神探夏洛克:可恶的新娘 SHERLOCKOLOGY无剧透影评

After two years of waiting, we have taken a parallel side step that still propels us forwards.


神探夏洛克:可恶的新娘 SHERLOCKOLOGY无剧透影评_第1张图片
神探夏洛克 第五季

What transpires in this 90 minutes was so top secret the press weren't allowed to view the completed episode before its first airing on BBC One and in UK cinemas. Sherlock: The Abominable Bride is crowd pleasing and rather self indulgent (while all the better for it), razor sharp in the scripting, tangled in the narrative, occasionally broad in the comedy, all while capable of cutting to the heart of the characters in new and exciting ways.


Indeed, the characterisation is resolutely familiar to the canon stories, while also forging ahead with the characters as we know them in the series. It's an incredible feat by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, playful and daring in equal measure. Sherlock and John are gone, Holmes and Watson are instead present and correct. Benedict Cumberbatch is a stiller presence as this version of Holmes, clipped, often polite and full of acid wit, but still frequently curt and losing none of the brilliance. Watson meanwhile is a boiling kettle of frustration coupled with gentlemanly honour and more human observation, clearly essential to Holmes in ways even he does not realise - there is genuine concern for his friend here, both emotional and stern, and not unwilling to stage an intervention when necessary.

当然,我们已经对这部经典剧作的人物相当熟悉了,包括他们是怎么一步步走下来的。编剧史蒂文·莫法特(Steven Moffat)和马克·加蒂斯(Mark Gatiss)不可思议地做出了有趣和大胆的尝试(同等程度)。夏洛克和约翰代表过去,福尔摩斯和华生代表现在。本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)仍旧出演这个梳背头、彬彬有礼、充满机智的福尔摩斯,经常敷衍了事,却又不失才华。同时华生又是一个充满失意的角色,他有绅士的荣誉,更多人性的观察,甚至连他自己都不知道他是福尔摩斯不可或缺的伙伴——真正关心他的朋友在这里,有着坚定不移的感情,关键时刻你们还是看得出来的。

Always known as a television show rich in cinematic flair, The Abominable Bride ramps this up still further in full justification of its cinema release. This episode looks utterly ravishing in the hands of director Douglas Mackinnon, not least thanks to the work of production designer Arwel Jones and costume designer Sarah Arthur in ensuring that the world onscreen feels truly Victorian. Despite the old-fashioned looks though, there's no way you could mistake this story as glacial in the telling. The episode features some rollicking, action packed adventure, fashioned around a genuinely chilling ghost story that has other concerns bubbling along under the surface.

众所周知,这是一部富有电影风格的电视剧,所以《可恶的新娘》院线上映就有了足够的理由。这部影片在导演道格拉斯·马金农指导下看起来非常棒,多亏了艺术指导Arwel Jones和服装设计Sarah Arthur确保整部影片看起来像回到了维多利亚时代。尽管是旧时代的背景,但也不会影响你对这个故事的理解。这一集节奏较快,是一部兼具动作冒险和时尚元素的惊悚鬼片,还有其他情感联系隐藏其中。

《神探夏洛克》中国预告片 内地已确定引进

There are numerous other observations that rocket to mind. It is intrinsically a cutting look at Victorian gender politics, sometimes in laugh out loud, show stopping form; in others, emotional tragedy. Appearances of numerous characters who never appeared in the trailers is a very conscious decision. The new, period ways of implementing the trademark onscreen graphics are works of subtle, clever genius. At times, it intentionally plays as a subversive package of greatest hits from the canon. And everything that occurs after an hour in we're simply desperate to talk about. But this is a spoiler-free review, and that first reaction is one to savour.


We wouldn't want the series to do this forever, but we'd gladly visit again, from time to time.





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