

“游戏中基于物理的渲染”系列由4-5篇文章组成,介绍了如何在实时渲染中使用基于物理的方法。内容主要来自于SIGGRAPH 2010的course:Physically-Based Shading Models in Film and Game Production。本系列文章讲述的渲染技术用在了KlayGE中。

“Physically-Based Rendering in Game” serial, which contains 4-5 articals, introduces how to use physically based method in realtime rendering. The main idea comes from a course of SIGGRAPH 2010: Physically-Based Shading Models in Film and Game Production. The rendering technique in this serial is used in KlayGE 3.11.



基于物理的渲染已经提出好多年了,但在游戏中使用的渲染模型仍然是拼凑出来的经验公式(比如Phong)。这些拼凑的模型如果要渲染高质量的图像, 就需要繁复地调参数。而基于物理的、保能量的渲染模型可以很容易地建立出在不同光照环境下都接近真实的材质来。

神奇的是,基于物理的模型并不会比传统上拼 凑的模型更难实现,计算量也差不多。

Physically based rendering have been known for many years, but the “ad-hoc” rendering models (such as Phong) are still widely used  in game. These “ad-hoc” models require laborious tweaking to produce high-quality images. However, physically based, energy-conserving rendering models easily create materials that hold up under a variety of lighting environments.

Surprisingly, physically based models are not more difficult to implement or evaluate than the traditional “ad-hoc” ones.


Reflectance equation


The most common used rendering model in game describes only reflectance, not including terms such as SSS. The reflectance equation is:


Here is BRDF, is the contribution from light source, is the angle between light and surface normal. This integration results the sum of all light sources contribute to a surface point.


Diffuse term


The simplest BRDF is the Lambert. The well-known Lambertian BRDF in game is present as . However, is part of reflectance equation, and lambertian term is actually a constant value:



Punctual Light Sources

游戏中经典的光源有point, directional和spot,这些局部光源都可以抽象成“精确光源”的概念,表示一个方向确定、大小为无穷小的光源。由于要计算的是到达表面点时的光照,所以不考虑从光源到表面之间的衰减。因此,精确光源都可以用颜色和光源方向向量这两个参数来表示。光源颜色的确切定义是,白色的Lambert表面被平行于表面法线()的光照照亮的颜色。


These are classic point, directional, and spot lights in compute games. These local light source can be abstracted to a concept named “punctual light sources“. They are infinitely small light with centain direction. Since what we want is the lighting reach a surface point, we don’t need to consider the attenuation. A punctual light source are parameterized by the light color and the light direction vector . The light color is specified as the color a white Lambertian surface would have when illuminated by the light from a direction parallel to the surface normal ().

How to calculate the contribution from this light source to a point? Here we will start by defining a tiny area light source centered on , with a small angular extent . This tiny area light illuminates a shaded surface point with the incoming radiance function . The incoming radiance function has the following two properties:

第一个性质表示如果入射方向和的夹角大于, 那么亮度为0。第二个性质是从的定义而来,白色表面使得,结合上文所说的反射方程和Lambert,就可以得出性质二。由于要求,所以也表示了当趋近 于0的时候的极限,也就是

The first property says that no light is incoming for any light directions which form an angle greater than with . The second property follows from the definition of . Since the surface is white, . Applying reflectance equation and Lambert from last article, there’s the second property. Because requires , it is the limit as goes to 0:


Since and , we can assume , which gives us:


That is:


Now we shall apply our tiny area light to a general BRDF, and look at its behavior in the limit as goes to 0:




Microfacet BRDF

大多数基于物理的specular BRDF的基础是microfacet理论。这个理论是用来描述来自于一般表面(不是光学平滑的)的反射。Microfacet理论的基本假设是,表面是由很多微平面(microfacet)组成,这些微平面都太小了,没有办法一个一个地看到;并假设每个microfacet都是光学平滑的。


The basis for most physically-based specular BRDF terms is microfacet theory. This theory was developed to describe surface reflection from general (non-optically flat) surfaces. The basic assumption underlying microfacet theory is that the surface is composed of many microfacets, too small to be seen individually. Each microfacet is assumed to be optically flat.

Each of these microfacets reflects light from a given incoming direction into a single outgoing direction which depends on the orientation of the microfacet normal m. When evaluating a BRDF term, both the light direction l and the view direction v are specified. This means that of all the millions of microfacets on the surface, only those that happen to be angled just right to reflect l into v have any contribution to the BRDF value. In the figure below, we can see that these active microfacets have their surface normal m oriented exactly halfway between l and v. We will denote it as h.


