


public class MyBroadCastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {


    public void onReceive(Context context,Intent intent) {

        // 在此处处理事务











        IntentFilterfilter = new IntentFilter();









    (1)   优点:优先级高于静态注册,优先收到广播。

    (2)   缺点:注册广播的Activity关闭,广播也将无法接收。


    (1)   优点:无需担心广播接收器是否被关闭,应用若未运行,将会被唤醒并接收广播。

    (2)   缺点:优先级较低。






public final int match(String action, String type, String scheme,

            Uri data, Setcategories, String logTag) {

    if (action != null && !matchAction(action)) {//没匹配action

        returnNO_MATCH_ACTION; // -3:due todifferent actions



    int dataMatch = matchData(type, scheme, data);

    if (dataMatch < 0) {//没匹配typedata

        return dataMatch;// -1due to different MINE types, -2due to different data URIs



    String categoryMismatch = matchCategories(categories);

    if (categoryMismatch != null) {//没匹配category

        return NO_MATCH_CATEGORY;//-4because it required one or more categories


    return dataMatch;




(1)   match action


public final boolean matchAction(String action) {

    return hasAction(action);


public final boolean hasAction(String action) {

    return action != null && mActions.contains(action);


(2)   match data和type


public final int matchData(String type, String scheme, Uri data) {

    final ArrayList types = mDataTypes;

    final ArrayList schemes = mDataSchemes;

    int match = MATCH_CATEGORY_EMPTY;


    if (types == null && schemes == null) {

        return ((type == null&& data == null)




    if (schemes != null) {

        if (schemes.contains(scheme != null? scheme : "")) {

            match =MATCH_CATEGORY_SCHEME;

        } else {

            return NO_MATCH_DATA;


        final ArrayList schemeSpecificParts = mDataSchemeSpecificParts;

        if (schemeSpecificParts != null && data != null) {

        // Uri格式:[scheme:]scheme-specific-part[#fragment]schemescheme-specific-part//fragment三部分



        match = hasDataSchemeSpecificPart(data.getSchemeSpecificPart())




             // If there isn't anymatching ssp, we need to match an authority.

            final ArrayList authorities = mDataAuthorities;

            if (authorities != null) {//匹配Authority,即匹配host:port部分

                int authMatch =matchDataAuthority(data);

                    if (authMatch >= 0){//匹配Authority,则继续检查path

                        finalArrayList paths = mDataPaths;

                        if (paths == null) {

                            match = authMatch;

                        } else if(hasDataPath(data.getPath())) {

                            match =MATCH_CATEGORY_PATH;

                        } else {

                            return NO_MATCH_DATA;


                    } else {

                        return NO_MATCH_DATA;// 不匹配Authority




             // If neither an ssp nor an authority matched, we're done.

            if (match == NO_MATCH_DATA) {

                return NO_MATCH_DATA;


        } else {

            // Special case: match either an Intent with no data URI,

            // or with a scheme: URI. This is to give aconvenience for

            // the common case where you want to deal with data in a

            // content provider, which is done by type, and we don't want

            // to force everyone to say they handle content: or file: URIs.

            // scheme不是"""content""file" 就不匹配;否则继续后续判断

            if (scheme != null && !"".equals(scheme)

                    && !"content".equals(scheme)

                    && !"file".equals(scheme)){

                return NO_MATCH_DATA;



        if (types != null) {//filter中适配了types

            if (findMimeType(type)) {//检查intenttype是否满足mDataTypes的要求

                match =MATCH_CATEGORY_TYPE;

            } else {

                return NO_MATCH_TYPE;


        } else {

            // If no MIME types are specified,then we will only match against

            // an Intentthat does not have a MIME type.

            if (type != null) {//filter要匹配types,但intent没携带type,则不匹配

                return NO_MATCH_TYPE;



        return match + MATCH_ADJUSTMENT_NORMAL;


(3)   match category


    1)  若intent的category为空,则匹配成功;

    2)  若filter的category为空,且intent中没有category,则匹配成功;

    3)  若filter的category不为空,同时intent中也有category,并且都包含在filter的category中,即intent中的category都包含在filter的category中,则匹配成功;


      * Match this filter againstan Intent's categories.  Each category in

      * the Intent must bespecified by the filter; if any are not in the

      * filter, the match fails.


      * @paramcategories The categories included in the intent, as returned by

      *                  Intent.getCategories()


      * @return If all categories match(success), null; else the name of the

      *        first category that didn't match.


public final String matchCategories(Setcategories) {

    if (categories == null) {//intentcategories为空,则匹配成功

        return null;



    Iterator it = categories.iterator();


    if (mCategories == null) {

        return it.hasNext() ? : null;



    while (it.hasNext()) {

    //filterCategories, 且包含所有的intentCategories才算成功,否则失败

        final String category;

        if (!mCategories.contains(category)){

            return category;



    return null;




public IntentaddCategory(String category) {

    if (mCategories == null) {

        mCategories = newArraySet();



    return this;




public voidremoveCategory(String category) {

    if (mCategories != null) {


        if (mCategories.size() == 0) {

            mCategories = null;





 * Return the set of all categoriesin the intent. If there are no categories,     

 * returnsNULL.


public SetgetCategories() {

    return mCategories;


