  • Invoke OWASP Dependency-Check analysis
  • Invoke Standalone Sonar Analysis
  • Invoke TestLink
  • Invoke Testopia
  • Invoke top-level Maven targets
  • JBoss Management
  • Send files over FTP
  • Xcode
  • [ArtifactDeployer] - Deploy the artifacts from build workspace to remote locatio
