

题目:基于Spark Streaming实现流处理 
使用Spark StreamingKafka等实现日志流处理功能,可以捕获新应用日志的生成,采用流处理,对日志中存在的ERROR数据进行统计和告警 




















1. Kafka环境


1)在官网http://kafka.apache.org/downloads.html 下载kafka


tar -zxvf /home/maicaijian/ kafka_2.11- -C  /usr/

转到usr目录下: cd /usr

修改文件名:mv  kafka_2.11-0.8 kafka


备份属性文件:cp   /usr/kafka/config/server.properties


vi  /usr/kafka/config/server.properties


# The id of the broker. This must be set to a unique integer for each broker.




# The port the socket server listens on



# Hostname the broker will bind to. If not set, the server will bind to all interfaces



# Hostname the broker will advertise to producers and consumers. If not set, it uses the

# value for "host.name" if configured.  Otherwise, it will use the value returned from

# java.net.InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName().




2. zookeeper安装

  su – maicaijian(切换到maicaijian用户)

tar -zxvf zookeeper-3.4.5.tar.gz(解压)


mv zookeeper-3.4.5 zookeeper(重命名文件夹zookeeper-3.4.5为zookeeper)


1su – root(切换用户到root)

2vi /etc/profile(修改文件)


export ZOOKEEPER_HOME=/home/maicaijian/zookeeper



source /etc/profile



su - maicaijian



cd zookeeper/conf

cp zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfg

2vi zoo.cfg




server.1=slave1:2888:3888 (主机名, 心跳端口、数据端口)



注:在次配置的是zookeeper集群模式,而在调试时,我用的是zookeeperstandalong 模式


cd /home/maicaijian/zookeeper/

mkdir -m 755 data

mkdir -m 755 log


cd data

vi myid





scp -r /home/maicaijian/zookeeper maicaijian@slave2:/home/maicaijian/

scp -r /home/maicaijian/zookeeper maicaijian@slave3:/home/maicaijian/




1. 启动zookeeper服务:./zkServer.sh start

2. 启动kafka服务:./kafka-server-start.sh /usr/kafka/config/server.properties(启动时要注明属性文件)


3. 创建”log”topic:在服务器是使用./kafka-topic.sh --create  --zookeeper master:9092  --replication 1 --partition 1 --topic log

4. 在服务器上使用kafkaproducerconsumer命令验证topiclog”是否可用





1. 模拟日志:日志格式:“时间戳 +error类型 +随机”




1)利用kafkaAPI接口,编写kafka producer的代码:

package spark.kafka;

import kafka.javaapi.producer.Producer;
import kafka.producer.KeyedMessage;
import kafka.producer.ProducerConfig;

import java.util.*;

public class KafkaProducerSimple {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String TOPIC = "log";
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.put("serializer.class", "kafka.serializer.StringEncoder");
        props.put("metadata.broker.list", "");
        props.put("request.required.acks", "1");
        props.put("partitioner.class", "cn.itcast.storm.kafka.MyLogPartitioner");
Producer producer = new Producer(new ProducerConfig(props));
        Random rm=new Random();
        for (int messageNo = 1; messageNo < 1000; messageNo++) {
producer.send(new KeyedMessage(TOPIC,  "1", Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()+" "+"error"+rm.nextInt(10)+" "+UUID.randomUUID()));
            //producer.send(TOPIC,1,"2018"+Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()+" "+"error"+rm.nextInt(10)+" "+UUID.randomUUID());



package spark.kafka;

import kafka.producer.Partitioner;
import kafka.utils.VerifiableProperties;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class MyLogPartitioner implements Partitioner {
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyLogPartitioner.class);

    public MyLogPartitioner(VerifiableProperties props) {

    public int partition(Object obj, int numPartitions) {
        return Integer.parseInt(obj.toString())%numPartitions;
//        return 1;





package spark.kafka

import org.apache.log4j.{Logger, Level}
import org.apache.spark.Logging

object LoggerLevels extends Logging {

  def setStreamingLogLevels() {
    val log4jInitialized = Logger.getRootLogger.getAllAppenders.hasMoreElements
    if (!log4jInitialized) {
      logInfo("Setting log level to [WARN] for streaming example." +
        " To override add a custom log4j.properties to the classpath.")


  package spark.kafka

import org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel
import org.apache.spark.{HashPartitioner, SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaUtils
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext}

  * Created by root on 2016/5/21.
object KafkaWordCount {

  val updateFunc = (iter: Iterator[(String, Seq[Int], Option[Int])]) => {
    //iter.flatMap(it=>Some(it._2.sum + it._3.getOrElse(0)).map(x=>(it._1,x)))
iter.flatMap { case (x, y, z) => Some(y.sum + z.getOrElse(0)).map(i => (x, i)) }

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val Array(zkQuorum, group, topics, numThreads) =args
    val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("KafkaWordCount").setMaster("local[2]")
    val sc=new SparkContext(sparkConf)
    val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))
    val topicMap = topics.split(",").map((_, numThreads.toInt)).toMap
    val data = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc,zkQuorum, group, topicMap, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
val wordsplit=data.map(_._2).flatMap(_.split(" "))
    val words = wordsplit.filter(_.startsWith("error"))

    val wordCounts = words.map((_, 1)).updateStateByKey(updateFunc, new HashPartitioner(ssc.sparkContext.defaultParallelism), true)

      //val value=wordCounts.print(1)
val word=wordCounts.map(x=>
      {val error_kind=x._1
        val value=x._2
      error_kind match {
        case error1 => (s"number of $error_kind:"+value,"you have to do ..." )
        case error2 => (s"number of $error_kind:"+value,"you have to do ..." )
        case error3 => (s"number of $error_kind:"+value,"you have to do ..." )
        case error4 => (s"number of $error_kind:"+value,"you have to do ..." )
        case error5 => (s"number of $error_kind:"+value,"you have to do ..." )
        case error6 => (s"number of $error_kind:"+value,"you have to do ..." )
        case error7 => (s"number of $error_kind:"+value,"you have to do ..." )
        case error8 => (s"number of $error_kind:"+value,"you have to do ..." )
        case error9=> (s"number of $error_kind:"+value,"you have to do ..." )
        case other=> (s"number of $error_kind:"+value,"you have to do ..." )


//使用match case 对错误类型进行匹配,作出相应的动作











Time: 1515163384000 ms


(number of error2:498,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:476,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:444,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:453,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:499,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:470,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:443,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:461,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:446,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:419,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163385000 ms


(number of error2:504,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:487,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:450,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:466,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:506,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:481,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:449,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:467,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:451,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:428,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163386000 ms


(number of error2:515,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:498,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:467,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:475,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:521,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:497,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:465,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:478,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:463,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:447,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163387000 ms


(number of error2:526,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:505,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:476,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:486,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:531,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:509,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:471,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:488,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:472,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:460,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163388000 ms


(number of error2:531,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:515,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:491,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:499,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:540,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:521,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:477,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:496,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:479,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:470,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163389000 ms


(number of error2:558,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:537,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:511,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:521,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:567,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:550,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:493,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:527,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:502,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:492,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163390000 ms


(number of error2:589,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:568,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:553,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:557,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:596,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:592,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:531,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:560,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:533,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:515,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163391000 ms


(number of error2:621,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:620,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:601,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:593,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:642,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:635,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:581,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:610,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:567,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:568,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163392000 ms


(number of error2:649,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:649,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:628,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:622,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:673,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:663,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:610,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:635,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:602,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:595,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163393000 ms


(number of error2:673,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:675,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:651,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:636,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:694,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:691,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:633,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:658,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:627,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:610,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163394000 ms


(number of error2:723,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:719,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:697,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:680,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:729,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:718,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:672,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:707,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:663,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:650,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163395000 ms


(number of error2:734,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:731,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:704,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:692,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:734,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:729,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:677,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:715,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:676,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:662,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163396000 ms


(number of error2:744,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:746,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:714,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:705,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:747,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:748,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:690,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:732,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:692,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:673,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163397000 ms


(number of error2:767,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:772,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:742,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:725,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:776,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:771,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:714,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:761,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:715,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:700,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163398000 ms


(number of error2:802,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:804,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:769,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:755,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:808,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:805,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:742,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:802,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:750,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:729,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163399000 ms


(number of error2:830,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:829,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:795,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:775,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:835,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:833,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:765,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:833,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:785,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:764,you have to do ...)



Time: 1515163400000 ms


(number of error2:877,you have to do ...)

(number of error8:862,you have to do ...)

(number of error6:835,you have to do ...)

(number of error4:829,you have to do ...)

(number of error0:868,you have to do ...)

(number of error9:867,you have to do ...)

(number of error3:806,you have to do ...)

(number of error7:886,you have to do ...)

(number of error5:827,you have to do ...)

(number of error1:796,you have to do ...)




主要遇到的问题如下1.failed to ...not find input



2. zookeeper连接问题:出现no broker found的情况

     解决方法:配置zoo.cfg,配置address.host.name 变量,使其与broker中的一致