并不是所有m = h的microfacet对反射都有贡献。有些microfacet会在光源方向l被其他microfacet阻挡(shadowing),有些会在视线方向v被阻挡(masking),也可能都有。Microfacet理论假设所有被遮挡的没有对BRDF的贡献。Microfacet的specular BRDF可以表达成:

Not all microfacets for which m = h will contribute to the reflection; some are blocked by other microfacets from the direction of l (shadowing), from the direction of v (masking), or from both. Microfacet theory assumes that all shadowed light is lost from the specular term. The microfacet specular BRDF term has the following form:

有效microfacetm = h)产生的Fresnel反射。是有效microfacet中没有被shadow或mask的比例。是microfacet的法线分布函数,或者说,microfacet的法线等于h的密度。最后,分母是个校正因子,用来校正从microfacet的局部空间转到整体表面的数量差异。

is the Fresnel reflectance of the active microfacets (m = h). is the proportion of active microfacets which are not shadowed or masked. is the microfacet normal distribution function evaluated at the active microfacet normal m = h; in other words, the concentration of microfacets with normals equal to h. Finally, the denominator is a correction factor which accounts for quantities being transformed between the local space of the microfacets and that of the overall macrosurface.



Fresnel Term

The Fresnel reflectance term computes the fraction of light reflected from an optically flat surface. Its value depends on two things: the incoming angle (angle between light vector and surface normal) and the refractive index of the material. The Schlick approximation of Fresnel term is:


which is the specular color.


在大部分表面上,microfacet的方向不是均匀分布的。Microfacet的法线越接近宏表面的法线,就越光滑。这个分布由microfacet的法线分布函数D(m)来定义。函数D()决定了specular高光的大小、亮度和形状。 法线分布函数一般有类似于“粗糙度”这样的参数(各向异性的函数通常有两个参数)。

遮挡项(shadowing-masking term)

遮挡项G(l, v, h)也经常称为几何项 。在很多情况下,遮挡项在某种程度上抵消了microfacet方程中的分母,替换成类似于这样的形式。遮挡项对BRDF保能量是很重要的——没有这个项的话,BRDF反射出的能量可能比接收到的更多。Microfacet BRDF中很重要的一个事情是把能量从l反射到v的microfacet面积之和(有效面积)和宏表面总面积之间的比例。如果不考虑遮挡,那么有效面积可能会超过总面积,这回造成BRDF不保能量,甚至可能会很明显,如下图所示:

Normal Distribution Term

In most surfaces, the microfacet’s orientations are not uniformly distributed. Microfacet normals closer to the macroscopic surface normal tend to appear with smoother. The exact distribution is defined via the microfacet normal distribution function D(m). The function D() determines the size, brightness, and shape of the specular highlight. Normal distribution functions have some kind of “roughness” or variance parameter (anisotropic functions typically have two variance parameters).

Shadowing-Masking Term

The shadowing and masking term G(l, v, h) is also often called the geometry term. In many cases, the shadowing-masking term partially cancels out the denominator in microfacet BRDF equation, replacing it with some other expression such as . The shadowing-masking term is essential for BRDF energy conservation–without such a term the BRDF can reflect arbitrarily more light energy than it receives. A key part of the microfacet BRDF is the ratio between the active area (combined area of the microfacets which reflect light energy from l to v) and the total area (of the macroscopic surface). If shadowing and masking are not accounted for, then the active area may exceed the total area, an obvious impossibility which can lead to the BRDF not conserving energy, in some cases by a huge amount, as you see below:


在上半部分,平的宏表面为绿色,粗糙的微观表面为蓝色。m = h的microfacet标记为红色。宏表面投到视线方向就是左上角的绿线。同时,投出来的单个红色的microfacet显示成独立的红线。左下图表示在没有遮挡项的情况下,红色的microfacet加起来的面积,结果就是有效面积大于总面积,所以BRDF的反射能量错误地大于了接收能量。右下图里红色区域考虑了遮挡,重叠的区域不再计算多次,所以有效面积小于总面积。


In my last article “Physically-based Rendering in Game, Part 3“, I explained microfacet BRDF. Here I will talk about the difference between BRDF in most current game and physically-based BRDF.

Firstly we review the equation from my second article:




The reflectance equation common used in game look like this:


According to my first article, is part of reflectance equation, not diffuse term. So it should be:

其中,是视线方向对法线的反射向量,来自Phong模型。但是上一篇文章所论述的microfacet BRDF中并没有这一项。Blinn-Phong模型的形式和它类似,但用的是更有物理意义的h,也就是microfacet的m。改用Blinn-Phong的话就得到:

where is the view vector reflected about the normal. It’s from Phong model. It doesn’t seem to correspond to anything from microfacet theory in my last article. The Blinn-Phong model is very similar to this equation, but it uses the more physically meaningful half-vector h, which is microfacet’s normal m. Changing from Phong to Blinn-Phong gives us the following model:


Recall the Lambert term from the first article, the diffuse term now is the same with physically-based one:


So, now we focus on specular term. If we look at the specular term only in the equation before:

比较microfacet specular:

Compare to microfacet specular:



Firstly, we can see from these two equations, the in game can be replaced by Fresnel’s .

Secondly, recall my last article, I mentioned that is related to roughness. So and Blinn-Phong’s have similar functions. However, to convert the term into a microfacet normal distribution function it must be correctly normalized. It means the sum of the signed projected areas of the microfacets needs to equal the signed projected area of the macroscopic surface; this must hold true for any viewing direction. Mathematically, this means that the function must fulfil this equation for any v:

既然这个方程是对任何视线方向都得成立,那么对于特殊情况v = n也得成立:

This equation holds for any viewing direction. In the special case, v = n:


The Blinn-Phong cosine power term can be made to obey this equation by multiplying it with a simple normalization factor:


The only term left is:


It’s shadowing/masking, or geometry term divided by the foreshortening factors. The physical meaning of this term is visibility. Since our modified specular model has no visibility term, we will simply set it to 1.  That is:

实际上,这对于仅包含height field的微表面是成立的(Blinn-Phong的表面分布函数也对应于此,因为所有背面的microfacet都等于0)。当l = n而且v = n的时候等于1, 这对于height field也是正确的(在宏表面的法线方向没有任何遮挡)。对于很斜的视角或者很斜的光线角都趋向于0,这也是正确的(microfacet被其他microfacet遮挡的可能性随着视角的增加而增加)。

经过整理,来自microfacet specular BRDF的几个项都明朗了,于是得到下面的渲染模型:

This is actually a plausible geometry term for a heightfield microsurface (which is what the Blinn-Phong normal distribution function corresponds to, since it is zero for all backfacing microfacets). is equal to 1 when l = n and v = n, which is correct for a heightfield (no microfacets are occluded from the direction of the macrosurface normal). It goes to 0 for either glancing view angles or glancing light angles, which again is correct (the probability of a microfacet being occluded by other microfacets increases with viewing angle).

Until now, several terms from microfacet specular BRDF are all explained, leaving us this rendering model:



The factor is because of .

Add the diffuse term back, that is:




另一个问题是有很多中geometry项,有没有能比提供更好的视觉效果,同时开销很小的函数?候选之一是Kelemen et. al提出的,是对Cook-Torrance的geometry项的近似,但计算开销很小:

The most import equation of this serial is shown in my last article. This one is the last article in this serial. I’ll propose some future works, and will present some rendering results of physically-based model here.

Future works

A unsolved problem occurs in the context of very smooth surfaces with high specular powers. Such materials are important to model e.g., wet surfaces. However, the punctual light approximation breaks down in this case, yielding extremely intense highlights of subpixel size that are unrealistic and alias badly. What we would like to see is a sharp reflection of the shape of the light source, which requires some kind of area light approximation which is fast enough to use in games.

Another problem is that there are a variety of geometry terms in the literature. Do any of them provide a visual improvement over the “cheaper-than-free” implicit geometry function that is worth the extra cost? One candidate is the geometry factor proposed by Kelemen et. al. This is an approximation to the Cook-Torrance geometry factor but it is far cheaper to compute:



note that also exists in any case for Fresnel. It’s a close approximation to the full Cook-Torrance geometry factor  divided by the foreshortening terms.

The third problem is the Fresnel of diffuse term. It should be noted that there is no such thing as “a surface without specular”. In reality such materials have values around 0.03-0.06, and very low values of (around 0.1-2.0). At glancing angles, even the most “matte” surfaces have noticeable specular appearance; the lack of this effect is another reason why so many game environments appear unrealistic.


渲染一个红色塑料球。下面一排图用的specular项是归一化过的系数渲染的,用的(差不多是塑料的值)。上一排图不带归一化系数,用的值选成让最左的两张图看着一样。可以看出下一排的高光随着变小而变亮,这是正确的现象——出射光越小就越集中。上一排里,高光变小的时候亮度不变,所以有能量损失,表面反射率也下降了。图片来自Real-Time Rendering, 3rd edition。


Rendered images of a red plastic sphere. The bottom row of images was rendered with a normalization factor applied to the specular term, using (an appropriate value for plastic). The top row of images was rendered without a normalization factor, using a value of chosen so that the two leftmost images match. It can be seen that in the bottom row, the highlight grows much brighter as it gets narrower, which is the correct behavior-the outgoing light is concentrated in a narrower cone. In the top row, the highlight remains equally bright as it narrows, so there is a loss of energy and surface reflectance appears to decrease. (image from “Real-Time Rendering, 3rd edition”)

More pictures from Crytek:


